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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. What was the codename for that operation? Latex Turtle?
  2. It's a good game. Got 46 hours in it so far according to Steam. Though I'd say 6 of those are load screens in Mulandir...
  3. Decided to finish Spellforce 3. The decision I was stuck at turned out to be a non-issue story wise, leading to the same result with the same npcs doing the same stuff. Choices that don't matter I like how the prequel thing is not in your face. For someone who enjoyed the previous games and remembers the story, the game has a completely different dimension to it though than I guess someone new to the series would experience.
  4. Pre-crisis gas station salary in Greece was 360euros/month. A friend had a job offer at an architectural firm for 300 a month and she had to provide the laptop and software to work with.
  5. I played it through the end once. It was OK. I had some fun with it. I did not regret getting it. I will not play it again. Ever since Torment brought in the strange, unique npcs, all rpgs try to do that. It is getting tedious. At least the first npc you get in Tyranny is refreshingly human and boring
  6. And then devs wonder when players do exactly that and don't play their games Just as in Expeditions: Vikings, when the only choice in a sidequest is to murder a bunch if children or leave an incomplete quest in your log. "It is your choice not to complete the quest" was the dev comment - yes, a lot of us didn't, but the gamer OCD then requires the ability to "abandon quest" so it stops showing up in the running quests list. A lot of gamers are OCD and hate that. (and yes, there is a way to finish the quest peacefully... that is if you have solved a specific, irrelevant quest early on in the game in a specific way, slightly counter intuitive to the people who care about not killing children in a game.) Or when Rebel Galaxy named the contraband "Slaves", but did not include a way for players to free the slaves they tractor beamed in after a fight with outlaws. Choices were tractor in the slaves and become a criminal yourself as the only thing you could do with contraband was sell it (or jettison it) or leave them to die in space... (though I don't think the devs made a stupid comment on the forum )
  7. Mordheim is 75% off on Steam. It would be wrong if I didn't comment on the fact
  8. Killed about 1500 enemies in Defiance. 38500 to go.
  9. Decided to try and to the achievements in Defiance to unlock content in Defiance 2050 when they re-launch the franchise in the new game. Now I need to kill 2500 of each enemy type. Maybe I should re-evaluate my decision.
  10. Batman taking a bath in Scrooge's Money Bin, while some dragon creature ponders how to steal all that gold for it's hoard?
  11. Loads! But I have a predisposition to certain games, so there are certain EA games that will have me all excited and post about I mean, you know that the moment I am allowed to play Necromunda, you people will drown in screenshots
  12. Bah, I used to play that when it was still in super early access. Posted screenshots before it was cool to do so. Haven't had time to patch it to the release version though.
  13. I like the banter between the characters in Vermintide 2. Was killing some nurgle warriors and rotters, and the battle wizard commented "Oh, so you kill the guilty too?" (I am playing the witch hunter)
  14. Can someone tell me what and why this is? http://store.steampowered.com/app/695920/Super_Seducer__How_to_Talk_to_Girls/
  15. We shall fight in the fields We shall fight in the orchards We shall fight in the sewers We shall fight in the forests And we may never surrender, but we'll die horribly, repeatedly, because there are just way too many Skaven. And they are everywhere.
  16. It will be an adaptation, not a translation to PC/Console. So while it will not be a re-skin of their version of Mordheim, you should expect a similar approach to adapting the game. It will not be a Blood Bowl translation to digital.
  17. I do not know why I play Agents Of Mayhem. It is a rather mediocre game.
  18. Ah, the innocence of youth
  19. Teaching the kids about disapointment?
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