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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. But Berath is ok with undead, I think it'd be more fitting for them to get a bonus to Sworn Enemy that reduces healing or something.
  2. Never let facts get in the way of indignant outrage tbh.
  3. If you're playing God Mode, then I'm not sure how that would affect Monk's wound generation and you'd potentially be out of a resource with Helwalker. Shattered Pillar and Forbidden Fist circumvent this potential issue. Assassin requires Stealth or Invisibility to be effective, both of which can be troubling to use consistently but you don't have to worry about the weakness of the subclass in God Mode so you can do that with no issues. Alternatively there's Trickster for some debuffs and Debonair for kith focused abilities. Almost all monk skills are good, focus on buffs and on crit passives with a few attack skills if you want low micromanagement. There's too many good weapons and upgrades complicates it even more, so I'll go with the 2 swords and 2 maces setup. For swords I like Modwyr, Duskfall, Griffin's Blade, Whispers of Yenwood, and Hel Beckoning. For maces I like Frostfall and Bardatto's Luxury.
  4. if you're playing on God Mode you can stomp through (almost?) everything so long as you have all 3 physical damage types. since you've got 2 weapon sets, one versatile weapon and something that has the other physical damage type should work, like dual wielding swords in set 1 and maces in set 2. All classes will be viable in God Mode, but Rogues and Monks would probably dish out the most damage in terms of weapon abilities.
  5. Who needs a free trial when you can just use your old roommates login?
  6. 100% of americans could not trust the government or media and it wouldn't mean a damn thing if they did nothing but vote in elections and complain on the internet.
  7. Or taking attention away from starting a new war. But really, if it came out he did everything Epstein did or faked an attack to invade some country I honestly doubt his supporters would care and we'd see either justification or denial like we've seen for everything else.
  8. Community Patch and Enhanced UI are the only ones I'd consider essential at this moment. Everything else is just nice to have.
  9. This assumes that centrists are not capable of allowing or partaking in savagery, which can be clearly disproven by history unless one takes an extremely reductive view of what qualifies as a centrist. Moreover it is irrelevant to my point, which is that centrism doesn't necessarily win and that Friedman's advocacy for such is rooted in ideology rather than reality.
  10. Lol in 2015/2016 those people were saying Trump was too extreme and would never win the nomination or election. In 2023 they'll be saying the same appeal to "centrism" and will continue until the world melts or they get thrown into a camp.
  11. This is a really great idea and I like the idea of building around using specific keywords for Priests who seem to be the most boring of the caster classes. Here's some suggestions Wael: A flat increase to all duration would be fitting the theme and less open to abuse than +5 sec beneficial duration on hit, because that seems to be able to completely erase the usefulness of Salvation of Time if you've got consistent ways of causing Mind Afflictions. And I think weakness to perception would be a better malus because it's not a repeat of Tactical Dilemma for a Tactician/Priest of Wael. Skaen: I think bonus damage and accuracy against sneak attack and wounded targets fits Skaen's lore, maybe increase duration from condemnation under these circumstances as well. For a malus you could reduce the range of spells, emphasizing the need to hit from stealth and targets close to you, which I think also fits Skaen's lore. Magran: I like your idea for Magran, but I think it'd be interesting to have effects that encouraged alternating weapons and spells, like weapon hits/crits give accuracy and damage with Fire/Punishment/Cleansing spells while spell hits/crits grant penetration with weapons, both can clear on successful hit with relevant attack. Restoration spells can clear this bonus, or even provide a malus to weapons and spells for a short time. Eothas: Your idea fits very well, but maybe swap Inspiration for Protection and change the malus to reduced accuracy or duration for Punisment and Condemnation. Gaun: Sort of a hybrid between Eothas and Berath, but making healing more effective near death (and less effective above 50%) to emphasize the rebirth aspect of Gaun and dropping bonus the healing from Eothas. Rymrgand: Hits with Condemnation spells increase the duration of hostile effects on foes, like an anti-salvation of time. Restoration spells do the same thing to allies, so you get punished for going against entropy.
