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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. You should quit drinking before you reveal your power level and start going on holocaust revisionism or the protocols. Americans are afraid of everything.
  2. If we're talking about the EEs, the Legacy of Bhaal setting buffs the **** out of enemies and without summoning or an assload of buff spells or being massively overleveled and equipped your front line will collapse. It's one of the worst implementations of a hard difficultly I've seen, but it is technically the hardest and Minsc is a drain on the party for that difficulty. Personally, SCS and insane without HP bloat is my preference is where it's at and Minsc can work well enough there. Still prefer other npcs tho.
  3. I can't wait to see how this is justified. Well given the history of the territory that now constitutes the USA, you could argue that genocide was and is integral to the American project.
  4. Decline bad, but better written. Based.
  5. I'll bite. Anomen is useful as a Fighter/Cleric. His usefulness slacks off and he is the most annoying companion by far, and is even more bloodthirsty and petty than the evil characters, but he's useful for a time. Minsc on the other hand gets edged out by several other martial characters who can pull his weight and do more for the party than he is able to.
  6. If the next update is about romance, does this mean Baldur's Gate 3 will finally implement multiplayer romances? If so, it will either be the funniest **** ever or absolutely terrifying, possibly both.
  7. I usually dumped Minsc for Korgan or Anomen by the time the gang hit the bar. There's not much use in keeping around a plain ranger when you can get warriors with lots of spells or Keldorn ir Valygar in the party. Edwin was OP due to his necklace, but Aerie, Nailia, Jan, and Imoen beat him in terms of versatility so I usually ended up bringing them instead. In terms of tone, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 jump from dead serious to cheesy constantly, so Minsc does fit the game. Maybe he'll show up in Baldur's Gate 3 and a new number of players can deal with the disabled ranger.
  8. I haven't watched a single episode of new trek and from how much everyone seems to hate it that seems to have been a good choice. My fiance is watching some **** about a fox that does death metal karaoke to deal with a **** job and it's pretty good. I finished Cobra Kai's current seasons already and think it has out 80's movied the 80's. Next I think I'm going to get around to season 3 of West World and hope it didn't get ****ed up.
  9. Cobra Kai. Pretty good even if predictable.
  10. From what I've read there was a six minute gap in footage between Rittenhouse leaving the car dealership he was guarding and being chased for the first time. I'm going to suspect there was something that happened in those six minutes that we will either see or hear about over the coming months. Regarding favoritism, I'm referring to how Rittenhouse was treated by cops the day of the shooting (unharassed and given water bottles by a cop in a tank) and the court (he didn't show up for his hearing and got an extension, evidently with no penalty) when compared to most other people. Given what was the spark of the riots and protests, it suggests quite a bit.
  11. As described in the article, he had shot (and killed someone, as video shows him saying on his phone) before being chased. I'm not sure if he will be convicted or not, but given the initial cause of the protests and how Rittenhouse was and is being treated paints a picture of favoritism towards specific people from law enforcement and courts.
  12. I'm drinking heavily and cooking wings. Will probably end up up playing DOS2 with my woman.
  13. Social media has terms of service that you agree to when signing up, something tells me they've got themselves covered from lawsuits based upon that alone. **** around and find out I guess. Even if I agree that social media is effectively a monopoly, it's kind of weird to see people who would normally advocate the premise of businesses doing what they want with their property flipping their position whenever a business does something they don't like. Wouldn't the consistent response to be starting your own alternative or not using it?
  14. My obsidianstalking.txt says Gorth immigrated to Australia. I guess it's time to rewrite that bit.
  15. I got you. The segment of the right that I assume this guy is playing to (alt-light/alt-right and paleocons) are rooted in an internet culture obsessed with defeating enemies on the battlefield of ideas instead of critique or analysis of ideas. This translates to a tendency of attacking people they see as representation of something they don't like, hence we get NATE SHILLVER BTFO when something he predicted having a 70% chance of happening didn't. To me it's more boring than anything, it hasn't changed in over a decade.
  16. Well if he's using the pen name "Tyler Durden", probably an edgelord whose been grifting since the early 2000s and bases most of their politics based on whatever right-wing clique is coughing up cash. Honestly I don't think there's (relatively) many people who will start supporting Trump after the recent riots. From what I've seen the majority of folks clamoring for the feds to assert "Law and Order" were already in the tank for Trump and a significant amount of others have a copypasta of how "BLM made me into a Marxist, I quit and registered Republican, will be giving Twitter a try". Voter suppression, covid, and apathy are likely bigger components of a Biden loss.
  17. All I got from that video is that they're working on a game and the feeling a few of the employees were being held at gunpoint.
  18. Sucks my dude. I keep my drinking only to the weekends but it's probably been a while since I hadn't drank at least once a week. So it looks like I may need to go through the fun of swapping cases because the power button isn't working consistently. I've currently got it working but it seems to make a clicking noise that it didn't before and I'm worried it will fail at an inconvenient time.
  19. Well we mostly fight about chores or shows so I guess I can look forward into getting into a big fight over watching jojo or whatever netflix put out.
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