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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. If it isn't then it's a very good imitation of Ted.
  2. Well thanks for spoiling that they aren't brutally murdered as junior high students. I honestly didn't realize she was wearing something different and just zoomed in on the subtitle. I haven't watched as much Sailor Moon as expected because of power issues, and now Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan dropped so I'll watch that instead and do c-c-c-combo breakers in this thread.
  3. The way you're framing it certainly is, and the reference to Noah's ark is even more bizarre given the context of that story. You can't really shouldn't store propane tanks indoors which effectively makes them off limits for people in apartments and not everyone has the room for several gallon milk jugs or a week's worth of preserved food to deploy when necessary. Like most bootstraps lectures, it presupposes a set of conditions that aren't universally applicable and eschews systematic analysis of why things got so bad in favor of tut-tutting the people whose lives have just imploded.
  4. I wouldn't trust what some of yall eat. I just assume everyone is a creep one way or another.
  5. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/539408-at-least-36-deaths-now-attributed-to-severe-winter-weather-in-texas-other Not everyone has ability to get prepared for any disaster that may happen, and this goes beyond just monetary issues. I prepared well and came out alright (only about 36 hours without power), but a lot of people I know who prepared as best they could are looking at their living spaces needing extensive work before they can have running water or reliable heat. A bootstraps lecture in response to collapsing infrastructure seems like asking for an ass kicking.
  6. I'd do it for a year or so with the explicit intent to scam some dip****s out of their money, and then pay restitutions and live off some money for the rest of my life.
  7. Came here to post this. One of my friends came out as gay in high school and her parents (ardent talk radio fans) kicked her out and disowned her, she spent most of her early adulthood struggling with no support network and was periodically homeless. Maybe Rush wasn't directly or solely responsible, but he sure as **** played a big role in fanning the flames that made a whole lot of folks absolutely miserable. I don't care about speaking ill of the dead, if Rush didn't want his death celebrated he shouldn't have made a career out of being a noxious piece of ****.
  8. Redbreast 12 straight. It warms you up.
  9. If someone doesn't punch this dude in the face I will be very disappointed. At this point you should never assume anything is a joke. Anywho I recently got power back after it being down for 12 hours (after previously losing it for a day) so I guess I can expect 4 hour blocks of power over the next few days outside of which I have no reliable way of keeping informed or ****ing around online. ERCOT and the entire Texas government can kiss my ass.
  10. Got power back and can't sleep so of course I'm watching Sailor Moon. So far S seems to be more animated, which I really like, and the bad guy looks like he'll be ****ing crazy which is an improvement over the last few who had no personality to speak of.
  11. Thanks. Powers back for me after maybe 22 hours out, I've heard of some people who were out of power for over 36 hours so I got off lucky. More storm tomorrow so we'll see how it goes. Inheritance is one of the most important bootstraps to pull, good life choices begin at conception.
  12. Where I live has bad infrastructure by american standards. We've been without power for 13 hours now and I just got phone service 20 minutes ago.
  13. Our infrastructure isn't built to handle it (and is in general ****) so when it happens it's devastating. Our internet is down now and we're likely going to have blackouts throughout the rest of the storm.
  14. I'm getting to experience snow and a hard freeze or the first time. It sucks.
  15. Honestly I'd love to see all party members be horny bisexuals but all of them are completely uninterested in the player.
  16. There's at least two, Greene and the gun lady from Colorado.
  17. Yeah, yall have been singing the praises for S so much I'm really excited for it. majestic does have me dreading Super S tho.
  18. Good. Almost finished with R, unless something else drops I probably will binge Sailor Moon S because it looks like I'm going to be locked down until the artic blast is over with.
  19. That's one of the many good things about it. Like each minigame feels more developed than some entire games are. Man, waiting for things to get patched before trying was a good idea. Even though there's still some ****ty bugs in the vanilla game, like the Dragon bloodline capstone making the item tailor made for fire dragon sorcerers remove their ability to buff themselves.
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