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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I guess after Fallout 4, the next thing for that series is Telltale doing a deal with Bethesda to do something episodic with anoying QTEs? Still better than Fallout - The Prequel. How come nobody in marketing has decide yet that terrible idea would be a good idea?
  2. Did one of the story missions. The Purple Toe raided a ruined caslte, the hideout of one of the stronegr mercenary bands of Mordheim. The aim was to retrieve an artefact - the Griffonbrand, a holy sword - and corrupt it at the desecrated altar of Khorne, conveniantly locked in the castle as well. Searching the castle was slow going. What made it worse were the roaming Bloodletters of Khorne. Fluffy, my Chaos Spawn fought one of them, only surviving thanks to serious buffing and debuffing. I had hoped to evade the other Bloodletter, but he ignored the tanky targets, rushed up the stairs and went for the weakest of my warband: the Darksoul Calyben. Calyben stood no chance but held out longer than expected. After he was cut down, the rest of the warband managed to physically beat the daemon back into the warp. Back at the camp Calyben ended up with Internal Wounds, leaving him so weakened he would no longer be able to charge. (a penalty to offense points) Fluffy mutated further, a horned second face emerging from his neck (Wyrdstone horns - a mostly useless mutation for chaos spawn, giving resistance to warstone poisoning when the spawn can't loot wyrdstone) Marcian, my new Possessed grew a Crown of Bones, while Radburn, who had already sprouted similar horns, had his chest open up to reveal a large, third eye, similar to the one Venerari has. Calyben was given some basic treatment for his wounds, a pat on the back and shown the door, replaced by a new Darksoul: Ovis.
  3. Today apparently is the birthday of Conrad Marburg. Well Jim Cummings anyway, who did the voice acting for Marburg. (He was also Gadflow in Kingdoms of Amalur and did soem voice acting for some less RPGy RPGs you may have ehard of... Dragonrim? Sky Effect? Mass Age? Something like that.)
  4. You should have a Dominatrix DLC in the Re-elected edition? That actually does explain the original plan for the expansion which then turned into SR4
  5. Saints Row 4 already is no more than a standalone expansion to 3. It started as an expansion and then it became big enough to release as a game on its own. (hence why the city is reused)
  6. Yeah, for me it is a weird anxiety thing: I worry that I give people wrong links, that I attach the wrong file, send the mail to the wrong address. I send one mail to a wrong address once and it was no big deal. I worried before I ever did it though. *shrug*
  7. After another couple of runs, Dachs got the boot. Unfair perhaps, but chaos warbands aren't about fairness. In the last encounter with the Sisters of Sigmar, he got knocked to his knees, stunned, with the first blow. Two more blows and he was out. The two handed flail that smashed into his chest left permanent damage, reducing his Toughness. With his Strength already reduced due to tendonitis, and him still only level 1, the warband decided to get someone scarier, a level 4 Possessed hero with three arms.
  8. So basically this has once more turned into the Drudanae - Keyrock - Melkathi Screenshot thread with the occasional guest stars.
  9. Amazing what difference a few filters make. Check the first screenshot of Venerari in the Noble's Quarter in the previous post, then check the one of him in the Noble's Quarter below:
  10. The Purple Toe headed back into the Nobles' Quarters, proving that you can't keep a mutated dog down for long. In the gloom of night, the city illuminated only by Morrslieb's sickly green glow, they carefully stalked through the same buildings into the square they had met defeat. and were ambushed by clan Eshin assassins. The new guy went down with a chest wound. With only the victory XP I paid him out and got myself a new new guy. RNG hates me. Rolled a 92 followed by a 94 followed by a 96. Half my attack rolls were 90+ with an average chance to hit of 80% At least three rounds in a row I was hitting with 1 in 5 attacks. The skaven were not as unlucky. How I ended up winning *shrug* Tzeentch only knows. Edit: After having been wounded in almost every single fight, Freybin, the faceless marauder, finally died, after meeting the wrong side of a magic Greatsword of Defiance. Dachs the Possessed though recovered from his tendonitis and did well in this mission - the Chaos Gods smiled on him and gifted him with Claw Feet.
  11. The Purple Toe slinks home in defeat. We were ambushed by a Bloodletter of Khorne before we hardly ahd time to get our hands on the enemy. I tried a desperate gambit of forcing the enemy to rout, but the mutant's inventory was fulls so he couldn't pick up the enemy idol... doh... Witold lost his lucky amulet. the Bloodletter must have cut through the chain. Liefried has gone crazy - second member of the warband running Amok. Telork (the darksoul, not the brethren) died. There goes my most experienced henchman. But what doesn't kill us makes us stronger! Or that which kills our henchmen and not us makes us stronger! Once we get better henchmen anyway.
  12. Ok, I think I send the two people who requested things the things they requested. With humble I am always scared I accidentally claim the keys when I create the gift links.
