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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Gunslingers are great to take out all those enemies who had their armor broken by the grenadier first. Grenadier lobs an acid grenade - takes off two armor of the ADVENT patrol. ADVENT start shouting, and run for cover. Sniper shoots them all with Kill Zone (or what it's called). Gunslinger finishes them all off with Lightning Hands, Quickdraw and Face Off/Fan Fire. Best thing that has happened to me in this game though is Hail of Bullets on my dedicated sniper. She can use it after moving to still fire with her rifle (and at 100% accuracy). Though the best thing might also have been getting a permanent +20 hacking on my specialist. Two best things.
  2. My sharpshooter just got Chain Shot and my Heavy got Implacable. Good thing I hide behind an army of hacked and mind controlled minions. Otherwise I'd be taking a hell of a lot more damage.
  3. Blew up my second ADVENT facility. Now I need to establish contact with the american continent. There must be two facilities there that I'd like to pay a visit. On another note: been trying out combat protocol, which I had originally ignored in favour of better heals. The double damage to mechs while ignoring armor is actually awesome. My gremlin can one-shot turrets and seriously weakens MECs. With my Psi-Op ignoring armor on human enemies, last mission was quite a breeze.
  4. My gremlins are running comms and advanced warfare at the moment.
  5. My power coil is middle right. Currently still ok power wise by having upgraded my starting power thingie with an elirium converter. I need some rookies as well, for when the Psi Ops is completed. But right now I am playing with my Untouchable ranger. Kill something with her getting the killing blow. Then park her in front of a Viper/Berserker/Archon/Whatever. The enemy will waste their go trying to hit her and miss. Of course the idea is to not have someone else try to kill her as well
  6. Hunting for Collaborators Taking out the bodyguards and the random patrols Persuading the target to come quietly very quietly getting out before more of their friends show up Showing them their new home
  7. Did you guys do any kidnapping missions yet?
  8. Keeping Avatar at bay is now working out. Build a relay and staffed it with Gremlins. That let me contact two regions with ADVENT Facilities. Blew one of them up. Heading for the second one. I still haven't build a Psi Ops though
  9. Fall back in the opposite direction. If all ADVENT are there, there must be civilians completely safe. But mostly: ragequit.
  10. And once Mutons start counter-attacking your sword attacks, swords become even less appealing. Charge Muton, sword attack misses, Muton gets free counterblow, Ranger dead. Advanced warfare so far has given me a Specialist with Aim and a Sniper with Hail of Bullets. It's on my overwatch, death from above sniper. So I guess she can get a guaranteed hit anywhere on the map now if she empties her magazine, then reload for free if it's a kill.
  11. Nope But hey the game gets over 90% on all sites. Surely it is absolute perfection?
  12. We believe in you Keyrock! And later on I'll post some Mordheim screenshots to help you.
  13. I liked it as well. They put some effort into it once more.
  14. The Avenger just got shot down. I blame Gorgon. A mission to his liking. Killed 15/18 ADVENT. One officer with half his goons from the last wave survived. But I was running low on ammo, and cover was falling apart. So I made a run for it when I could.
  15. Posting more XCOM 2 screenshots, so Keyrock can post more Agatha Christie ones This series is titled "The winner takes the enemy's head. And with it their XP. In the end there can be only one. May it be the XCOM Ranger."
  16. Loading can take a bit longer than justified. Once Viper physics caused lag - but only once.
  17. Bah! Watched that Blacksite mission too many times in previews. When
  18. Slithered 'round the wrong rock formation, did you? Concealed ADVENT XCOM Turret XCOM Turret, XCOM Turret does whatever XCOM Turret does Lootin' Guess who will miss this shot... The problem with destructible terrain. The enemy can blow it up too.
  19. Whoah! Just got my first mission without a timer! Going to save it for later. I want to savor it
  20. I got chatter from Central saying that our extraction point was no longer viable and I'd have to secure a new one. The game gave me three waypoints. 1st was near the VIP location but also right behind the ADVENT reinforcement flare. 2nd was a short distance behind enemy lines, which would have meant my squad would have had to shield the VIP while he dashed past. 3rd was a distance back, closer to my entry point, but also high up and with the ladders on the far side of the building - so safest, but needed more turns to reach. Basically it was 1st point - 1 turn dashing. 2nd point - 2 turns dashing. 3rd point - 3 turns dashing. The moment I extracted from one, the other options went poof I chose the safest option which did result in one ADVENT officer surviving.
  21. The extraction point makes a lot of difference. I had one on the roof of a tall building behind my squad. So I dashed the VIP there, knowing the route to be safe. But it meant that I had to slowly fall back with the squad while ADVENT pushed towards me. Had I selected the extraction point near to ADVENT's drop zone, I could have flanked them, taken them out and strolled up for the evac.
  22. My extract VIP mission I barely made it to the evac zone. My ranger and grenadier had been covering the retreat and needed a full dash on the last turn to reach the rooftop evac. My mistake for choosing the "safe" evac point
  23. Just rage quit out of XCOM2. Seriously annoying how often Central interrupts you with crap. Click scan. "Commander..." Listen to him prattle on. Click scan. "Commander..." Watch cutscene, do mission. "Click Scan. "Commander..." Listen to Bradley, watch cutscene, listen to Bradley. Click Scan. "Commander..." @*&%@ Off!
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