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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Never liked Kreia. Felt obsidian was trying too hard to create grayness and force moral dilemmas onto people, where the dilemmas only really existed so they could be forced onto players. "Maybe giving poor people money is not charity, because then they have something worth stealing and will become victims of violent crime." That silly scene is pretty much all I remember though. I have forgotten most of the rest of the game.
  2. Mordheim now has a first version of its Campaign Mode. So I have started a tiny warband of Sisters of Sigmar. The first excursion into the city went really well. My matriarch and sister superior pummeled a couple of chaos cultists while another sister and a novice kept the rest of the cult busy. Completly unperturbed by all the fighting, my second novice took a closer look at what she had nearly tripped over and found a wyrdstone cluster. And before we knew it, the cult was routed. Second mission went less smoothly. The matriarch was bringing up the left flank and walked into a wyrdstone field. She decided to gather a few shards while waiting for the rest of the warband to get into position, but servants ofthe ruinous powers had been heading exactly for that wyrdstone and soon she was surrounded. The other sisters broke through to her, but not before she slumbed unconcious to the ground. The whole warband just twidled their collective thumbs for five days to wait for her to come to grips with the near death experience. Luckily there were no lasting problems.
  3. started converting dark eldar wyches into a dark elf blood bowl team. Having green stuff and glue covered finges really cuts into comer gaming time
  4. I actually liked Wings of Liberty. It was completly different from Blizzard's usual hamfisted fanfic-level writing. I think it shows they had Andy Chambers in the writing team, and I feel he did some good world building in that game, setting up locations, people and factions for later installments. Then came Heart of the Swarm and undid everything by being some of the worst writing in vidgy game history.
  5. Just pre-ordered XCOM 2 using this -32% voucher from GreenManGaming: FTSGVE-ER5V5Y-F51EWC Not sure if it is still valid
  6. Go for the eyes Labadal! Go for the eyes! (though T45LE mines do the trick wonderfully as well)
  7. I spend the better part of a year without time for gaming. Now I do have time... Bah. Played a bit of Age of Wonders 3. Finally want to finish at least one path on hte Commonwealth campaign so I can move on to the expansion campaigns.
  8. So I shouldn't worry and there is no need to see a doctor?
  9. I tried to motivate myself to play some Pillars. But everytime my mouse cursor hovers over the game, I remember that I am in Defiance Bay, accidentally got thrown into the Dozen and I have to check for an older savegame which may be a long time before. Then I think "Meh" and look for something else to do. So I tried to play some Endless Legend. I start a game. Click next turn a few times and start to wonder wwhether there is a script for the computer to play the first boring 200 turns for me. So I think "Meh" and look for something else to do. Maybe gaming just isn't for me.
  10. DISCLAIMER: Not a game I am playing. It showed up in my Steam queue though and... erm... what is this? Oh yeah, it's called Shoot 1UP
  11. I think it may be a good idea if people stopped "liking" the fact that Labadal won't strip. While true, we all are happy he won't, this kind of celebration through the liberal use of the "like" feature, can't be good for his self-esteam
  12. Well, one copy of Satellite Reign sacrificed for the greater good of the forum. Generations of obsidianites will hear the ballad of Melkathi the Hero.
  13. Shady, since it is usually you giving stuff away, do you want a copy of Satellite Reign before I throw it to the general public? (I think I have a gift copy...)
  14. Been playing Armello, having fun and trying to get some of the more hard to get achievements. Last game I was playing as Brun the Oakbreaker of Clan Bear. He seems to quickly be becoming a community favourite. Clan Bear are the spellcasters of Armello, yet Brun is a mediocre caster on his own. His unique ability though is that he gains +1 Fight in the next battle for every spell cast, making him one of the stonger fighters in the game. Had a great first couple of turns getting a Conjurer follower who gives a spell card every time you cast a peril spell - perfect for Brun's limited hand size. River of Clan Wolf though was racing ahead in Prestige (the game's score), killing Banes and other Heroes. Late midgame she started to die (*coughcough*) and I put a lot of distance between us. With the end of the game imminent I had double River's prestige, thanks to an allies pact with Mercurio. With only a couple of turns left, Thane tried for a Kingslayer gamble. Being Prestige Leader, I needed the king to die of "natural" causes, so I buffed the guards. Then River killed Thane. the guards rushed her, but she managed to hold her ground. And right on the last turn, she put an arrow in the king and won... So close...
  15. Time for a regicidal screenshot. And no, this is not from The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
  16. It has a few balancing issues still. Luck can really turn against you and Prestige victory is the default, making some players wonder why you'd even try to go fo another type (I'd say because you always need a plan B). But you can see the love that went into it and all the characters are adorable. Barnaby "Skrewloose" the rabbit in full plate armour with his big two handed hammer for example. And I am having fun. the thing I can't show in screenshots is how great the playing cards are. They are all animated to some degree. In the trailer you ca see the evil eye card (1:16?) that actualy blinks?
  17. It is Mercurio indeed. You can also see Zosha in-game in the Launch trailer
  18. That's on my list of games I want to play that recently came out along with Satellite Reign and Fran Bow. It looks like a really nice board game-like game. You can play as a rat, right? Two rats. They added a second Clan Rat hero with launch. Mercurio is the main rat hero, stealing gold from his rivals and using it to play tricks on them. Zosha is the stealth hero - the idea is to stay out of sight half the game and strike from the shadows. If the game goes well, there are plans to add more heroes for all clans. I was a backer for both Armello and Satellite Reign and am very happy with both of them.
  19. Started playing Armello again now that it has its proper release. Did a lot of work from when I was playing early access last year.
  20. Camera control could definitley use some work, but once you are a bit into the game I find you somehow stop noticing.
  21. Edited it down to the main points Personally I wasn't even that bothered by the re-use of maps. The whole rest of the game takes such a quality nosedive after chapter 1, the re-use of assets is the least of its problems.
  22. Quite a few complained about that, always thought it was clear enough. The way they worded the quest made me stop at least cause I felt it was a point of no return. Different temperaments I guess. What is worse is the follow up conversation where the dozen head honcho admits to having sold you out to the Crucible Knights to use you as a distraction. For that my character would lock him up in the keep's dungeon and throw away the keep (was going to type key, but the typo illustrates the point nicely enough). They set you up and you do not even have a dialogue option to be miffed about it? That is worse than the childish tantrums the player throws in DA2.
  23. Accidentally joined the Dozen Not a fan of some of Obsidian's writing choices. You did some mercenary work for us, congratulations you're in. Erm, no? I was just here to take your money? I'd rather die than join idiots like you?
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