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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Bruce, leave it. This thread was meant to pay tribute to a great man, not to argue with internet fascists. This forum has a couple of them. Don't let them hijack the thread, just put them on ignore. And remember, even in death, Mandela has more impact than his opponents will ever have.
  2. Eh you know how it is, over here we have the other problem: we still have people who think that big business is great and communism is inherently evil
  3. Next thing you know, you'll refuse buying anything from South Africa because of the Apartheid regime
  4. General Motors (16. September 1908 - ) Led global vehicle sales for 77 consecutive years.
  5. Played some Speedball 2 HD. Guess it is a pretty accurate remastering of the old game. But it is rather simplistic for this day and age.
  6. If only they added an "exit game" button to the menu
  7. Spend some more time in the Bloom pre-alpha demo, simply fooling around and breaking stuff. And chasing butterflies:
  8. Bloom had a new update about music. Music sample here: https://soundcloud.com/music-vortex/bloom-main-theme
  9. There is a pre-alpha demo on their page worth checking out.
  10. Project Eternity? Nope, Bloom Spend some time playing that yesterday
  11. I played the Bloom demo and really enjoyed what I saw so far.
  12. Where is the A14 anyway? People drive on that?
  13. You hit 30? 29? Nah around then was the first invasion. 34 now, so the stragglers are being mopped up it seems.
  14. My Facebook feed is full of people getting married. What is this? Invasion of the Bachelorsnatchers?
  15. Finished hte new Discworld book, Raising Steam. The first Pratchett book that took me over a week to finish.
  16. I think they had paid some marketing firm for advise. May just be the advise wasn't all that great, so they had to adapt
  17. Seems my country doesn't have black friday sales Uplay games not bought from Steam usually don't need steam. Uplay games bought anywhere but uplay need uplay... kinda the point of it (even if annoying). But since FNV isn't a uplay game, no idea if it needs Steam. Was FNV a steam exclusive?
  18. Heh, from people being worried about The Mandate not making it, it has even made some stretch goals
  19. I can't see those deals. Or they are over by now. All I can see is the advent calendar.
  20. Me neither. Indifferent has fallen so far behind, we'd need a miracle for it to win. I so had hoped for a backer update stating: "After popular demand the combat in Torment will be indifferent." Seems we'll get TB or RTwP instead
  21. Think I'm a bit ill as well. Slept through the afternoon and had ridiculous dreams which ended with G.R.R. Martin, assisted by Kenzi from Lost Girl, hunting terrorists in the basement of an old, abandoned villa (authorities were refusing to respond to the 911 call). They (Martin and Kenzi) were in turn being stalked by a shapeshifting alien that had assumed the shape of Rose Tyler. It had disguised the Tardis as the magical wardrobe leading to Narnia and had found a wrist device that would turn the wearer invisible, but not the things they were hlding in their hands. As the alien had munchies, slices of pizza and cheetos would hover in the air before disappearing. The alien was being followed by the real Rose Tyler and the 11th Doctor. The Doctor was modifying his sonic screw driver to detect the invisible alien walking at that time right in front of them, when I woke up.
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