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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Given the general consensus of this forum on the new treks, this will probably end the same way. Personally I think both should have died a long time ago and are being kept alive by milking nostalgia and old fans hatewatching, but I'm some **** on the internet so what do I know. I think Waititi should get around to directing that live action Akira he was attached to.
  2. Pete Buttigieg is like if the Bank of America pride float became a person.
  3. lmao imagine getting cucked and corona'd by one guy. If the husband doesn't beat the doctor's ass he's a failure.
  4. Well one is largely a direct benefit to a certain class of people, while the other interferes in the short term profits of a business model built around not providing services and would negatively impact the same group of folks the former benefits.
  5. I'm sure all seven "never Trump" republicans will vote for Amash and ensure Trump wins this years farce.
  6. They've been discontinued. Maybe he'll reccomend Carl's jr chicken nuggets or the offerings of some other fast food company that donates to him.
  7. If I'm not mistaken, the story was broke by the same guy who broke the story about Kavanaugh which only adds to the parallels. It's clearly a double standard that will be used to discredit people who come forward with stories of assault, but by now it's clear the Democrats care more about their position as the party of "woke" corporations than they do about the PR they use to scam working class folks into voting for them. I've said it before, but this election will be between two mentally ill old men credibly accused of sexual assault and who will **** the world up to make the stock market line crawl up for five minutes.
  8. Yeah, I've been digging it. The track with Immortal Technique is great but makes me want The Middle Passage to come out, which is something I've been waiting on for years at this point. Anyways I've been on a King Crimson kick lately, party because someone who played with them died recently and partly because my roommate has been watching an anime featuring a schizophrenic mob boss.
  9. The thread in general or the discussion of increasing authoritarianism specifically? I'd say the answer to both is yes. Last I talked to folks living in Brazil they were scared of some reaches he was making (more so than average because a few of them are Indigenous) and with the state of exception brought on by Covid-19 I assume it's going to get worse.
  10. I got some crawfish and boudin.
  11. I think if the Ds dropped their position/focus on guns and went to somewhere around to where say Sanders/AOC are they'd probably initially lose a lot of funding from former patrons who would flip Republican and lose voters from socially progressive upper class folks like a South African that posts on this forum. It's hard to say what voters they could draw in, I think a lot of dems would stay because they vote blue no matter who and could probably draw in people who feel disappointed by the current options (how much is anyone's guess tbh) so just shooting from the hip I'd think we see the more affluent democratic areas go red or purple while other areas shift favorably to democrats or double down on the blue. Long-term (assuming we don't bake the planet first) this would probably end up stabilizing similarly to how it is now with most of the same problems. Frankly I think parties and elections are a losing battle for left-wing minded folks and they should return to militant unionism that was more effective at getting gains and less susceptible to getting subverted.
  12. The Green New Deal is a bailout for car manufacturers, the dems aren't anywhere near the stalinist thugs the boomers, betas, and femboys who browse /pol/ think they are but corporate stooges who serve the highest bidder.
  13. As well as the oil price war between mbs and putin, and the havoc covid-19 is wrecking worldwide. It's strange how some free market folks can't account for conditions outside of government policy for phenomena.
  14. I locked down ktchong because if I wanted to read blog posts I'd be at a blog instead of a videogame forum. In political news, that senator who totally didn't use her privlidged position as privy to briefings on covid-19 and being married to the chairman of the intercontinental exchange to do some insider trading will now liquidate her individual stocks. Probably won't mean **** in reality, and is just more of an argument for liquidating the government.
  15. Whoever wins the election in 2020, we will have a dementia addled buffon with a questionable history for president while the timers on catastrophe continue to count down.
  16. Like all half-brothers, legitimate or not, we don't think about them unless they have money.
  17. EDIT: Well aktually... It's wrong because Canada's constituency is also Corporations, it just has better PR.
  18. I work harder because I'm an "essential service" and my boss is a ****.
  19. I would have a hard time believing someone married to the chairman of the Intercontinental Exchange wouldn't be insider trading in general, the fact that she is a senator who received briefing(s) about Covid-19 well before it was considered a nationwide crisis and invested in things like telecommunications and medical supplies makes it undeniable that she was insider trading. Anything less than absolute misery for the rest of her life is too kind, but at most her and hubby will get a slap on the rest or a stay in club fed.
  20. Anti-civ is far more reasonable than being pro-civilization tbh. Fredy Perlman was right.
  21. I'm about halfway through Tiger King. So far someone getting their arm ripped off by a tiger is one of the least bizarre things in the show and I halfway expect Joe Exotic to end up being a jojo villain.
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