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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. It was funny as hell. But her hypnotizing Usagi's family with an umbrella was better for me.
  2. From what I've read a lot of things in the manga sound a lot more interesting. Problem is I don't really want to read it while watching the anime, Crystal is ugly cuz of cgi and very elongated character designs (maybe it gets better, apparently they've changed designs with every iteration), and I'm already reading a lovely manga where a paraplegic jockey teams up with a doctor/executioner to fight a dinosaur and 19th century Donald Trump because Jesus told them to. I think I'm going to keep up with this anime for the time being and try to slow down so I don't get fatigued.
  3. Well they've finally figured out some new attacks. I'm going through Sailor Moon R a lot faster than I'd like because there's really nothing else interesting to watch in digestible bits and I'm having a hard time getting into playing games. At least I haven't hit any really creepy bits yet, maybe those will get me to slow down.
  4. I did, posting from the phone is not as accurate.
  5. Let's not be unfair to pokemon now, their designs are usually more memorable. I generally dislike most fandom names, I'd rather just say I'm a fan of [whatever] than something like Mooney.
  6. I finished seaon 1 last night and started s2 (or R I guess) because of my frequent insomnia kicked and nothing else appealed.
  7. They aren't, but I don't think going after Greene is part of it tbh. With all due respect to Amentep, the "Republicans are hypocrites" has been in rotation for decades and never hits home while Republicans would (and do) say Democrats are trying to "cancel" everyone who isn't lockstep with the radical left gay agenda regardless of what actually happens.
  8. I think I'm in the last stretch of season 1 at 44. Will either finish it tonight or play video games.
  9. Not really, it doesn't have spell combat or spell strike which go a lot further in making the Magus than the weapon enhancement. I think there are a few hexes she can pick up that helps though, but levels 1 and 2 are fairly rough. It's pretty messy right now so blow your money on booze and your time on watching stuff.
  10. I wouldn't have as much of a problem with monster of the week if they did something besides the same named attacks everytime. Beat them up, defeat them at gambling, trick them, solve their deep seated issues, or whatever isn't the tiara toss. And something else, the Dark Kingdom is dumb as ****. Like how do they not figure out who the Sailors are? They show up to like every scheme and look the same normal and transformed.
  11. Pretty much, but generally my breaks seem to be shorter. In general I'm trying to rotate my tv/movie watching to where I'm not focusing on one thing at a time after having some success doing that with books. Maybe it'll work, maybe it'll drive me to insanity. I'd like it to be more story focused right now tbh. Right now it reminds me of a bat**** monster of the week show, something like Buffy but actually good. Biggest flaw for me is the lack of interesting villains, right now none of them are particularly interesting or memorable. The only ones who stick out to me are the boxing monster (lovely punch! I am the champion) and Jadeite (mostly for the very negative reason of an age inappropriate relationship with Usagi's best normal friend), the others are usually forgettable and get overshadowed by one-off side characters. I think more story focus might help with that.
  12. No. I believe the most likely result is that Trump, allies, and enablers see no real consequences for the last four years and get whitewashed over the next couple of decades. If I were to bet I'd lay my money on Republicans who turn on Trump getting primaried with many losing while most Trump allies will wait out the current resentment towards Trump and survive due to enthusiastic bases and gerrymandering making their losses very unlikely. 2024 will probably see the heir to Trump (ideological and rhetorical, but possibly familial as well) or Trump himself become the Republican nominee for President or Vice President and thus a decent chance of being back in power. Maybe the Democrats pull a stunning upset and bury the GOP. Maybe Republicans are genuine in purging Trump's proto-fascism from their organization. I'd love to be wrong and either of these things happen, but I don't think I am.
  13. I've been watching at least one every couple of days. I remember and enjoy them most when I watch them in a block of 3 or 4 and then do something else for a while, not necessarily but usually at least a day. I think this works better for me than watching one at a time frequently or a big binge because I'm not overloaded but still can digest several different things at once instead of focusing on a single episode that could be hit or miss.
  14. I think I'm 75% through season 1. Something I've found a lot funnier in hindsight is The ugly green cat and Tuxedo Umino Kamen back to back had me laughing pretty hard as well. The rest has been ok but not super memorable.
