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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. The difficulty ramps up quite a bit. Just beat level 10 after quite a few tries. Felt good though. On to level 11. After that I'll be done with the Milk Mining operations at Creamy Cove and will proceed to the Mouldy Depths and then the Curdling Gulf. Game seems to have 25 levels plus a continuous mode (Infinite Espresso) which I haven't tried yet.
  2. Yeah. Basically people keep confusing those who are looking to justify their piracy (and who'd most likely simply find a different excuse for their piracy) with the people who actually are against DRM, believing it does more harm than good. One of the Shadowrun moderators for example went as far as saying that it was a good thing Shadowrun Returns was a Steam exclusive, because if it was released on GOG, then it would be pirated. Because GOG=piracy if you didn't know... I must confess it was the one situation where I was tempted to download and seed a pirated version of the game simply because of such... ach must not get upset
  3. The usual Steam fanboi rethoric that has managed to grab hold of even otherwise normal people (like Hurly) : you believe that when you pay a game you should be able to just enjoy it without hoops to jump through and the danger of it not running once your operating system gets "upgraded" ? You must be a criminal. My personal opinion is that most forms of DRM = bad (I have a soft spot for the old Lucas Arts adventure games). I also believe that if something is worth spending time on (and worth stealing), then it is worth paying money for. edit: also: Hurlshot if you ever feel up to a game of Blood Bowl...
  4. At least you are ahead when it comes to time zones
  5. Incidentally, ducks usually aren't affraid of water. But quite possibly of thrown tomatoes.
  6. The only thing about Assassin's Creed I know is that they had that cute management person. Jade what'shername. Decided that wasn't reason enough for me to bother though.
  7. And bringing this back on track: Aqua Kitty defending Milk Mine 02:
  8. When you're a stranger Faces look ugly When you're alone Women seem wicked when you're unwanted Streets are uneven when you're down When you're strange Faces come out of the rain When you're strange No one remembers your name
  9. So as not to derail the "Pictures" thread any further than we already have, replying to Keyrock here. Not to derail this thread any further (okay, I will), but what is this Contrast you speak of? (and to not be completly off topic here either) I am playing "waiting for Contrast to release": Other than that I am playing Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender
  10. I'll let you know how Contrast works out when that comes out soon.
  11. Yes, I have a huge list of point and click adventure games to play through for non-violent enjoyment. Murder simulations more and more seem like the "easy way out" for the gaming industry. You do not need to come up with anything actually interesting if you just let people shoot stuff. So I really enjoy it everytime someone makes a game that lets you do something that isn't just adrenaline through virtual combat situations. Then again... I am currently shooting robot-fishies that try to stop my milk mining operations...
  12. This one goes out to Lady Crimson: The Milk Must Flow! Marine Milk Mining Operations: The map: Spotting fishies is dangerous work:
  13. That was the realization that had gotten me really depressed after hundred+ hours on Freelancer: that I was spending all my time studying to get a "good" and "respectable" job and all my spare time pretending to be a virtual delivery boy.
  14. Not sure. I cam here late too. But remember that thread in which Prosper was wondering if his online behaviour could affect his job prospects in an internet sensitive work environment? Seems he doesn't anymore...
  15. Yeah, it's not looking too good fundingwise. A real shame.
  16. The new The Mandate trailer:
  17. I haven't seen much of her personal story. I enjoyed Ophelia a lot (seems to be widely agreed on on the interwebz as the best story) and thought Aida was ok. I want to see the story of the elven princess, but she is so annoying...
  18. Now all we need to do is find someone who owns/has played the game and can answer that question.
  19. Seems to work for the expansion as well.
  20. I think the decissions in Act 1 are fixed to give the tone. Later on I have gotten different ones. And it is randomw hich of the personal stories of the generals trigger besides some necessary ones (Lady Catherine's equal pay). Relations to races is important on the strategic map. They affect your support in countries which translates into more or less recruits at barracks. So if you have a barracks in a country with average support you can get maybe 3 or 4 units per turn there. If support is really low it could be just 1 unit, while at 100% you'd get 8 I think. My strategy therefor is to have Barracks and Gold Mines in regions that support me, while putting Taverns, Parliaments and Academies in those that don't. And yes, seems you too are going down the Lizard story arc, the way I seem to keep doing. There was a video about player choices in Dragon Commander (SPOILERS): My greatest annoyance with the game? That I can't zoom out in the world map.
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