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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Increasingly I'm against minigames on principle. Like Yakuza does them very well, but for the most part they're not fun and tedious.
  2. Some of the titles look like BruceVC sentences.
  3. I was, but I also think that the original is bad too. It would have been much stronger if it was outright an interactive novel or whatever, but playing it (with the restoration mods) is basically hacking your way through tons of boring encounters to get to any good bits. I should say that I didn't play any IE game at release as NWN was out when I was starting to play D&D and finding games was difficult for a kid without too much money or knowledge. When I did start playing them I had the benefits of tons of mods, so I should note that my BG2 experience is significantly different than someone who played it vanilla at launch. I have never played without it. What I saw of the kingdom minigame was a lot like the PoE2 ship combat minigame so I ran the hell away as fast as I could. I hope Wrath of the Righteous army minigame is more streamlined and less time consuming.
  4. And that one had some big issues hat make it torture to actually play lmao. Kingmaker is a pretty good pnp translation (with the Call of the Wild mod it's a really good one, even if it still has the warts of a 3e derivative) with some fun encounters but Owlcat couldn't quite pad the adventure path they adapted enough to deliver a really grand adventure and I really couldn't give two ****s about most of the party (ironically the best companion is only in the Varhold dlc and there isn't much interaction with him in the main game). Compared to the other IE derivatives it solidly blows out Torment (which was just bad tbh) and for me ends up somewhere below PoE (which was awful when released but got balanced into a good game). I hope Wrath of the Righteous ends up better, and so far it looks promising, but I'm easy to please so I'll probably be able to enjoy hacking some demons up.
  5. Did you think the spawn creature or the secret final boss were harder?
  6. I remember stumbling across some of their music videos and thinking "what in the ****". Though I suppose "Max don't have sex with your ex" is always relevant.
  7. It's 35 where I am and expected to drop down to single digits over the next few days. Given that most people around here don't know how to handle very cold weather and are really bad drivers anyway, I am staying the **** home over the next few days and enjoying a week-long weekend.
  8. We're getting hit with an ARTIC BLAST so I stocked up on stuff to bake and hot food. My fiance is now eating ice cream and drinking tequila because "**** it" and that actually is a good idea.
  9. So far she's my favorite as well. Maybe I'm not paying enough attention, but it seems like Makoto hasn't got much attention in a long while.
  10. The last three episodes have been great: Minako plays nurse, Artemis runs away, and Ami gets called a cheater. I think I'm getting near the end of this season, so soon I'll get to see if S really is the best.
  11. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nibiru_cataclysm It's pretty much Planet X
  12. Oh I generally agree, I was attempting to preempt the argument I believed would come.
  13. I think all the indicators of wealth are there in service to the story and unfortunately doesn't get factored into characterization. For example I think Mamoru has an apartment and a bike because he needed to be separate from the Pretty Guardians and displayed as older, even if it doesn't make sense for an orphan doing grunt work at a TV studio. Or maybe in Sailor Moon's universe rent is affordable and everyone gets paid living wages. It's the most prestigious club on this site.
  14. Unfortunately some quasi-anon dip****s get a semblance of a platform to make youtube rants. To be fair that happened before most of us were born. If you want a more recent example, Nathan J Robinson was fired by is no longer writing for the Guardian for joking about US military aid to Israel. https://reason.com/2021/02/10/nathan-robinson-the-guardian-israel-tweet-joke-column/
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