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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. The Missing Link is great if you have taken your time to explore places like the FEMA base. All the background information that you find about disappearing persons etc, that the main story never truly developed any further, is given the screen time it deserved.
  2. New the Mandate video with David Bradley: more importantly they confirmed LAN support.
  3. Bruce, you know its lose lose with people all the time anyay.
  4. Fell asleep on the sofa. Saw a dream in which a person, trying very hard to pretend they were a (fake) blond (fake) russian spam mail mail order bride, was trying to convince me that I had to decide between turn based and real time pause combat for Torment, based on a discussion on the Defiance forum about concept art futuring Moogles as a playable race in Skyrim (this forum discussion does not, to the best of my knowledge, exist).
  5. Why? It is being very uncooperative. If I don't turn the AI completly off, the party is acting extremly stupidly. If I do turn it off, they very often refuse to take orders at all. I don't remember having so much trouble with it when I played it back when.
  6. Trying to play NWN2 but I am hating the combat.
  7. But I need my QTE and I win button!!! Else Ze immershun iz brokn!!! I think we should start a petition to force inXile to stop developing the game in-house and to pass it on to Telltale
  8. Bruce, Valve still hasn't figured out what countries use the Euro as currency. Customer support has explained to me now that my problems with steam not accepting my credit cards ,is that the system has to update to local currency for the store to be accessible. When I pointed out to them that Germany, Greece, Italy and Cyprus (the countries I have used Steam in) all have the same currency they became snarky.
  9. Now disregarding preferences in combat. For those of us who will try to play the game with as little combat as possible, a vote for "turn based" is probably the way to go: a) the devs can benefit from work already done for the Wasteland 2 combat system -> less time needed to spend on the Torment combat system -> more time for other cool stuff b) the player will play all party members themselves -> no party AI needed -> the devs can spend more time on other cool stuff c) the game is based on a pen & paper ruleset, which is turn based -> abilities/spells/etc can more easily be adapted for the PC/whatever version -> more time for other cool stuff
  10. Arcanum would like to have a word. Arcanum had terrible combat period. A great example with which to prove that both kinds of combat can be terrible. Also though a great example for proving that regardless what combat is chosen and how bad it may get, the game's other qualities can outshine the problem and still provide a great, memorable experience. So all that a word with Arcanum would result in is me feeling supported in my vote of "don't care"
  11. I think I lasted about 15 minutes in that game before moving on to greener pastures.
  12. Both suck if the devs don't get them right... That said, at least in TB you aren't weighed down with terrible party AI.
  13. I'll still be battling with NaNoWriMo till the end of the month. Come December I'll be up for some matches though.
  14. If I didn't care more than words can say If I didn't care would I feel this way? If this isn't love then why do I thrill? And what makes my head go 'round and 'round While my heart stands still?
  15. such stuff is a jackarse test. vote "i don't care" and then explain how it is stoopid for people to care 'bout such n' such feature... jackarsery. 'cause REAL role-players don't care 'bout combat mechanics? some clowns ain't satisfied with being indifferent. nope, they wanna make sure you recognize how childish it is for you to care. *shrug* am getting if issue in question were something optional-- let developers know that wasting time and resources on piffle or puffery is unnecessary. however, is not possible to genuine argue that combat mechanics of a crpg that will include significant combat is an incidental or negligible feature. nope, is no good reason for going through effort to login and then try and convince others that you don't care regardless of your login... and 3 paragraph rant 'bout how much you don't care. is a litmus test for jackarses. HA! Good Fun! And so he rants about people ranting...
  16. Press LCtrl to avoid assassination ? More like mash it repeatedly
  17. Me. What with passwords being remembered by browsers, logging in is automatic when you click the link to the pole.
  18. What about those of us who took the alphabet out back and shot it with a shotgun?
  19. I voted for the NZ police as well. Even if only because of their 2011 recruitment drive: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10698256 http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10705711
  20. that looks like a Mr. Spock smiley: Y : the hand going "Live long and prosper*" first O : the right eye L : the nose second O : the left eye *as part of the Vulcan saying, not the forumite (therefor the lack of capitalisation of the word).
  21. Someone let Ros into the thread while at the same time there is a lack of an (active) attractive women thread to vent the need to talk about wimin, by talking about too much exercice vs breast implants. That said, yesterday at the gym I resisted the urge to grab this one girl and fix her posture all ballroom dance instructor style. Damn girl, you are too young to hunch over like that. And what's the point of all that excercise if you end up being Quasimodo (exagerating here). Though it might be that she is training back and shoulders too much.
  22. That totally misses the problem many non-subers have with subs though. If I will not pay a sub because I am not certain I will be logging in more than a few times a month, telling me that I can buy a sub equivalent for ingame currency by logging in even more is not going to get me to play. I hate to say it, but a F2P model with some kind of item shop etc has become far more appealing to me.
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