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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Hmm, loads of job openings for that. But as usual, no Senior Sarcasm or Lead Forkcat Designer positions.
  2. Well here is a list of games I'll slowly work down to grab from your list over the unforseeable future: Rebel Cops Endzone - A World Apart SWINE
  3. Not being able to find a parking spot seems very immersive to me.
  4. Yeah, I guess when I was 17 I may have liked it. At 34 or so when I did read it, not so much. It felt too immature in it's attempt to be grim and dark.
  5. Wait, you just noticed? I was sharing links about this and wondering how come you weren't excited. I mean the game has you as the main target audience. It's from Spider after all
  6. I wish I didn't understand (the English translation of) the first book. Maybe then I could pretend it is worth the time and all the praise people give it.
  7. Without Mordenkainen's sword? First world game problems. Seems I'll be forced to beat Stranger of Sword City without underwear. Nevermind Mordenkainen's sword.
  8. Further misadventures of melkathi the Stranger of Sword City. There are rumours of a knight having been eaten by a giant slime. I went to track down the Elder Slime in the depth of the Shadow Palace. Prepared the ambush (read: found ambush spot and clicked "4" on the keyboard then OK) We spied the Elder Slime slithering by with smaller slimes, transporting a metal chest. On the chest was carved a piece of underwear. The first time I saw a loot chest for underwear! Finally at least one character would not be going commando. Underwear is hard to come by in this game. Died. Re-loaded. Found the Elder Slime again. Won. This time it was transporting an Assassin's Mask +4. Meh. I would have preferred underwear.
  9. Pick up a quest item that makes a tough boss spawn. Realize boss is way too hard for you at this level. Decide to stash the item until you get 10 levels. Make a post about it here. Go to bed. Wake up. Go to work. Go home. Fire up the game. Enter the dungeon. Get attacked by boss. Realize you forgot to stash the quest item...
  10. When the game informs you that a certain boss will only attack you if you have a specific item, but you should never carry the specific item with you since if you do, a certain boss will attack you, maybe I should learn to listen to the game. My level 12 party in Stranger of Sword City ran into a level 37 boss.
  11. Maybe they should start acting like it. Maybe the EU should start acting as if they had the EU's interest at heart.
  12. Played some more Stranger of Sword City. I farmed and farmed and finally managed to survive the intro / tutorial part of the game. I even killed the chocolate thief Mukabu the Third. I am now running through the second dungeon, a maze like forest, and I have already forgotten what useful information the npcs there told me.
  13. Started playing Stranger Of Sword City. I may not be the target audience for this. The loot is ranked F,E,D,C,B,A and probably S. You hunt boss monsters all over the place. There is unique equipment. Which you can feed to a Mimic named Mumic so the item gets removed from your inventory and returned into the loot table with new stats. You probably are supposed to farm for hours. Definitely not the target audience for this game. But you can import custom images for your party, so I could theoretically have a whole party of Teddy Bears...
  14. It is enjoyable. I found it refreshing that all the followers are just people and don't try to become more Morte than Morte. But one playthrough is enough to see everything the game has to offer.
  15. I found the constant backtracking in Mars War Logs a bit annoying so never finished it. And since I didn't finish War Logs I haven't played Technomancer since I first want to finish War Logs. Maybe I should simply play that...
  16. The final boss has this stupid ability where they AOE your whole party and reduce them all to 1 HP and apply Burn, killing them with the DOT the moment they activate. The solution: put necklaces on everyone that makes them immune to Burn. But then the boss does a double attack instead of the Burn, setting everyone's HP to 1 and then insta-hitting them again. Possibly, with a perfectly timed parry you can prevent the second hit. But if you are slightly off, party wipe. Avoiding that attack though is all there is to this boss. He has no interesting mechanic - just a party wipe attack ever so often. Before that, the toughest fight that people get stuck on actually has a tactic you need to figure out. It's a boring fight because once you know what you need to do, it is simply longish, but it has a "Oh, so that's what I am supposed to do" moment. I was fine with the QTEs in Last Remnant, where it was simply about getting a better effect on the attack and every now and then avoiding some damage. But there never was a "don't hit the button on time and you lose" moment. Cris sadly has that. If they killed two out of three characters, that would be fine. It would put you in a crummy situation, but you'd be struggling to rebound from it.
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