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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Played some more ICY. One of the Family died. Not sure if there is a way to get through the quest without casualties. Will have to try. But it may just be the writer saying "Told you the world is deadly - you can't save everyone - deal with it". Also had a few scavenging runs not go as well as I hoped. Buildings are in such dire state of repair. Should call them death traps instead. Then did what probably qualifies as a boss battle. Now I am down to only a handful of medical supplies. Will need to find traders to get more. I have food and ammo to spare.
  2. Mercs shooting down at my warband from the balcony. Should have picked a building without a giant hole in the back wall.
  3. I am trying to convince my friend to paint hi minis May have to give the game another spin if I manage to visit them next month. Unless I bring Blood Bowl Team Manager or Smash Up along. Can't resist those
  4. I got friends who are really into Super Dungeon Explore. Only played a couple of times myself. Fought that vampire and won, fought the dragon and lost. How is the King?
  5. Those with true faith in Sigmar are never truly defeated. With the Comet's Daughters retiring due to their many wounds, the Rock has send out a new troop of brave women to cleanse Mordheim of the taint of Chaos. "Disbanding" my old warband meant I kept the inventory, gold, wyrdstone and reputation it had gathered. I recruited new troops at level 0 - hiring high level ones would have been rather expensive. Only my Sister Superior is level 4, as I got her for free from my reputation with the main faction. We went out on a first excursion but were spotted. A cult of the ruinous powers send out patrols to track us down. Luckily my sisters got a glimpse of a huge Chaos Spawn and other mutated abominations lurking among the ruins. They dashed in the opposite direction, surprising the cultists still setting up their ambush. The Maiden and Augur trampled the cult's leader and rushed his cronies. The fight was over in moments. One novice stepped onto a trap, the other got grazed by a dagger, while more than half the enemy warband lay sprawled on the cobblestones.
  6. Started a proper playthrough of ICY. Quite compelling post apocalyptic little rpg. And I like the fact that it isn't the usual "wasteland" scenario. I currently mostly use bow and arrow. It means I can keep my bullets for trading for fuel and medicine. The Family have some good hunters, and I myself am a decent archer and hunter, so we are doing good when it comes to food. Quite refreshing that nobody in the party has tried to use me as a shrink yet and/or tried to sleep with me - as would be the case in so many other rpgs
  7. Yeah, I got stupidly unlucky with those reinforcements. Single chaos dude rushed in from a direction I wasn't expecting and one hit, critted my purifier, killing her just as I was about to cleanse the bell Next mission is actually easier. But think that climb is bad? Wait till you head to the bridge. Act 1 for Sisters is fairly easy if you have outleveled it, as their difficulty lies in the impressive and tracking down where you need to go. Except for the Library. Be ware Fun part is that as the Cult of the Possessed you play the mission that leads to the Sisters having to do the purifying in the first place.
  8. Worse actually, think of the large UFO mission, and now have you hunting for quest items across those - possibly across 4 floors. And because people complained that it was boring to just run around an empty map in a turn based game trying to figure out where that last item is, have the devs decide to add infinite reinforcements. Then have those reinforcements be chryssalids on steroids and spawn within charge range.
  9. After a break and getting over the annoyance, I'll hire a new crew. Disbanding means I keep my stash and warband rank, just have to hire new members. Since I have over 10k gold, that isn't too bad. Though it will really hurt my finances. I'll have to play more with my chaos warband. You'll start recognizing faces there. Just have to remember to stay away from the story missions. It really annoys me that a game I overall find fun and am even fine with bad things happening to my team, has a part that is so terrible.
  10. Some might remember me posting screenshots from a game called Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries, staring red ridinghood. The game was a kickstarter I had backed. It released earlier this year but was not the commercial success the studio had needed and thus they went out of business. Last month we suddenly got a kickstarter update from some people calling themselves Rebellion who had bought the IP. And they wanted to let backers know that they would look into fulfilling outstanding rewards, because, well, because. So today I received my letter. It's nothing "big" - I had mostly digital rewards - but hey, I'm impressed that in this industry someone decides to fulfill the obligations someone else couldn't.
  11. I disbanded my Sisters of Sigmar warband. Some of the story missions are among the worst designed encounters in video game history. Or at least the history of video games I have played. And since I had a lot of casualties due to terrible, terrible mission design, I feel no compulsion to play this warband anymore. I want the injuries to be the result of my bad luck, my bad choices. Not the result of a dev being a ****.
  12. Didn't want to follow up Marelooke's Mordheim screenshots with my own, but since everyone else is lazy:
  13. And to think you are playing the balanced/nerfed ambushes Used to be Skaven in an ambush would down two of yours on turn one. Especially if you were ambushing them
  14. Hmm, in what way? Getting dropped in an unfair situation? There is a mission with a resurrecting boss, daemon reinforcements and where Stupidity is applied to random members of your warband each turn. Very fun. The devs will at least remove the reinforcements apparently. Not that it isn't beatable. I know I can beat it now that I know what to expect, but it is frustrating, tedious and painful, Not fun.
  15. Because you may not know what game this is:
  16. With the full release of Mordheim the second Act and remaining four missions for the story of each warband unlocked. I wish they hadn't. Act II Mission I for Sisters is some of the worst gameplay experience I had in a long time. Ugh So I'm taking a break from the game to get over that.
  17. Hmm, I provided a screenshot with the location on the map, does it matter that it was a scattered vs scattered one (both Warbands got scared by something and scattered around the area). If it does I'll add it to the report (if Steam will still let me edit it) Apparently it does. A report about a different issue I did the devs asked for that info. Not that they can't find it without it, it just cuts down on the time they need to spend searching. Basically what happens is that they'll try to find the nodes and alter them, move them or remove some, so that the map generation no longer creates such scenarios. In your instance they'd probably simply remove the offending barricade node. For what it's worth, in over 100 hours I had this happen to me once. edit: Also, avoid being scattered or in strike teams on Brutal and Deadly. If a wandering monster spawns while you are all spread out, you are toast.
  18. If they know which map it was and the mission parameters,they can usually fix the specific problem spot pretty fast. For example if it was 3 strike teams vs spread out, merchant district 4, and you had the strike teams, then they know what to tweak
  19. Those deployment bugs were supposed to have been ironed out in September I think I saw your post in the steam forum about it today? The alt+f4 thing was added recently because people were complaining about ALT+F4 being abused. I never understood what they care about how others play single player *shrug*
  20. I'll so have to steal that one at some point.
  21. Only because I decided I didn't have to play it anyway. Otherwise it would have been gone eve quicker
  22. Even though K-Rock posted Victor Vran screenshots, it does give me an excuse to post more stuff in anticipation of the FO4 screenshots. Need to preserve the balance! edit: just sorted all my Mordheim screenshots on imgur and apparently there are 104 of them...
  23. That fight not ending sounds like a bug. Never had it happen to me. Firing the injured person... up to you. 5 days recovery is not so nice early on. Limb loss has been toned down. That injury used to be a lot nastier before (I think it no longer blocks charge and ambush actions, only climb and jump?). Try to avoid missions deploying you in strike teams early on, or at least on harder difficulties. Those set ups can lead to disaster, with Skaven opponents rushing you in the first round. Remember you can scout to get more missions. Though this early you may need to hold onto the cash. Try playing around with these keys: L, B, Left Alt, Left Ctrl, Spacebar... probably some others I forget. Online achievement bugged? They don't show up on the campaign map They say Skaven are the easiest starting warband as they are stupidly fast.
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