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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Next run was worse. At least at first. Injury wise I got lucky. The warband set up in the ruins of an old town house. Part of the walls had fallen down, and the sisters were ready to charge out from behind the walls with a direct path to the wyrdstone field. Only the purifier and one novice were going to set up a bit behind. Faster than the rest, they'd gather some loot behind my main deployment zone. I had set up half the warband when my purifier noticed the Plaguebearer lurking just behind the back wall of the building we were setting up in... Daemons are extremly powerfull. The sisters tried to make a run for it in the other direction and ran right into the mercenary warband comming from the other side. Sister Superior Antje spurred the others on and lagged behind to bring up the rear guard. (Sisters Superior get the "For Sigmar!" ability which increases the movement of a target ally - great for heavy armoured warbands). The Plaguebearer lumbered around the corner. Spend the whole mission with half the warband fighting the Plaguebearer and the other half fighting the enemy proper. How I managed to get out of it with only 3 light wounds I have no idea. edit: The AI needs more work and these new "neutral" daemons need some adjusting, but otherwise I can deffinitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoyed ironman xcom
  2. More Mordheim. My Augur just had her arm chopped off with a greataxe. I think I had her trained for parrying with a shield. Will need to check when she returns from the infirmary...
  3. Stupid RNG. Enemy Ogre got 3 crits in a row and took out my Matriarch. She will recover (though with a permanent -1 strength), but damn, that could have gone better.
  4. So...she was an adventurer until she took an arrow to the knee? It was an axe That meme has really been overdone Mordheim has had roaming daemons added to the random missions. 20% chance of a pink horror, plaguebearer, bloodletter or daemonette to spawn on a given map. Quite the uproar on the steam forum as those daemons are nasty. Only encountered one myself - a plaguebearer that tore the enemy skaven apart.
  5. Well, if you are looking for a game with cars... http://www.aurochdigital.com/blog/2015/5/21/the-end-is-nigh-games-workshops-cult-classic-dark-future-returns-heralding-the-beginning-of-the-end
  6. Due to the weekly humble, I have spare keys for: Talisman Prologue Talisman Digital Edition (No DLC) Chainsaw Warrior Chainsaw Warrior: Lords of the Night (in other words Chainsaw Warrior 2)
  7. Scaling the walls Preparing to storm a skaven nest: Walk like a pirate day:
  8. My Sisters of Sigmar were gathering wyrdstone when mercenary archers started shooting down at them from the upper story of a nearby house. They surrounded the building and prepared to bash the archers' heads in when more mercs came rushing down the back street. One of the Sisters intercepted an enemy but got pounced by another. Two versus one, and stupid luck on part of the AI (no misses, no dodges/parries) and she went down fast. We routed the mercs after taking out their leader, their warlock, two of their halberdiers and stealing their idol, but back at the camp that one sister had to have her left leg amputated. Now she has a wooden leg.
  9. Anything else you forgot, just let me know, perhaps I have a screenshot Until then:
  10. I'd go with Something. Sounds like a good game.
  11. And in other news, the game Diesel Störmers had its name changed to Rogue Stormers because fashion giant Diesel felt that their trademark was being infringed. Tralalalala
  12. The Purple Toe are in town. Fighting in fire: Mutating: Shooting people: And generally corrupting the place:
  13. Sounds like how I won't beat Giana Sisters (to a lesser extend) and deffinitely will never touch Duck Tales again.
  14. Next thing you know, there`ll be video game voice actors starting kickstarter campaigns to cut out the evil publishers. Stretch goal 2: hire an actual dev studio to make the game to go with the voice acting.
  15. Just be glad it doesn't have Felicia Day or Will Wheaton. Does it have Klaus Kinski?
  16. "Back"? Didn't you just move from Dead State to Age of Decadence?
  17. Short break from Mordheim and heading to Highlands
  18. It's in its final hours. Just 12 hours to go. I backed via their website.
  19. Sisters of Sigmar hunting wyrdstone smugglers: And I started a new Possessed Warband - The Purple Toe
  20. Though Deadstate really is a DoubleBear game. Iron Tower helped (a lot). So writing wise Dead State is Brian and Annie (DoubleBear), Age of Decadence is Scott (I think). Age of Decadence is deffinitely worth checking out. Very deep rpg. A LOT of work put into it. Just quite different in writing.
  21. Not "hand drawn" per se (and unfortunately no screenshot), but I would add Trine (and Trine 2) to the list of absolutely gorgeous non-realisc gfx games. And Child of Light. And possibly Giana Sisters: Twisted Dream
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