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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Do keep us updated on the quality of the SP campaign please. I hear it is too short. Which it probably is, seeing how at the moment it is 8 missions only. The setting is interesting. So far they have not done too much with it. The Prologue - Tutorial was fun and fairly good at giving info on the setting through the dialogue between characters. Missions 1 and 2 were fun, but the writing was limited to the kind of running commentary we are used to from Gearbox through Claptrap, Handsome Jack etc. With the nice art stye, I feel they could have made an animated series or graphic novel out of the story and done it more justice. I'll keep you posted though.
  2. Started playing Battleborn. Seems fun. Bonus: the initial character is called Mellka. They have a typo in the name - I spell myself with one L - but close enough
  3. Bought Battleborn at 65% discount. Now I can shoot stuff.
  4. Tried some Heavenstrike. Bah, pay to win doesn't even begin to describe this.
  5. Just got Conquest of Planet Earth: Apocalypse. So considering playing that instead of PC games
  6. 45 minutes of the site crashing on me and now the 0.06 deal is out of stock
  7. Green Man Gaming is doing a birthday sale: 1 Mystery Game for 0,06. And mystery bundles: 1 Game: 0,99 3 Games: 4,99 5 Games: 6,99 7 Games: 9,99 Aren't bundles supposed to be cheaper the more you get?
  8. I had that with Torchlight 1. Torchlight 2 I played through the campaign once. It was a huge improvement over the first game.
  9. Which one? My screenies are from Goliath, hence the title screenie. Marelooke's look like something Diablo with those fonts.
  10. So do you ever find out if Uncharted is on one of the island? Melee Island perhaps?
  11. Eh, about a year ago I think? I'm not sure. Not that long ago. Some months back though, yes. July 16th 2015 http://www.neocoregames.com/2015/07/announcing-warhammer-40000-inquisitor-martyr/
  12. It sounds very much like Defiance...
  13. I hope they fix this bug soon Until then I'll have my fun with it.
  14. Since we are talking ships: Floating Orc Ports:
  15. Big Man O' War: Corsair patch last night. Added Khorne raiders, pirate and orc ports, opened up Bretonia on the map, added raiding ports, and some quality of life stuff. Oh, also the new sea monster: Black Leviathan. But haven't encountered one of those yet.
  16. I disliked DoW 2. Having liked DoW 1 a lot, being presented with a game that only had the name and universe in common with the previous one was not something I appreciated. So I'll hold back on 3. After it goes on sale and I have read enough proper reviews.
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