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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Perhaps FB is cross-referencing your posts on videogame forums with your visits to porn sites? That would be worrysome since it also suggests I should like Hitch**** edit: and yes... the forum sensors the name... poor Alfred.
  2. I didn't do nuthin. But facebook insists I should do something. That is to become a fan of Jessica Nigri. She keeps showing up in my suggestions feed.
  3. Anyone want a 66% coupon for A New Beginning?
  4. Finished Act II in Contrast. Was a lot of fun. Will play Act III tomorrow most likely
  5. Other questions are: Are the factions interesting? Is research any good? Is diplomacy worthwhile? How is faction AI when it comes to diplomacy? Does it manage to stand on its own feet and not just come across as a SMAC fan project?
  6. At the movies: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=195280300 memories of Kat Knight: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=195274217 starting the adventure: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=195263977
  7. What I am playing: http://youtu.be/ru-MrOjOVzw Never done a let's play before. Meh. Kept it extremly short. Sound is a bit iffy. And I use the word awesome quite a lot. Also, the moment you put a mic in front of me I forget what I was going to say. *shrug*
  8. Only purchasable through their site so far?
  9. Your daughter has better taste in movies than you
  10. The worst thing about Blood Bowl 2 is that they confirmed that the two commentators will be in it again here is the teaser vid:
  11. Watch this space. Or the next post as I wont be able to edit this. Post about what I am playing: Comming Soon I met you on a chilly Saturday and I knew right away that you would want me I sure never thought you'd haunt me...
  12. There have been a lot of nice releases on PC when it comes to platform/arcade games. Both with old style graphics and modern top notch visuals. Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (though the devs are...) is a fantastic, stupidly hard, platformer with beautiful visuals. Highly recommend it to anyone who wants to remember the good old days of Sonic etc. Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender is a great little arcade game with retro graphics, were you swim left and right, up and down in a little submarine, defending milk miner kittens from robot fishies. Even plays two player co-op on one keyboard Valdis Story (posted pics in the other thread) is a nice side scrolling hack and slash which reminds me personally of a modern day version of Wonderboy in Monsterland. Then there are the reimagined versions of Ducktales and Mickey and the Castle of Illusions. Both are not too hard but well worth it just for the nostalgia value. And they are well made on top of that. There are more of course... My problem is rapidly becomming that I can't keep up.
  13. Forever War is a good book. Forever Free and Forever Peace you may want to skip though. They can be an incredibly tedious read.
  14. Just ironic that it is the political correct crowd they critisize, that have made a society where the people who hate political correctness can critisize it without fear of getting punched in the face Not pointing fingers at anyone in this discussion (though I can think of the odd forum member this applies to), but how often does "Political correctness restricts my freedom" in reality translate into "I want to be a jerk but you shouldn't be allowed to call me that when I am" ? And now I'll shut up again until this thread goes back on topic.
  15. Blocking an angel's attack: Angel dude with wierd green glow: Chatting with a boss: Stats: Save point:
  16. If this comes out on Android then I'm all over it. Indeed
  17. Well, I got two heroes now. One getting mentored by Bartman and the other a sidekick to Wonderbra.
  18. I got bored of the comic books after a while. Especially the Jack spin off got tedious.
  19. Let us know how the game works out, Oner. I'd be interested in some opinions.
  20. Erica Reed is actually very tempting
  21. Yeah, I raised an eyebrow when I saw that.
  22. I don't know you well enough to respect your feelings that much, so I send you a serial number Hope it works (you never know when you may actually have given something away and not remember)
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