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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Out of curiosity I checked it out. It's....not pretty. Kinda reminds me of the recent Berserk anime, but not nearly as bad though.
  2. It's really silly and fun, which made it a welcome break from stuff like Star Trek Discovery. It's got a lot of flaws, notably stock footage for every attack and transformation, but if you don't take it seriously it's enjoyable enough. Hulu.
  3. It's weird being far behind yall. Day drinking and lockdown will fix that. I finished the one where they were at a beach resort and ended up fighting a "ghost" that came from a girl being overworked by her obsessive dad that just happened to work at a monster themed hotel where the employees never broke character. Honestly I'm having a blast, this is the closest I've gotten to going into Jojo blind where I have no idea what's going on and every new episode is a complete surprise. Except instead of muscle dudes and blatant homoeroticscm it's teenage girls. Lmao.
  4. We're I'm at Nephreite pretended to be Tuxedo Mask and sucked the energy out of a 14-year old girl who was in love with his assumed identity, an adult businessman. Not as creepy as the pegasus thing but still a little weird.
  5. Well it certainly sounds easier than microchips in vaccines.
  6. It's part of our plan to harvest your energy.
  7. I just realized that both have been in office longer than I've been alive.
  8. So they replaced the blonde villain with a dude who looks like he was in a metal band and his first act was to teach a girl how to play tennis evily. This show is something else man.
  9. I think "**** around and find out" is a good response to a pampered dip**** like Cooperman.
  10. I never got the avocado toast meme, bread and avocados are relatively cheap and as a meal it wouldn't be much more expensive to make than eggs and meat. Is it because avocados are weird? I will say the hedge funds loosing a load of money because redditors is just funny, as are all the financial types and journos freaking out.
  11. Yeah, right now it seems one (or more) of the guardians just uses their named attack after being bullied and Tuxedo Mask shows up. Given how funny the energy harvesting schemes are it's pretty disappointing. That Umino guy has been more memorable than any monster besides the one using the pets tbh.
  12. Yeah season 4 sounds like it could be unpleasant. I'm not very far in Sailor Moon (currently watching the episode where they go to the shrine) and it occurred to me the enemies/monsters aren't particularly memorable. There's the queen and the blonde guy but they mostly do the same thing every episode and I don't feel like I know much about them. I'm still feeling it but I wish the fights were more memorable like Stand battles.
  13. Didn't Bill help get Abdullah Ă–calan imprisoned? If so this is more than a little shameless.
  14. That's arguably true for economics generally, with Austrians being more upfront about it. One of the funnier things I remember about taking econ courses outside of 101 is how one of the first things we were told is to relax at least half of the assumptions made in theory to arrive at a framework that is close to applicable to real life.
  15. Or can we?????????? .....we can't, because my Steam profile is private and my avatar is The Monarch. Re artstyle: while I don't usually place a huge emphasis on it (heavy 3d cgi is the exception, I can't tolerate it much), it's understandable that it is a big factor for people. It is at least half the show when you think about it and can tank an otherwise decent show.
  16. When I was a kid I remember seeing Sailor Moon advertised on toonami, but I never watched it and had no idea of what it was. I didn't get cable until I was a teenager, and all the anime I got was rented at the Blockbuster (I accidentally stumbled into the last part of Berserk that way, which is probably not the best thing for a kid to watch) and I was more drawn into Evangelion or b-movies. I did end up watching Sailor Moon the way all semi-ners american teenagers watched anime back in the aughts, which I won't mention for potential legal reasons. I don't remember Sailor Moon very well, which is par for me up till my early 20s, but I remember liking it better than Dragon Ball Z (and whatever came after). It's nice to come back to it with close to fresh eyes and I'm having a blast so far. I'd recommend it over hatewatching nuTrek or Doctor Who or whatever beloved franchise got animated into a mockery of what it once was, a vampire that feeds off your nostalgia to prop up a show that would fail on its own merits, most of the audience half-mesmerized into tuning in every week to an hour of cringe. I'm drinking a lot so excuse the wall of text. Lmao.
  17. He's in his 70s and probably not very healthy, if we rotate him enough there won't be much of a longterm.
  18. I guess it's better than sending bombs.
  19. Yeah, and you can do it with original attributes, 20, or 25 point buy. It can break Reg's portrait (Call of the Wild fixes this) and the ranger's quest line if he doesn't have an animal companion, but otherwise it's stable. Call of the Wild also changes companions, but it's a lot more expansive than respec. For instance Valerie is a Vindictive Bastard (ex-Paladin archetype) built to use combat expertise to pump AC instead of tower shields while Harrim is a Sacred Fist (monk/warpriest combo) instead of a Cleric trying to be a Fighter. If you're far in I wouldn't use it though because it changes a lot of stuff.
  20. She can't lift the shield and is too dumb for combat expertise. If it wasn't for the respec mod I probably wouldn't use her.
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