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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I have one as well, so second person can have mine.
  2. Did anyone mention the Frozen Synapse 2 single player pre-alpha reveal trailer?
  3. It sounds very similar to Defiance overall.
  4. Also depends on your Bartle type. As an explorer for example this is the best time to join the game. You can make some great exploring friends and actually discover stuff. And as new content gets added, you will be in the best position to hunt for it, to keep your conquistador/explorer/indiana jones feeling.
  5. The only reason to grind early is to stash ingame currency before the developers realize the ingame economy sucks At least that went for every MMO I ever played.
  6. Replacing the classes people had been playing for two games was a bad move. At least it alienated me to a point where I didn't finish the third game. I want my character back :/
  7. If I were in the US I'd vote for Cthulhu - the lesser evil.
  8. Bah, talking about Skull Fractures with marelooke jinxed it. Radburn, one of my mutants, just went down and got a Skull Fracture, right in the battle that gained him the xp for max level. Hired a replacement but only at lvl 6 out of 10. Will have to decide if I keep Radburn around or kick him out right away.
  9. I keep getting visions of cringe-worthy romance options. "Hey babe, wanna populate the populace?"
  10. See this acorn? I'll throw it at you and turn you to stone!
  11. 217 hours? I have one Skull Fracture in my Sisters warband. With her magic helmet and high int, she has a 100% chance of passing the Stupidity test. So that's OK. In my Cult warband I now have one darksoul with a Skull Fracture remaining. One of my Brethren has Guidance, so he always deploys nearby and guides his meat-shield around. As the darksoul would have to tank for him anyway, it isn't too much a bother.
  12. I want to play Willow the CRPG. I am fine with evil having won, but only if I can get a neat Willow experience. It is why I bought Sorcerer King and was disappointed. It was just Fallen Enchantress with some added rules. Ultimately not "it" (or that good). I played XCOM 2 to get the guerrilla feeling of striking from the shadows with a ragtag band. The game was a lot better than the previous one, but the promised resistance feeling? Very much lacking. So if Tyranny would allow me to organize the uprising while balancing my pretend "loyalty", then I'd be all "Yay!" but I have my doubts.
  13. Sounds just like most MMOs. At some point way back, in Champions Online the devs decided to have particle damage ignore armor to make things more interesting. But they forgot that every low level goon uses a particle rifle. So as a max level tank, simple cannon fodder would turn you into swiss cheese.
  14. I hope the Steam store page is not indicative of the game's writing "Players interact with the population of the populace..."
  15. I don't trust Paradox with RPGs since they shelved Runemaster for not having been promoted by themselves. Actually I don't really trust Paradox in general - buggy tutorials and games, Majesty 2 (a reason all by itself), and well yes saying "We will stop this game because it did not get promoted by us, it's developer and publisher".
  16. Purple Toe finally managed to find a replacement for their second Magister. He was only leading expeditions when the main bossman was training or recovering from injuries, what with his skull fracture having left him a bit soft in the head, but now that internal injuries reduced his battle effectiveness even further, the cult decided to get rid of him. As fortune (or Tzeentch) would have it, there even was a promising replacement available. I wonder if the new guy knows he's expendable... Though compared to other warbands, mine are very slow to fire members.
  17. When playing multiplayer games I now search the options specifically for the mic settings.
  18. I hated this whole gym team picking thing. I also loathed most group sport activities, so didn't get picked much. Defense in football (or soccer for those who call it that) that I could get into, the rest... meh. Was kinda funny though when I finally decided I had enough of certain people doing better and people being whiney quitters with no stamina, and simply outran most classmates in our long distance runs on a whim. Though I guess I only surprised myself. The rest had a much higher opinion of my abilities than myself, that is if I got my head out of those fantasy novels So, The Division. If I played that, would I *have* to group or participate in PvP?
  19. And Riley is ranking pretty high on the list of awesome party members.
  20. Wouldn't mind a proper ar pee gee in the setting though. Maybe with really awkward romances and temper tantrums just when the fate of the whole Zee is at stake. And I know just the right developer to do that
  21. I was just strolling through a skirmish with my Sisters of Sigmar. Two of the girls were gathering wyrdstone while the rest had engaged the mercenaries on two corners. Suddenly and unexpectedly, the mercs reinforced one engagement. So I rushed a Sister Superior and the Purifier over to help and ensure the Novice had a chance to survive those halberds being swung at her. Right in the thick of the fighting, the Purifier turned to call down a Comet of Sigmar on the Veteran threatening our Novice. And got cursed by Tzeentch or was smote by Sigmar, who knows, who cares... the uncontrolled winds of magic lashed out through her at everyone around her, wounding all nearby warriors. "Open Wound" debuff on everyone, meaning that even though I pulled the rescue off and the Novice managed to retreat, with no casualties in the fight, 5 out of 8 Sisters still landed in the infirmary for two days
  22. That's a bold move! But such a good game! Finished the stuff I have: Base game, Rook City&Infernal Relics, Shattered Timelines, Vengeance, and the Unity, Scholar, Ambuscade, Miss Information, Silver Gulch and Final Wasteland mini expansions. Waiting for my orders of Wrath of the Cosmos, Villains, Guise and Wager Master to arrive. Then I'll need the last three mini expansions I am missing.
  23. I don't play games. I am sleeving my Sentinels of the Multiverse cards. Done over a thousand. Got about 500 to go.
  24. As some people will have cleverly spied in the picture-thread, the Purple Toe ran into a Bloodletter of Khorne. Stupid high initiative. It was going to be the purest of melee. Sisters of Sigmar and the Purple Toe pretty much deployed on opposite ends of a street, which they'd charge down and proceed to beat each other to a pulp. And right in the middle the Bloodletter appeared. Who was not weighed down by heavy armour and thus reached the daemon first? Us of course. True, the reason they managed to still emerge victorious is testament to my awesomely mad skills But if the Maiden of Sigmar had the time to get one more hit in, it would have been the Toe routing instead
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