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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I thought the skirmish against the skaven would be easy. My augur and one sister split from the main warband to collect wyrdstone, while the rest of the girls were going to engage the ratmen in the alleyways. The plan was good. Ok, maybe not good, but ok. It should have worked. Skaven 1 charges a novice. crits, stuns her. She gets swarmed and taken out in round one. The rat ogre charges my Maiden. She avoids all his attacks and proceeds to beat it near senseless. Things are looking up! Rat ogre swipes back, stuns her and claws her to within an inch of her life. Matriarch tries to bless the girls and turn the tides in the main melee. She fails to channel the winds of magic and drops to her knees stunned. Purifier tries to burn the rat ogre from afar. She succeeds, but visions of the warp nearly break her mind. She too drops to the ground. Somehow I won. Not sure how. But my megalomaniac novice paid the price: two fingers off her right hand.
  2. Jealous of what? I enjoy Beagle's videos since he actually knows how to play XCOM and therefor can showcase features and possibilities. I enjoy Quill's videos because he is a nice guy. I dislike TB's because the only discerning feature of his vids is his accent, while info-wise I get nothing out of them (don't get anything accent wise out of it either, as I got my own British accent ). I think it is clever that he makes a point of not knowing the games he plays - makes it easy for fans to defend him. The thing I really can't watch though are Angry Joe videos. That I really am not the target audience for.
  3. Deus Ex: Missing Link DLC. Can't remember any other.
  4. Don't care much for TB personally.
  5. I ended up watching his Live and Legendary video on youtube, as that is a more manageable length
  6. No, but I will now that you mentioned it.
  7. I see your Gelato Shop and have to tell you, "The Adirondacks are beautiful this time of year."
  8. I need to catch up with Amentep's Fallout Screenshots. So a teaser for the upcoming Mordheim Screenshot post: Keeping watch for something:
  9. Grizzly corpses of Mordheim: Seems some chaos band first chopped off her legs. Still she tried to crawl away and they finished her off with the axe to the spine. I beat up a Possessed warband in this scenario. At least some vengeance I guess.
  10. I can now buy a mount in Wildstar. But I can't decide which one to get: Any idea which of the four to pick?
  11. I wrote a reply earlier today, but my phone ate it as Majek was posting at the same time (and the phone freaked out trying to show the "post while you were typing" warning). So I'd like an "Open World" Necromunda game, including turf wars, exploring the underhive. Zombie plagues, chaos cults, genestealer infestations. Spire nobs slumming it and using the poor folks for sport. And a House Esher ganger very graphically beating up the player character in a long cut-scene for trying to romance her. I'd also like a modern day fantasy game in which the player can seamlessly change from the mundane world to the various other realms, with changes affecting all of them.
  12. reached player housing in Wildstar My herb garden: The slaughter house: The BBQ site: My Gold Claim: The Windmill: Mi Casa: Still need to run to IKEA:
  13. With my Warband mostly maxed out, I decided to give the story missions another go. Some people may remember how I hated mission 2-1 for the Sisters. I still hate it. Though at least they removed the never ending reinforcements for that. Partly because of my experiences with that mission, partly because my warband is just too awesome now, mission 2-2 was the easiest mission I have played in Mordheim. It also helped that i knew the layout of the Barracks from Act 1 of the Possessed campaign, and thus had an idea of what surprises it had in store for me. The whole run was ridiculous though. The enemy had 21 casualties. I had two light wounds, resulting of three critical hits among about 10 hits total the enemies managed to land. Rushing the gates, locking them behind you so that the enemy reinforcements run into the Bloodletter you closed the gates on - priceless
  14. Trying out the lasersaw Doing the goldrush jig Catching a ride (when we reached our destination the cabbie informed me that we had arrived safely, then commented "I love surprises!")
  15. A lot of wasted potential and a lot of mistakes early on. And no concept of balance. A shame. Game could have been so much more.
  16. Shadyshots : These screenshots were sponsored by Shadysands! Shadysands - your source of free stuff! Waking up from Cryosleep Building my first guard post: Brewing my gumbo: Sheriff Battlebiscuit - I am watching you stranger. So you better behave while in my town.
  17. We thought we'd hunt for some wyrdstone. my scouts warned me that there would be Deadly opposition, but we simply said one more prayer to Sigmar than usual and went anyway. After all, how deadly can these dangers be to the faithful? Chaos Spawn skipped down from a raised patio. Novice Elyris (Burst Eardrum, Skull Fracture and Missing Leg) gritted her teeth, overcame her trembling and charged it. She struck true and hard. Then the abomination's claws came down on her and struck her down. It stepped over her fallen form and was intercepted by the Maiden of Sigmar. An extremely mutated, horned, three armed Possessed charged the Matriarch, cutting through her armor like butter. The Purifier and Augur rushed to her aid, and together the three of them put the creature down. Severely wounded, the Matriarch retreated into the cover of a nearby building. But the Chaos Spawn would soon give chase. With a nasty blow it stunned the holy warrior facing it. In her vulnerable state she was swarmed by cult Brethren and struck down. Meanwhile, one Sister, ignored by the cultists, had snuck around the battlefield. She reached the enemy wagon and shouting praise to Sigmar, tore down the foul Idol. The enemy wavered. Our Matriarch dashed back down the stairs and brought her hammer down on the Chaos Spawn's head. The second Possessed succumbed to the relentless blows of the Augur's flail and the constant rain of cleansing fire called down by the Purifier. With all those in their warband bearing gifts from their Dark Gods having fallen, and their unholy Idol torn down, the cultists turned and ran. Tally: Matriarch - Light Wound Novice - Broken Jaw Maiden of Sigmar - Burst Eardrum Gave the Novice the Helmet of Courage we looted, to make up for her decrease in Leadership. Been a while since last a fight was this close.
  18. 2020? Awesome.. Hours... I meant to type hours.
  19. 4 years into the new year here. Happy New Year!
  20. Shattered Timelines DLC for Sentinels of The Multiverse... After that I guess Torment and XCOM 2. But also: Dark Future: Blood Red States and Ghost of a Tale (But before the forum rodent gets his paws on it, just so I can post screenshots and watch Keyrock's reactions)
  21. Does it have freezing powers? If it bites you, will you become the Amazing Icefly! , latest nemesis of Spiderman?
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