  15. Tried running an Arcanist. I couldn't figure out how to prepare spells (only shows spells per day and spells known) and got stuck with Magic Missile and Shield. After getting tpk'd by a Large Water Elemental I deleted the character. Everything else was relatively easy, but I did have some trouble with doors in turn-based mode. Initial party is the PC, Paladin, a melee specd Shaman, and the ranged Monk. Paladin is pretty straightforward and built to tank, Shaman is built away from spells and towards finesse melee which is more than a little odd, and the Monk has high scores in all big stats and does good damage. Noticeably, all of the first companions you pick up are from classes that didn't have representatives in Kingmaker. It depends on how mounted combat is implemented. If they go too close to PnP it will get defeated by regular sized doors. The really frustrating thing for me is that Fervor and Level as BAB for feats is already implemented correctly in the Call of the Wild mod for Kingmaker. And no Sacred Fist. It should work like an animal companion. I'll let you know when (if?) I get there.
  16. Just now getting into it, the class preview in character creation doesn't show you as much. There's an addition preview, but it doesn't take archetypes into account which makes it not very useful. Paladins can now pick up a mount instead of enhance weapons for their Divine Bond. The two archetypes are the Martyr and the Warrior of the Holy Light. The former gets Bard abilities and more support, the latter trades in spells for more Lay on Hands uses and an aoe buff. Druid archetype is the Drovier, which is forced into taking the Animal Companion Nature Bond (notably different than PnP) and trades in Wild Shape for the ability to buff allies with aspect spells. Base Skalds are going to be better than Bards at melee heavy groups and can share Barbarian Rage Powers, but not very great with mixed or spellcaster heavy groups as their base song disables spellcasting. They can fight better than Bards though. Battle Scion can pick up bonus feats instead of Rage Powers and share them. Court Poet buffs Intelligence and Charisma instead of melee ability, which makes it better for Arcane heavy groups and not very good for martial heavy or mixed groups. Demon Dancer can give allies demon abilities instead of picking up the first three rage powers. Herald of the Horn gets Arcane Bond (extra spell per day) and boosts for Sonic spells. Hunt Caller has some Druid abilities, unlike PnP ability to turn party members into animals doesn't show up. Warpriest looks like a pretty solid Fighter/Cleric combo, it's got good proficiencies, enough bonus feats to easily carve out a fighting style, decent spellcasting, can enhance both weapons and armor, and can heal on demand with Fervor. One notable difference from PnP is that Fervor can't be used to quicken spells, which is a pretty big nerf but not a damning one. Champion of the Faith can smite instead of channel energy, doesn't look to lose out on the first bonus feat, but does lose out on the ability to enhance their weapons. Cult Leader trades out proficiencies and bonus feats for sneak attack. Disenchanter gets to be good as dispelling stuff and instead of combat feats gets stuff that helps them on saves or dispelling. Feral Champion gets to grow claws and wildshape instead of enhance armor. Proclaimer can damage evil outsiders instead of heal with Fervor. Shieldbearer is a shield bash specialist and most abilities revolve around shields instead of weapons or armor.
  17. Downloading the beta now, I'll let yall know about the classes you asked about. Based on my experience in PnP and Kingmaker with the Call of the Wild mod, I think it's a good striker but really excels as a tank. A wild update appeared! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/owlcatgames/pathfinder-wrath-of-the-righteous/posts/3089511
  18. I tried doing that but kept going past stuff. I've already seen that with Moon Healing Escalation. It wouldn't bother me if it wasn't stock footage, but alas low budget 90s animation couldn't really support anything else. At least there's Sailor Moon Kick.
  19. They've got one of those near my parent's house. Is it surrounded with a lot of Asian restaurants and stores? I usually don't go there because the produce is bad. That stuff is great though.
  20. Who's Bruce? Majestic's post doesn't look like anything to me.
  21. At least you're not counting her amongst the worst parts of your life.
  22. Out of curiosity I checked it out. It's....not pretty. Kinda reminds me of the recent Berserk anime, but not nearly as bad though.
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