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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/starfield-xbox-pc-game-review/ So apparently starfield already has a score of 0 on metacritic. Newsworthy news
  2. There you are walking into an encounter, and suddenly you realize the opponents are Earth, Wind and Fire
  3. I wonder if modders will be able to add planets. Also, are those 1000 planets procedurally generated or where they generated then populated by hand with stuff?
  4. I just came on to check if you were doing your duty and informing people of the giveaway
  5. Did you play in the time when orks had to roll for each mob before battle to see if they were sober enough to show up?
  6. In the 80s Blood Axe Orks could get human mercenary mobs who were Imperial Guard units dressed up as mercenaries so the Imperium could deny involvement and the Orks wouldn't know they were being manipulated.
  7. Update: He broke his heel. Doctors are waiting to see if the swelling goes down by itself and if he may not need surgery.
  8. In 40k, even the one xenos is stretching the plausible. In the olden days, before the lore got fleshed out and altered into what is now, a couple of aliens would have been easier to justify. I would have liked to have seen a squat, a ratling, or an ogryn among the companions.
  9. It rained really badly last night and this morning. A little cat (I would say around 5 months old) in the vacant lot next door panicked, climbed the wall, climbed the two meter mesh and, reaching the top, realized it was easier to get down from my side. Problem is, she can't get out that way, as there is nothing to step on on the other side, so trying to get across the mesh (and barb wire the neighbours put up) has her scared of impaling herself. After hours of her crying and me trying to figure out a way of getting her down, another cat got tired of the situation, climbed up and tried to show her how to get down. Problem: the other cat found herself in the same predicament. A friend came over and we set up a ladder, I held the ladder and he climbed up, bent the bottom of the mesh, so they can slip out underneath. The older cat did just that. The younger was still hiding. We decided that with time and us gone, she'd slip out the same way. So I started gathering up our stuff. As my back was turned, he grabbed the ladder to do another attempt. He leaned it against the wall, instead of opening it up properly. He leaned it against the wall while on a wet glass floor. Suddenly I heard a BAM. I rushed out. Found him lying on the floor. Probably broke his ankle. Waiting to hear how things went at the hospital. If the cat got the XP for downing him, she probably leveled up.
  10. You can read the first four books or so. Horus, Abbadon and the rest of the traitor characters will still be badly written, but up to and including the flight of the Eisenstein (I think the ship is called), at least you are rooting for main characters like Saul Tarviz and Nathanael Garro who are worth rooting for. But the moment Garro reaches earth, every word worth reading has been read, and the series devolves into plot stupidity on the loyalist part and plot immortality on the traitor side. And of course the fact a lot of those authors do not actually understand the English language. Rather sad seeing how they are English themselves and know no other language. And the editors should live in hiding in case proper editors find them and execute them for crimes against the trade. In general, I wasn't too keen on Eisenhorn. Gaunts Ghosts I found enjoyable, but the series dragged on. Necromunda novels have been mostly fun.
  11. I never understood the difference between Abort and Fail. Both meant your job didn't get done, no?
  12. Can I import my save from Skyrim, including my adoptive children, the family dog and the family fox into Starfield?
  13. Fae Tactics has one of the cutest protagonists. NPC: "I don't know why you are here, but you better leave." Peony: - long explanation of why you are there - NPC: "Why are you just telling me all this?" Peony: "Well, you said you didn't know why I was here, so I am telling you."
  14. Like stomach ache after too much pizza, hours of gameplay are ephemeral. Unlike the living one, who transcends hours of gameplay and will live again On WINGS OF FIRE... No, that's not right... ... ... Will be reborn. That's it! The Living One will be reborn ON WINGS OF FIRE.
  15. It is difficult to get Hawaiian over here. Otherwise 9-15 euros for a normal sized 8 slice pepperoni depending on where you get it (delivery, which delivery, restaurant, which restaurant)
  16. I now compare it to the price of pizza and the grief my stomach will give me , now that I am over 40 and a late pizza plays hell on my metabolism.
  17. I think it is great when hidden characters get unique dialogue in scenes that aren't specific to them.
  18. Will he become an admin at loverslab after he leaves Bethesda
  19. Fae Tactics. Finally managed to beat the Stone Gardens without killing any of the gorgon sisters. Didn't get the loot out of the chest, but getting the good ending for the fight has been the hardest thing so far in the game, so not going to try this again just for some loot.
  20. Prometheus didn't go get his liver eaten out daily by an eagle, for people to just eat their food raw. Honour his sacrifice. Eat your steak like charcoal.
  21. I never managed to punish myself to read as far into the Horus Heresy as to encounter Jaghatai Khan. The books get so terrible bad, and the words in them inconsequential, I prefer watching paint dry.
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