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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Started on NaNoWriMo. Wrote 100 words. Rewrote 100 words... 0,00002% of the novel done. Going shopping.
  2. Re: Catherine: You are greatly exagerating. When Catherine talks about the raise she explicitly states that she noticed women on the Raven are paid less than men, including Scarlet, Prospera and herself as an example. So if it surprises you that a negative answer to the demand "Women should have equal pay" stops all women from getting a pay raise, then you haven't paid much attention. Or how you can consider her demand to stop parents from forcing their 12 year old girls into political marriages, to be about herself, I do not know. There is an issue that you can't call her out on her sexism and still do as she suggests. But that is the problem with the discussions always only having two options. Re: units in RTS: Have you tried hitting "Tab" when having an army selected? It circles through the various unit types in your selection. Though some abilities, like Shaman's Immunity never become user friendly. Everything is too small, dies too fast...
  3. More like Eternity Oddity. Or Space Eternity? Staring Ziggy Obsidiandust and the Spiders from Eternity. and off to bed. With what I am typing it becomes obvious I should go
  4. When you ever get bored, try it again for the undead princess story arc.
  5. That really depends on the backstory. Why was the stronghold abandoned? Is it believed to be haunted, with the spirits of the dead killing anyone who spends the night? Then villagers who live nearby may have just enough courage to go there at noon and steal bricks and stones to use for building that new barn, but not enough to actually repair the buildings and live there.
  6. I miss those good old days. When EA allowed developers to make awesome things. And now I realise I miss Virgin Games as well...
  7. Does any of these; Battlefield 2142, Dead Space, Dragon Age; Origins, Brütal Legend or Mass Effect qualify? For me Mass Effect does not. Brütal Legend was interesting, but severly lacking in gameplay. I don't have an opinion on the Battlefield series as a whole as it does not interest me; same goes for Dead Space. Dragon Age: Origins on the other hand, I completed four times. I believe it could have been better. Especially some of the writing that railroads characters too much, forcing responses onto them that can be completly out of character, just so that specific npcs can be forced to play the role the writers envision (Wise Wynne...). But that didn't stop me from finishing it with a human noble (twice), a city elf, a daelish elf, a mage...
  8. Catherine's story can be annoying like that. You can't tell her off for her tone and still do the things she wants. Political decissions... are we talking about Oberon? Apparently once you get extremly cozy with one species, they will push their own agenda harder, and it becomes a choice of letting them have their way or restoring a bit of balance again (Prospera and her political ideas for example that are not shared by anybody else).
  9. My brain just fell into place. Akalabeth. Right. I read Aarklash
  10. I couldn't care less about Bioware as a brand. But Alan works there and he is a nice chap. Would be a shame if he lost his job.
  11. Finally got a perfect score on a game in Game Dev Tycoon: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/524961421214489211/A1B73A9E7E7CF124C4A0FD1AFE5D6211B083A357/ A Teddy Bear for Leibowitz - a post apocalyptic rpg, targeted at a mature audience, with Teddy Bears. Originally the title was going to be Bearout. Then I changed it to A Canticle for Bearowitz. Then A Canticle for Bear and eventually to the final title. Seems it was the right decission.
  12. https://twitter.com/adam_brennecke/statuses/395452033920421888 Very tempted to turn that into an animated gif to use as a profile pic
  13. Lucky. I got swarmed by juggernauts in the early game. Couldn't move my troops out of the base and couldn't help them as the Juggernauts had Imp Fighter above them and upgraded Hunters on the beach to support them, that shot me down when I finally spawned.
  14. Silly question perhaps. But regarding the before/after pictures of the Stronghold. Why did you cut down the trees next to the amphitheatre? Would it not make more sense to clear the trees outside the walls? Those would have given cover to enemies the walls are protecting from. The ones near the amphitheatre did not obstruct view of the stage. Instead they gave residents of the stronghold some welcome shade while sitting and watching the show. Save the amphitheatre trees! *hands out flyers*
  15. well, if anyone ends up getting Dungeon Defenders, do look me up. I wouldn't mind some co-op.
  16. It's up for pre-purchase on Steam. But they too only have a Comming Soon.
  17. It also lowers the danger of disappointment due to too high expectations
  18. I wish I had done that. Out of a whim a couple of years ago I re-installed Bet On Soldier. It wasn't a very good game, but the fact that you would get cash pop-ups based on your kill shots, and the whole reality tv thing they had going, gave it a bit of a Running Man atmosphere. And while Arnold movies are terrible, some of the old ones had some charm. A windows 7 conflict with the old Securom killed my computer. Took me two days to get it working again. But now that some of those games are really old, it gets hard finding cracks for them. At least I found a Chaos League: Sudden Death crack.
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