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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. What's wrong with it?
  2. Went back to Stories: The Path Of Destinies and did the True Hero ending. Still have a lot of bad ends I haven't seen, but I guess I'll do one quick playthrough every few months to unlock them all eventually.
  3. Today I visited the Alpha Protocol section of the Obsidian Forum.
  4. Die Ventrue scum. Remember Carthage.
  5. backing their first album on kickstarter right now, so listening to The Cybertronic Spree
  6. Athens has a few hills right in the city centre, so I can escape into nature without ever leaving the city or going farther than 30 minutes from my apartment. Since I explored a bit and ignored my local friends, my quality of life increased tenfold
  7. Spend some time lounging in the sun, reading, watching birds and ants and butterflies, and listening to random tourists trampling past.
  8. Shhh, this is my job application.
  9. Doesn't matter if it does, The current gaming rage against exclusivity is only targeted against games that aren't released right away on Steam. If it is exclusive to Steam then there is no issue. So following the current trend: a console game: problematic. A PC game: fine, as long as it releases on Steam (doesn't matter if it is exclusive to that store).
  10. It looks nice. Similar vibe to Psychonauts. Shame if it is a Playstation Exclusive. We should boycott it and demand that it also is released on Steam, because all games should be released on Steam and there should be no other stores or platforms, and everything that isn't on Steam is a restriction of my consumer freedom. Sorry went off on a tangent there
  11. Same, hope it sticks.
  12. It hasn't aged well. But for Warhammer 40K it is the only game that provides this experience. Mechanicus last year did turnbased tactics. It was a fun little game and I need to try it again since they upped the difficulty.
  13. I'm playing Chaos Gate...
  14. Yeah, mind your back. We aren't as young as we used to be, so hanging heavy things can make itself felt
  15. She is lucky to have you, GD.
  16. The new boards will take some getting used to. The future I'll most try to forget is Winning the Day. Apparently I have won 9 total, and the last day I won was 22. October 2017 (makes me want to dig up the post). But this is so not good for that male competitiveness thing we are brought up with. Suddenly I can not just argue with you online, I can try and beat you... *shudder*
  17. I just have a harder time making a connection to a male character; male characters are closer to the real me. And the closer to reality a game is, the less comfortable I am playing it.
  18. Thinbloods seem to have a lot of strong powers. Telekinesis doesn't look very bottom of the food chain.
  19. I tried to post in the previous thread, but the new forum had logged me out and wouldn't recognize my credentials. So I accidentally posted as a Guest and got moderated My new password is 0p3r@1!0n 7@13x 1ur173 obviously, so now I can post again. But now I don't want to say clever things about Avengers anymore. Just that LadyCrimson needn't watch it. She has played enough JRPGs to know how the plot goes
  20. Yesterday I forgot to set my alarm. So today is not a question of what I did, but what I did not do: wake up on time.
  21. In case the screenshots weren't enough.
  22. Hehe, I remember the thing that annoyed me most back then was running back and for on the map up and down ladders to get the right colour switches.
  23. Oh, what was the bug again in that game. Lowest shell if you gave an npc the quest item before he asked for it... what was the item... Loved Septerra Core. First game forum I hung out online back then.
  24. Single screenshot to give it that lonesome roadwarrior feel.
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