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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Ranged Combat in Pathfinder 1st edition is very powerful and in PnP Alchemist is considered the strongest class outside of 9th level casters. Even without bugs it'd be surprising if those two didn't hit big numbers. I'd say the Tiefling twins can outdamge then once they get composite blasts, but Kineticst is a headache to play. Kingmaker is easy enough that you should be able to clear it with most of the companions. Off the top of my head Valerie is the only exception and she's just awful in the vanilla game.
  2. That's disappointing but not surprising. As is emojis being case sensitive. Oh yeah, I also finished up the Boondocks. It dropped off at the last season and I think that's explained by Aaron McGruder not being involved. Still it's a good show and blows stuff like South Park out of the water.
  3. It does remind me of watching Digimon as a kid where they would play 30 sec evolution clips every show. There was one instance of like 5 minutes of evolutions that's pretty hilarious in hindsight. It's fun but it just gets repetitive, especially because it seems to be Usagi's only way to win fights.
  4. No, the early one where a snake monster is selling the chanelas. The way their eyes would shoot beams or the full body glow just cracked me up. The only real problem I have with the show is how (so far) they reused all of the transformations and attacks in a really obvious way. It makes sense given what they were working with in the 90s, but it's still lame to be watching now. It's a minor thing though and I still enjoy the show.
  5. I'm watching the evil pet episode right now and it's just ****ing hilarious.
  6. Hawaii GOP promoting a holocaust denier.
  7. More Sailor Moon. It is one of the dumbest things I have seen but it's charming and more entertaining than whatever edgy cw or netflix **** is dropping lately.
  8. Qanon comes straight from 4chan's /pol/ board. Similar to how you can reasonably assume that posters on this board are fans of particular types of videogames, you can assume posters on /pol/ are going to be right-wing and racist. If you want to argue that a conspiracy theory originating on a forum known for an unusual prevalence of nazis and claims that George Soros and the Democrats are running a satanic pedophile cannibal ring which only Donald Trump can stop isn't aligned with anti-semitic and white nationalist bull**** go ahead, but it seems to be a weird hill to die on. Yes, I scoured the article and the survey it drew from. Unfortunately there's no mention of how anything besides being prone to conspiracy theory factors into belief support of Qanon, or anything on who in the study was more likely to buy into conspiratorial thinking. All the article tells us is that conspiracy prone people across party lines view a conspiracy theory more favorably than average by about 6% which isn't particularly profound or enlightening. If you've got an analysis that shows who those 24% who view Qanon favorably are by race, education, and/or income then I'd like to see it, but unfortunately it isn't mentioned in the article or clearly illustrated in the polls. I said that being white was a better predictor for Trump support than education, and that Qanon is probably similar to Trump' hardline supporters. If you want to provide something about the later go ahead (the WaPo came up short), but the former at least is borne out by the pew research data you've posted twice now. Looking at the chart you've linked, the only better singular predictor of a Trump voter than being white is being a Republican. Hell, even the caveat I made that education was a massive factor among white voters is displayed in the graph. It provides an additional avenue to look into how Trump and similar finds appeal. If people of color with a high school or less education aren't embracing Trump nearly as much as their white counterparts, then clearly there's more to Trump support than just not going to college. Given who was storming the capitol on the 6th, an increased focus on white nationalism as a terrorist movement and it's links to more mainstream right-wing groups seems to be something that would be beneficial in general, that it also would target Qanon and Trump hives by pure coincidence is a bonus. It's also far more likely to see a crackdown on such things, hopefully in a way that prevents them from radicalizing a mostly white group of people, than a successful national education reform that results in more educated populace, whether by college degree or a more enriching public education.
  9. I did nothing of the sort my dude. "Simply by the numbers being white is a better predictor of Trump support than either education or income" is not treating white voters as monolithic. This claim is supported by the pew research poll you linked, which not only shows Trump polling better with white people as a group than people with "some college" or "HS or less" as groups, but specifically shows that white people with no college degree favored Trump more than people without a degree in general by about 10%. ...did you read the link in "'Q' shares messages — or clues — to followers on the anonymous social media platform 8kun" in the Washington Post article you linked? If you didn't, "8chan, the anonymous message board known for propelling white-supremacist and extremist content, is up and running after being knocked offline in August. The site, rebranded as 8kun, claims anything deemed illegal in the United States will be removed." are the two first sentences.