  13. Current list of stuff sitting in my humble account I think is: Talisman Prologue x2 Talisman Digital Edition (No DLC) Chainsaw Warrior Chainsaw Warrior: Lords of the Night (in other words Chainsaw Warrior 2) Insurgency Men of War: Assault Squad GOTY Contagion x3 RPG Maker VX Ace Ironclad Tactics ? (not sure I can gift it)
  14. The Purple Toe gathers for a scavenging run: Spying a shadowy figure in the distance: Strange arm mutations:
  15. Tzeentch was having a laugh today. Or perhaps it was Khorne who was taking an interest this scavenging run. The Purple Toe got into their bloodiest melee with a Sisters of Sigmar warband. People were dropping left and right, starting with Dachs, my Possessed hero and theoretical melee monster, who had his arms bashed something nasty by the Augur and Purifier. Amok running Mutant Radburn - who had moved with Telork (the Darksoul, not to be confused with Telork the Brethren) to flank the sisters who had intercepted Geldris' flanking manouvre - got beaten to a pulp by the Matriarch and a Novice just as he celebrated taking out their rear guard. To cut a short story shorter: with clever use of dark magiks by Magister Witold and some grand sharpshooting by the Endre, the Purple Toe managed to turn the tide in the most crucial moment and emerge victorious! (as in, both warbands had enough casualties that the next person going down would force Rout Tests) Results: Dachs is suffering from Tendonitis, a permanent penalty to Strength which has me very tempted to replace him, since this was only his second mission. Radburn adds a nervous Twitch to his Amok, reducing his Agility. Liefried made a full recovery and spend some time practicing Vital Strike.
  16. I think in the end nobody will play Mordheim because they'll say "We have seen all the game in screenshots already"
  17. The Purple Toe did a few foraging runs into the Merchant's Quarter. Both were more or less successfull. On my first run two people went down and I failed the optional objective, as the enemies I was headhunting hung back and then fled the battlefield when their friends bit the dust. My Mutant got back on his feet right away, found his own way back into camp half crazed. He now runs Amok during combat - yet another one to forget about tactics and never retreat. I doubt anyone in the warband will notice that it is the result of a head injury and not normal behaviour. My Marauder was less lucky and took a nasty cut... where his eyes would have been if he hadn't a Faceless mutation with a resulting lack of eyes. (I wonder if he still gets the combat penalty though, as Faceless only states that it grants 100% perception checks) Best thing is that I got to recruit my first Possessed, a real beast in melee.
  18. So there will be a Crusader Kings vampire expansion and a DLC for each clan? As well as a badly bugged tutorial for the new features?
  19. I thought I'd take a break from Sisters and so my possessed warband got a turn: The Purple Toe are back in town! Yeah! Roll on Chaos!! You got wyrdstone on your face! Big disgrace! People mutating all over the place! Mission started and the first thing is that my mutant looks out the window and sees a Bloodletter of Khorne. The Purple Toe bravely ran the other way. The mercenary warband was not that lucky and scavenging wyrdstone they ran straight into the daemon. Then one of the mercs decided to turn the table on me using funky AI logic. He kited the bloodletter onto my Magister. The Bloodletter took out my guy in one turn. Next turn he took out the kiting merc and rushed into a building and up the stairs to attack my marauder. In hopes of saving said Marauder, one of my Darksouls raided the enemy cart and stole their idol. Of course the mercs passed the Rout Test, giving the Bloodletter time to take out one more of each of our warbands. I tried to get the wyrdstone off the body of the afforementioned kiting merc, to meet my quota, but just before my Brethren could pick it up, the mercs decided to break and run. Back at camp the Marauder made a full recovery. The Magister had a Near Death experience which he survived with a Burst Eardrum and a Skull Fracture. He is now the warbands sorcerer suffering from Stupidity, and will have to pass an intelligence test to do anything.
  20. Very different beasts. I think both are worth spending time and money on. The question is what style of game you are more interested in. And, Mordheim is still in early access and has a number of issues that need to be addressed - especially the AI still needs work (for example the Ogre keeps trying to walk through gaps too tight to fit it).
  21. Eloise looking out of the window and thinking "Screw you melkathi, you can do this mission without me."
  22. The story of Clara and the Ogre. An epic tale of bravery in three screenshots. Once there was a sister of Sigmar. Her name was Clara. While out scavenging with her warband, she spied an Ogre by the name of Gargherk Ironbelly. Clara quickly ducked back behind the corner, hoping the Ogre hadn't seen her. But he had. Or perhaps he had smelled the packed lunch in her pocket. Either way, while Clara tried to be very quiet, suddenly Gargherk Ironbelly loomed above her. The rest of the warband tried to rush to her aid, but most were tied up by the other mercenaries. And while among those who did break through, was Antje Kipps - Maiden of Sigmar and in her devotion an inspiration to us all - Clara knew that her hour had finally come. She had survived more injuries than anyone else in the warband, but now she would die by the giant blade of this monster. Barely able to stand, her hammer almost slipping from her fingers, Clara said her final prayers. And then she saw the opening. She took one last defiant swing at Gargherk. Her hammer connected with the Ogre's chest plate and with an audible crack, something broke. The Ogre opened his mouth but only a muffled grunt escaped his lips as he slumped to the ground. Clara took a few stumbling steps back. Leaning her back against the wall, she closed her eyes for just a moment to rest, catch her breath and offer a prayer of thanks to Sigmar. And as she stood there, trying to understand how it was she was still alive, her sisters celebrated matriarch Delmar as the day's hero. And the moral of the tale? Nobody knows the trouble I've seen. Nobody knows but Sigmar.
  23. Out of curiosity I just checked my roster. I started my warband with 6 members. 1 Matriarch, 1 Sister Superior, 2 Sisters, 2 Novices. Both Sisters are dead. The survivors are doing... Matriarch Delma Siegrich (Impacted Vision, Tendonitis, Near Death Experience, Light Wounds x3) Sister Superior Antje Scholz (Impacted Vision, Light Wounds x4) Novice Truda Sudenheim (Mysterious Ailment, Light Wounds x4) Novice Eloise Lawchen (Chest Wound, Missing Eye, Amok, Internal Wound, Light Wounds x4) ...I guess "well" from a Mordheim point of view? edit: updated with Truda's new mysterious ailment - cursed warlocks...
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