  12. Yeah, and most of the "non-political" era had political subtext at the least. I guess some people are just blinded by nostalgia. Sorry to Bother You was written and directed by one and it was probably the best thing I saw last year.
  13. Torment was not a very good game and an ok visual novel. The system was confusing and while you could go hours without combat being randomly dropped in was unpleasant. Shadowrun is really cool but there doesn't seem to be much depth to combat so I usually only finish once. It's still a great time though. I didn't like Wasteland 2. No idea why, I just didn't get into it and never finished it. DOS was one hell of a time, played it with Epic Encounters + 6 man party and it's even better. DOS2 is better than the first, but I think while the premade characters are a great idea none of them felt like what I'd want to roll with and I liked them better as companions. Tyranny is hard for me to get into and I don't like the skill and leveling system or the limited customization at character creation. I haven't played Kingmaker yet and will probably get it in the winter sale hoping it's not a broken mess.
  14. ktchong melting down over it makes me want to watch it more tbh
  15. Some people go on trips and beg for money.
  16. I assume it was because the +50% recovery malus is a massive negative because of the inversion Deadfire uses. I think reducing the malus is better than shifting it towards a deflection penalty if it needs a buff, but looking at the list of modals on the wiki half of them seem to be the same thing so maybe they should introduce deflection, damage, or accuracy penalties instead of recovery. Is Pierce that underpowered? If this is the case would it be possible, and feasible given time and effort required, to bring enemy AR /Immunties to a place where there is generally equal representation of damage types?
  17. If the US gave a **** about humanitarian issues then Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US itself would have been invaded or bombed to hell by now.
  18. Xenomorph blood, Stranger Things is a longform prequel to Alien. Anyways finished s3 and disappointed, mindflayer a ****. A lot of missed opportunities, ebil russians fell flat, and after two years of dealing with extra dimensional horror you'd think the characters would have learned to deal with their problems when they're not getting chased by monsters or shot at. If there's another season I hope it concludes the series.
  19. Listen here buckaroo, it starts with liking a few tweets and ends with Sawyer sending half the office into labor camps. What else would you expect from a guy who believes in balance? Don't say I didn't warn you when the far-left communist brigade comes to throw you into Chairman Stallman's GNUlag.
  20. Ah ok, here goes a response. I agree with the first paragraph fam. Criticism of the 150 people aside, I don't think that a functioning society requires every individual to be aware of, let alone have consistent relationships with, every other individual that composes society even without cognitive crutches such as states or corporations or class or whatever. Myths aren't necessarily religious in nature but they are often enough in current society in the sense of viewing certain fictions as natural, such as the myths that establish state, property, class, race, etc presenting themselves as "just the way things are" rather than the product of conditions and mutable. To this end I think there is a difference between involuntary abstraction, where you accept myth without recognizing it is a myth, and a voluntary abstraction where you recognize a myth for being a myth but still operate with it as an abstraction because the myth has obtained a de facto presence through relationships, like realizing the working class doesn't exist as tangible thing while still organizing wage laborers. As to common material interests, it's been said by some that that's not enough to bind together a village or even a household but I could probably dig up some examples that show that to be wrong. I'd argue that it depends on what we view as our interest and how we view interests, as well as the presence (or lack of) of particular myths and the current level of technology. So in this regard I don't think it would be impossible to see common interest being enough in particular circumstances. The problem with precise coordination is that it doesn't seem to be aided by centralized or hierarchical structures, arguably the only difference those make is the amount of people those carrying out tasks have to report to and centralization appears to be very throughput heavy in a way that consumes much more resources, but I'm drinking at the moment and don't have access to the pdfs where I read up on these things. The authoritarianism was an off-hand remark by me, probably should have avoided it to keep the conversation more flowing. If you want a more utopian example, there's Post-Scarcity Anarchism (it's free) I guess but if it does happen it will be uncharted territory and we'll have to figure it out as we go. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's weird to watch DS9 now and realize how it goes further than much of what is currently on TV. Also did a damn fine job with costumes, makeup, and prosthetics.
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