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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Pidesco DESTROYS youtube debates with FACTS and LOGIC.
  2. **** yeah, but actually kill the state instead of keeping cops around to protect the interests of said corporate takeover-ers through monopolized violence.
  3. The latest GoT was pretty much a long summary of the situation before the big ol battle of the dead episode with some celebration scenes and a couple of predictable developments. We'll know for sure in two weeks, but I think in review that this episode could have half of it cut out without anything missing.
  4. Well I guess Venesuela is gonna have to wait for another coup to give up their oil restore democracy and freedom.
  5. The only thing that can beat a sjw nazi is a sjw nazi.
  6. That's where it matters. I wager that in 20 years he will be one of the most popular leaders in the Trumpreich mod for HoI6.
  7. It succeeded where it matters, in the hearts of social media pundits.
  8. I prefer those fancy sodas with real sugar instead of corn syrup. What's that like?
  9. El Topo. It was weird, I liked it but not too much.
  10. Starbucks is so bad a free cup is more like a punishment.
  11. I was wondering if ktchong's videos, the muller audiobook, and Gromnir's legal lecture combined to give me a stroke but instead it just looks like they changed the forum. Anyways that militia that was detaining immigrants on the border had their leader arrested, apparently the feds knew he had some illegal weapons for about a year and a half but decided to do something only after he got noticed for playing cowboy.
  12. Careful lest Volo calls you a literal Nazi. :> Since he even seems to call Mother Theresa a nazi that doesn't seem to mean much, does it? I'm sure I'm already a SJW Nazi because I think questioning taxes in general and assuming every politician to be evil is extremely silly. We are all Nazis now.
  13. Thanks. We haven't set a date or made any plans so right now it's just that things are more serious than moving in together. You routinely excuse and condone the use of power, often illegal by their own rules, by the state to crush so called "threats to the west" which ranges from informing people they are being illegally monitored or anything that may negatively impact profits. If such a position isn't fascism, it's a near relative that retains the totalitarian nature of fascism but with a more friendly coat of paint. She's got too much sense to post here and I'm not giving you info to snitch. Find someone else to stalk.
  14. I might have something, but my fiance is a Lebanese woman with some very strong opinions on certain issues and we are likely on a watch list. You didn't respond to my point. Snowden could show how innocent civilians got murdered by the US military. They face no charges for that, despite breaking the law. So why should Snowden?The state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual crime. Bruce will stan the former for eternity because behind the exterior of woke liberal he's a borderline fascist, and I'm being completely unironic.
  15. To risk the ire of the NSA*, I can't think of any event in recent history that didn't support doing that to the political class of every country and the top .1% who own everything. *How ya doin there bucko?
  16. Chicago Police set him up, it'll be revealed in 10 years and the movie will be released 5 years after that.
  17. I don't see anyone besides overly invested larpers claiming a civil war would be neatly split territory and conventional warfare. A closer model to what it would look like is the Syrian Civil War, where most major cities end up looking like the mysterious Aleppo. Logistics of insurrection aside, my point is that the US government has been engaging in heavy handed government oppression for at least a century now and that if there were a group willing and able to revolt over this we would have seen it happen a long time ago. If gun confiscation actually happens, and not just to the bad people like antifa and muslims, I'm willing to bet you see a few attacks from scattered patriots and more effort on electing politicans who promise to give the guns back (to the right people) from these supposed rebels.
  18. If that were the case we'd have seen it decades ago. More likely we'll see a few isolated attacks and a lot of grumbling by folks who swear they're gonna get their guys elected or a slightly higher percentage of the vote come next election.
  19. In practice the big losers would be the population of "swing states", which have dominated focus by virtue of being the only place in contest according to conventional wisdom. Big winner would be population dense urban areas, which would gain power regardless of state. The bigger states would get more attention, but you'd see stuff like Republicans going to California and New York or Democrats going to Texas that doesn't really happen at present. The small states with less than 5 votes in the EC would take a hit, but at present nobody gives a **** about them unless it's campaign season and they're an early primary or swing state anyways. Overall there probably would be less of an impact on the results of presidential elections and just a change of how candidates go about campaigning, if anything we might see an increase in outside parties because a shift in perception of how votes matter but I doubt it would be anything like the Green Party or Libertarian Party grabbing more than 10% of the popular vote.
  20. Whatever happened to wod? Did the masses of stalinists get angry with him blowing their cover and disappear him? Or did he go to r/thedonald and /pol/ to hang with the true believers?
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