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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. It looks interesting but I have a dislike for first person adventure games. Steam just gave me a 90% voucher for Two Worlds II... And I am still not tempted to buy it (ok I own it, that may have something to do with it).
  2. Not my experience. He quite quickly came around with transports and those spiderthingies who do shoot airborne. Nothing hit-and-run didn't fix, the AA-turrets are worse. Anyway, second RTS battle was a joke, blizkrieged the enemy in 7 minutes. Took so long since I paused, otherwise it probably would be 2 minutes. So easy. Third RTS battle again was nuttricion. U shape, bases on both sides, middle point the interesting thing. Enemy did try to drop some enemies on my shores, but those were easily slaughtered. Wiped up the middle, he surrendered. And that were the 3 RTS-battles of Act I. Did the rest on auto-resolve, much better. Started Act II and already lost quite a few units in the first turn! Figured those ships on the water, since in neutral, where to be captured. Instead shot down my transport holding 5 troopers. ****. Also 2 other transports where apparently on the map (didn't see them), and retreating one got ripped apart. Next round I landed somewhere, only to learn they had no load. So it's the long way back to my country again to fill it. Great start there... I think you mean "attrition ", "nutrition" is something else The oceans aren't controlled by anoone, but the units still have the faction colour *wink wink* And with the transports: Hah! *smug grin* I had told you about those. Nobody notices them What do you think of your council?
  3. Act 1 the AI is forgiving on normal. So he only sends troopers after you at first. Since they can't shoot airborn targets you are fine. Later on it wont be that easy. The idea is to grab recruitment citadels as fast as possible and hold them against the enemy. On casual you can just play in Dragon form. On easy it works unil Act 3. Then the opponent is likely to have far too many troops in each territory. The difficulty levels mostly affect how aggressive and how fast the AI builds units.
  4. Seems so. got mine as well a couple of days ago
  5. On some of those screenshots the old lighting seemed more crisp. In the end it comes down to personal taste.
  6. Still need to get rid of those
  7. The steam pop-up informing that "Melkathi is now playing Chainsaw Warrior"
  8. Hmm I have to watch these eventually to see which one has my guest appearance.
  9. For americans its out 5 days before us lowly europeans...
  10. There is only one mission that has a time limit. The rest is pretty much at your pace.
  11. Says the guy who took an hour to reply to messages on Steam
  12. There are frenchmen in LA Noire?
  13. Dragon Commander starts very easy (once you get used to the controls in the rts battles). Act 3 then has a drastic increase in difficulty. It doesn't mean that it is unbeatably hard, just that while Act 1 was a tutorial and Act 2 a stroll, Act 3 isn't anymore (at least on normal difficulty).
  14. Haven't posted any screenies in a while: Space Station under attack: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=186320831 Navigating a hyperjump: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=186320865 The only other survivor of the invasion force: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=186412753 The Salvation Fleet heading through the wormhole: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=186526921 Mrs. White: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=185201433 Mr. Wolf: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=185201246 Mr. Toad: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=185201211 Death by slime: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=185839095 Black Tears: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=183515684 Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=176460320
  15. Been playing Salvation Prophecy. Found it rather addictive. Who needs AAA titles when indy games can be so much fun. Now if only the galaxy was bigger...
  16. That's a shame. Unity plugin works perfectly for me. But I probably get other problems with my browsers where you guys can surf effortlessly But yeah, if the plugin lags, then that would rob the process of enjoyment.
  17. But you did have fun making a character, right? Fonts can change.
  18. Intimidation check: failed. It isn't intimidation but emotional blackmail
  19. Character creator for the Mandate has gone online and it is awesome http://www.mandategame.com/charactercreator/ If this game does not get funded I will never forgive the gaming community
  20. I need to get rid off keys for: Trine 2: Complete Story Wargame: European Escalation, and The Testament of Sherlock Holmes (both are one key)
  21. It has nothing to do with butthurt I would suspect. Not that I find the use of that term appropriate in the first place. Rather ridiculous phrase *shrug* Drudanae doesn't like the Witcher. We all know that. But his "hate" limits itself to making a one sentence comment about "twitcher" every time the game is mentioned. It has gotten rather old and extremly predictable. And the dwarf-fanboy calling people out on their reaction to "hate"? Kinda ironic
  22. Next thing you'll expect them to remember Eye of the Beholder or Might and Magic
  23. With Torchlight 2 I thought "Well at least they like a game I like" Anachronox I thought "I got that on GOG and need to play it eventually" Shadowrun Returns I thought "Well now you are just trolling" @BruceVC regarding the lack of Gothic in that list. Piranha Bytes is/ a German developer. That site is british. British gaming journalists have a very strong bias against german games from what I have noticed. You might just as well ask them to compare Torchlight with Sacred
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