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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Two Worlds 2 for free disappeared right away. I got the server down message instead
  2. Oh, shucks. Ok, I'll take that The North of the Rings: War in the Lord off your hands I'm still stuck witha copy of Trine 2 myself though
  3. As a person often labeled as "white knight", I'll come and out myself as a Two and a Half Men fan. Love the show. At least when it had Charlie Sheen. While it is disrespectful towards women, it isn't exactly respectful towards men either. Or can anyone imagine themselves suggesting that Charlie and Alan are awesome male role models? I love the show as it is equal opportunity disrespectfull.
  4. That is your response? Ros just admitted to being oby's alter ego! And it all makes sense now. Ros admits to living in a state in which something is rotten. Oby points out the rotten nature of the west. We should have made the connection ages ago.
  5. 350 copies of Alpha Centauri gone in well under a minute...
  6. See, a good thing I didn't ask then Barti, you just committed yourself to posting more
  7. I got in from the gym. Opened browser. Loaded GOG and saw Beyond Good and Evil up for free and vanish to be replaced by Aquanox for 80% off I own both so *shrug* At least I know I didn't miss much by missing a free game
  8. Been wondering if Nonek's evil twin would be called Yesnek or Has-a-neck. Guard Dog seems easier: Prison Cat And I guess Walsingham would be: Walsingvegan
  9. The first game was great. The drag queens seemed like a reference to certain movies. The second one turned into one looong dumb gay joke. Every discusssion with every character made jokes about the main character being in a gay relationship with the wierd scientist guy. Probably "bashing" is a strong word. But when the joke is repeated ad nauseum, it stops being an unfunny punch-line.
  10. Always been more of a Necoho worshipper myself. He ignores me therefor he exists.
  11. Sacred Gold was fun to watch. The counter was going down so fast, my browser had trouble keeping up.
  12. Ugh that sounds worse than the Runaway games and their gay bashing. Seems I need to add another adventure game dev studio to my "don't buy list" And it seems I need t play adventure games before buying a backlog from a dev studio...
  13. How can this be a list of "epic" games and not include "You Have To Burn The Rope" ???
  14. Can't edit this into my previous reply: hitting Batman with a nailbat in the back: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26342940
  15. While there are a couple of games I would grab just so they don't weigh you down, I only a few days ago got given batman game in this thread, so I'll let others bear the burden of unburdening you, shady. Besides, my backlog is too long as it is. If only gaming was more like Startopia: "There is a backlog of aliens trying to get on board your station. I suggest building another docking port to increase the flow of aliens in and out."
  16. Kill? Not so much. Beat them into a pulp? Yes, deffinitly. Just play as a villain. You get to beat up most iconic characters. Even the Teen Titans or what they are called
  17. Can't say I ever bothered much with DC. I used to read Ghost Rider. Then they made a movie of it... Seems DC comics consistently get better movie adaptations than Marvel.
  18. Comming from City of Heroes/Villains and the Champions Online I was very disappointed with character creation. The costume choices are rather limited as super hero MMOs go. That said, the game world is very beautiful and it is worth playing the game just for swinging across Metropolis. The Free to Play model allows players to get to max level quite quickly and easily without spending a dime and it makes for a fun ride even if you just max a character and then forget about the game. I was quite surprised that they made the whole setting work. I was a bit worried how the player character could fit in with all the iconic characters of the comics. While it isn't perfect as MMOs go, I had fun with it and did spend some money on the store.
  19. Not sure that that made much difference- while I'm sure HBS got a lot of pressure on it it had to be OKed by MS, and any pressure they were getting on the issue would be a minute drop in the bucket whether from fans or from HBS. Whatever the case* it's certainly good to see. Would also be good for GOG if it's accepted (which it surely has to be) since it would technically get Microsoft on board there, and apart from LucasArts and maybe 2k they'd be the biggest catch left for them. *From MS's perspective it surely has to be seen as stupid to subsidise a competitor (steam) due to an insistence on DRM and I'd suspect that was the deciding factor. Explaining to shareholders how you are insisting that people use a competitor's product would be an... interesting discussion, if it ever came up. I don't see fan pressure as having affected MS' decission. From the disappointing way HBS had handled the communication of the DRM issue, I have no reason to believe they would have tried to renegotiate with MS if there hadn't been fan backlash. Ms had already allowed the backer DRM free version despite the original contract. So from the information we have as outsiders, they weren't the uncooperative giant evil one that some people want to paint them as. At least not this time.
  20. Same here And just goes to show that fans voicing their opinion can make a difference
  21. Latest update on kickstarter: Hey Everyone! We just want to send out a quick update to share some good news. Thanks to a new agreement we were able to negotiate with our partners at Microsoft, Harebrained Schemes is pleased to announce that we are now able to release fully DRM-free versions of Shadowrun Returns and future expansions such as Berlin. The DRM-free versions of SRR and Berlin will continue to be fully supported. You'll be able to download all game patches, use the Shadowrun Returns editor and experience user-generated content downloaded from third-party sites such as Nexus. We’re starting work to get Shadowrun Returns available on GOG.com right now - not sure how long that will take but we’ll let you know as soon as we have an answer. We’re very excited we’re finally able to offer Shadowrun DRM-free to everyone and look forward to making it available! Take care, HBS
  22. I am so going to rob a bank tomorrow. When they catch me I'll them the reasonable thing would be to ask for the money back "ok, you caught me, here you go" . Jail time? Not gonna happen. Yes, copyright infringement is totally equal to actual robbing and stealing. Totally. Copyright infringement is not what matters here. What matters is that people (the devs) work their arse off to produce the best product they can and then some little twerp (for example dear Bester) comes along, steals it and then wants to also be coloured as the righteous one and the one we should feel sorry for if someone makes an attempt at catching him. And how dare the industry upon catching him say anything but "Tag your it!" But hey let's all grab our pitchforks and chant about evil publishers, then everything is ok.
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