  10. I haven't seen anything to support that one way or the other. Do you have anything that isn't behind a paywall? You need to add a big "white" before that working class, because solely in context of income Trump trailed Biden by at least 10% with families making under 100K (Trump leads by around 10% with people making over $100k) and solely in context of education Trump has only a 2% lead among folks without a degree. (per New Yourk Times) Simply by the numbers being white is a better predictor of Trump support than either education or income, and white evangelical is an even better predictor but a whole nother can of worms. In context of education and race only white people without a college degree strongly support Trump, white people with a college degree favored Biden by about 3%, and people of color supported Biden by at least 70% regardless of education level. With all of this context in mind, you can't really understand Trump support without factoring in whiteness because without that component Trump support deflates. Given Trump's lead among wealthier people, it's disappointing that there aren't any breakdowns along race and income or race + income + education. Something tells me that white people who make over $100k without a degree are going to clock in higher levels of Trump support, this probably describes the other Qanon congresswoman Lauren Boebert, who didn't have a GED until 2020 and owns(ed?) at least three restaurants. On the contrary, given the proximity of the alt-right to white nationalism, not attributing a racial predisposition would be missing the obvious. While less educated white people are more likely to support Trump and Qanon than their educated counterparts, educated white folks still got behind Trump in a greater percentage than people of color. And given the prevalence of the internet in sustaining and spreading the alt-right in general and qanon specifically, you'd be better served looking at the types of people getting pulled into 4chan, rightwing facebook and reddit groups, or similar hives of magas and conspiracy than just going by geography.
  11. That's not what I was doing, I was pointing out that the joke Hoon Ding made about not needing an education was misleading because the subject (Congresswoman Green) had in fact received an education. In fact I think societal education is beneficial, even if implementations of it are not good. While I doubt there's any hard data on Qanon demographics, I don't think it would be much of a reach to say it's very similar to the demographics of Trump's hardline supporters. If this is the case, then I'd argue that being white is a better indicator of being a Qanon (or whatever we're calling the group members) than education or income. While education is a massive factor among white people (a degree cuts at least 20% of Trump support away), it doesn't seem to have the same effect with people of color (who generally dislike Trump across education level). With this in mind, any attempt at combating the prevalence of right wing conspiracy theories or the embrace of "Trumpism" that doesn't take into account how whiteness is a factor in adoption is going to come up short.
  12. Marjorie Green, the Qanon Congresswoman, has a Bachelor's in Business Administration. She also took over her father's construction company and lived in a wealthy area, so it isn't a case of the (white) working class getting fooled. Taken on it's own, "education" is really too vague to be a counter to confusion. Arguably a bad education can exacerbate it, as the 1776 thing by Trump would have certainly done. I don't think there's really a silver bullet for stopping conspiracy theories and other stupid **** people believe.
  13. I've been binging the Boondocks and it's almost embarrassing to pick up on stuff I didn't really get when I was a kid. Overall I think it's aged pretty well, some characters feel like they could seamlessly fit in our world today. I'm officially in the Obsidian Forums Sailor Moon watch group. Only one episode in right now but it's fun. I don't think I've been watching live action series much lately. Maybe I'll give Lupin a spin.
  14. It's also easy to judge if you've been there and got out. In my experience survivor bias can be even worse than complete removal. If my obsidianstalking.txt is accurate, he's some kind of banker or financial type. Keep that in mind if you choose to engage.
  15. I don't think people who don't succeed owe any apology or consideration for doing whatever they need to do to survive or thrive.
  16. Currently: Pathfinder 2e Advanced Player's Guide Against the Grain Debt: The First 5000 Years The Kingdom of God is Within You The Dispossessed (which I have never read before oddly enough) JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run Lately I've adopted a new style of reading where I read many books/comics at once instead of concentrating on a single thing. It's refreshing and keeps me more engaged. The downside is I don't play video games as much, but that's a small price to pay.
  17. I doubt it. Trump's marauders would just call Mitch a traitor and visit his office as well. The movement to dump Trump is only happening because Trump is currently away from influence and is deeply unpopular after the MAGA Putsch. Mitch (as well as most Republicans and social media companies) would be doing something entirely different if Trump had made headway in his attempts at legal trickery and/or the maga mob was favorably received. Within the next decade when we see off-brand Trumps get into positions of power you'll see the same folks currently taking a stand going back to sitting down and enabling just like they did with Trump. Hell, within 20 years we may see Trump get whitewashed in the same way W Bush is.
  18. Feels like we're leaving out folks who go theaters in their underwear.
  19. My fiance is going through older anime right now and wants to watch it with her. I don't actually remember much about Sailor Moon, so I guess I'll jump in soon.
  20. Maybe, on one hand the far-right is consistently deadlier than any analogous groups of other ideological alignments, on the other hand the authorities have had this data for years but instead chose to focus on animal rights groups or "Black Identity Extremists" and in addition there is significant far-right penetration into various police forces and military. Personally I think there's going to be a brief conversation about the danger of far-right terror that will fade without anything being done.
  21. With a handful of exceptions, I haven't watched weekly in years. Seems like it's contrary to the advantages of streaming when compared to network TV. Finally got around to Madalorian s2. Maybe I'm just easy to please, but it's much better than the recent movies and manages to deliver good scifi/scifantasy that doesn't make tons of people hatewatch and complain like the new trek shows.
  22. I'm glad to be a good influence. Hot chocolate and bourbon is pretty good.
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