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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. You killed two people though I saved one with my apothecary
  2. Well that match turned out rather interesting: Khaine's Red Hands, coached by yours truly invited Hurlyburly, coached by a new coach on the scene, Hurlshot, for their first game in this league. Hurlyburly won the toss and chose to recieve. The kick send the ball into the deep end and a ghoul fumbled for the ball. The dark elves didn't lose time, imediatly pressing ahead into the oppositions half, sensing an opening. But their drive was cut short when the lone Witch Elf tried to push a zombie off the field and was instead knocked down and had to be carried off on a stretcher K.O. The undead tried to push through the middle. Both teams just piled onto the ball and somehow a dark elf was spat out of the melee holding the ball. Making a run for the end zone the first half ended with a 1-0. The second half started extremly well for the dark elf team. They recieved the ball and, using their speed, made a push down the right field. the witch elf was back on her feet and chanting maniacly was throwing ghouls to the fans. There was little the undead could do to prevent the 2-0. And then things went bad for Khaine's Red Hands. The first player beaten to near death could still be saved by the team apothecary, but that did not save the second lineman beaten to a pulp. With half the dark elf team lying prone on the pitch, the undead pushed through, scoring the 2-1 just before the referee blew the whistle to end the match. After a mix up with the winnings, Khaine's Red Hands only recieved 40k, leaving them with too little cash to hire a replacement for their dead player. The dark elf team won the match, but the undead deffinitly came out better prepared for the next confrontation. Khaine's Red Hands - Hurlyburly 2 1
  3. Match 2 starting this moment: Hurlyburly vs Khaine's Red Hand
  4. Yeah, the humble bundle explicitly warns about that.
  5. Damn, just noticed that I wrote the score the wrong way round for the Half Time report. Doh Anyway: congratulations on the first official Obsidian match.
  6. Half-Time Report: Silent Sonatine - Dead Scorpios 1 0 Coach Walsingham was overheard saying to coach Serrano: "All my girls are especially greased up" as the amazons slip out of the tomb kings' grasp. Still, everything could change if the world oldest Blood Bowl players get their hands on the scantily clad bints from the New World and show them some old school Blood Bowl violence.
  7. I'll give you a Limbo key for Steam, check you inbox in a minute.
  8. And then there is that return policy they announced. Haven't looked at it further, but it sounded promissing.
  9. Is Spec Ops: The Line the one set in the desert city? That one actually looked pretty interesting, I'll take it if no one else is interested. It seems rather good. I haven't gotten far but it has an Apocalypse Now feeling to it - a sandy Apocalypse Now feeling.
  10. Zoraptor, you should know by now, you are only allowed to say bad things about GFWL and possibly UPlay. Even if you say something bad about Origin you are walking a thin line
  11. Does nayone know if Steam has changed the way recommendations in the store work? It used to be that when I clicked Recommended, it would show me a mixd list of games similar to what I already play, maybe some dlc for stuff I own and games from my wishlist if they were on sale. Now whenever I check it simply shows games from my wishlist (that aren't on sale). Not much point looking at Steam recommendations if it will just show me the list I created myself?
  12. Dunno 'bout master. But if you want to start a real fight I can oblige: at least I am literate enough to be able to read fine print on boxes that states "not available in all countries". The point you think I missed was "GFWL was crap *crywailrage* I didn't read the label so now I complain that it wasn't there" instead of asking the question: "If the service wasn't available, why were the boxes being sold in the first place?" Because that is a valid complaint: if it is being sold in a store in a country, then customers should be able to expect for the product to be useable in that country. How the hell can companies get away with "selling" a product or service to customers they have beforehand decided they will not provide with said product or service? That has nothing to do anymore with GFWL's (lack of) quality as a software or service though. If it was sold to you ina country, you should not need to check for a disclaimer on the box whether you can use it in that country. But hey, at least you are laughing.
  13. You didn't. I did. We are allowed to do that you know, bring new things into a discussion It was an observation, as I checked the various GFWL boxes on my shelf for the dsclaimers and came upon one that had both the GFWL and Steam one.
  14. There was some tiny fine print ont he back of the boxes that supposedly explained the big "Games for Windows Live" label on the front. The boxed copies were clearly labeled as being GFWL. What was not clearly written was what that actually means. It was, in tiny fine print and then, on later boxes, slightly larger tiny fine print noted that the service was not available in all countries. In that it was far more clearly labeled than Steamworks on boxed copies that required it. At least early on. I accidentally bough Dawn of War 2 back then without knowing it would force me to download Steam and have me on a two day waiting list for downloading and playing a game I owned a physical copy of
  15. Wait till you do the follow up adventure with the trog King.
  16. Thank you! Bendu, ich nem Vegas
  17. Wer die Wahl hat hat die Qual...
  18. I'm a kickstarter backer for Knock Knock
  19. I think steamID: melkathi could be interested in FNV or Kotor2 or Alan Wake. Just don't know which one
  20. just got the humble bundle so I too now have spare copies of: Trine 2 Bastion Limbo
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