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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Played the new build for Phoenix Point. First attempt was a breeze. It was the standard demo map, which starts you at the edge of the map, so it was easy to have the new vehicle take point and everyone else move up behind it. Tried a random map next and got deployed right in the centre of the map. That went bad real fast. My sniper kept missing. My heavy was failing to pierce and shred armour. Everyone died. Everyone expect for the aliens that is. Next random map I won, but only two of the four troopers survived. The mechanic got stuck with the vehicle, tried to dash to cover but the boss monster caught up with him. The heavy was pummeling the boss from afar but not fast enough. After taking out the monster, the sniper had his rifle shot out of his hand and ended up running circles to try and get to a cache or a corpse. The commando had to take the last couple of surviving aliens out by himself. Out of ammo he managed to grab the heavy's machine gun and blast the last alien.
  2. There is a lot you can add on top of it made by the community.
  3. Aha! Thanks Sands protected from the sun's glare. That makes sense. Always interesting how things will have different meanings and be interpreted differently based on the observer's background.
  4. Random question: Club 88? Why are there Nazis in shadowrun Hong Kong?
  5. Did you play Kingdom of Amalur perchance and like the Dispel mini-game?
  6. And I strongly dislike those timed puzzles. It's as if someone said: "We want to make a great RPG! What other RPG was truly great? Alpha Protocol! What was the worst thing one could copy from Alpha Protocol? Hacking!" /end rant (for now)
  7. I still have the sniffers zipping around as if someone had taken an old DOS game and forgot to adjust it to new processor power then? Meh.
  8. In Shadowrun Hong Kong, does changing to Easy affect the Matrix? I do not like the way they made it.
  9. I'd also like to confess that whenever I smell asphalt, I think of Maureen.
  10. Alpha Centauri still is great for it's genre.
  11. Feeling a bit guilty about killing APEX.
  12. You might as well remove the Vermintide II Beta from the list. The game is Live so the Beta has ended
  13. When it comes to light games I prefer Child of Light.
  14. And the current version is the remastered version
  15. That is in reply to Dragon Age Inquisition, correct?
  16. Deathspank Earthlock Rollers Of The Realm Stories: The Path Of Destinies Wonderboy The Dragon's Trap
  17. It should not. You should have to make that choice separately for each game.
  18. You are not just a Tale. You are THE Tale. So you should be OK.
  19. Yeah. That was the first attempt. Luckily only Merga got killed so my warband auto-retreated without losses. Did a second attempt and still hated that mission, even though I beat it.
  20. I had played several early builds, but since release always say I should finish it and never sit down to do it. So I never got farther than collecting the full set of guard armour.
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