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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. That game had potential. Or at least the characters and the world had potential. Would have made for a great Borderlands style game or RPG. Turning it into a shooter was a silly idea.
  2. Checking old CD-ROMs to see what I can throw out and found the installer for the Auto Assault closed beta. I miss that game.
  3. I got a silver medal on the first legacy campaign. Accidentally created a Psi Zombie and that got killed, costing me 5000 points, leaving me just a bit under 5000 points shy of the gold medal. Got a gold medal on the second legacy campaign, but it was a close one. On the third story now and it went so badly that I'll have to restart again. I ignore the story. It's pretty fanfic level. And I keep wondering who at Firaxis thinks people like Bradford. I mean there is a Quiet Bradford mod to make the guy shut up because people can't stand his constant talking. How many NPCs can put that in their CV?
  4. Do I need to Photoshop ciri into those screenshots again?
  5. prid <00003b59> resurrect prid <00003b59> moveto player And the same for 00003b3c
  6. Obviously you are talking about assassin's creed, not majesty gold HD
  7. Fervus is awesome. Fun fourth wall breaking. And loved the poison mushroom interaction with rogues. Similar to the ranger-healer combo.
  8. You're not getting my gold. Hard work is it's own reward. I'm melting. Another day Krypta. Ooh, pretty star. Let Agrela help.
  9. Why apologize? It was a good game
  10. And Humble has a Tabletop discount going.
  11. With the choice of name and signature we would not have guessed
  12. You so know that is the announcement for either a C&C MOBA or a C&C Arena Shooter
  13. Well, after Shen fixes the airship and XCOM Starts recruiting, they find Bradford hiding at the bottom of a bottle, so that would make sense
  14. I read the dragon age ones. First one was meh, trying to name drop a lot to include stuff people would see in the game. It created inconsistencies that shouldn't have been there when written by the guy writing the game. Second one was terrible. Read some Deus ex novel. Was OK. StarCraft stuff I read was surprisingly fun. XCOM 2 was commissioned by a writer who would have nothing to do with the game. When the game came out it showed. War of the Chosen at least brought the Lost into the game that were interesting in the novel.
  15. XCOM 2 was planned as an alternate story to XCOM, rewriting what happened. It never was planned with any sort of continuity in mind. The novel was written to show people the events leading up to XCOM 2. There is a difference. You can't draw conclusions from the first to the second.
  16. The novel was explicitly written as a prequel to XCOM 2, to set up the alternate setting, so no. Following your logic, every mission should retcon the previous one.
  17. It bothers me a bit that XCOM 2 basically redcons the prequel novel more and more with every bit of content they add. So not too keen on the little bit of the legacy story I have played so far. Hope to be surprised.
  18. Finished the main story of Star Control: Origins. Now I am sitting in the free mode, left to explore the galaxy and do the one side mission I hadn't completed. And wait for the DLC/Expansion to be announced.
  19. I doubt the next game is still in concept, Fenixp. The writers and artists had most likely mostly moved to the new project by the time we saw the trailer for war of the chosen.
  20. Yeah, sounds like a sweet marketing move for XCOM 3
  21. In Star Control: Origins planets now sometimes have unidentified objects and structures for your landing parties to discover. The orbital scan shows there is something, but the lander actually has to drive up to it. You can often scavenge resources from the ruins of fallen civilizations or you can find crashed ships. Some you search, many you repair and add to your fleet. Some of those ships actually are great. Many are not. The Xontar Traveller is not a great ship. But it is a ship you find in great quantities. I think half of humanity's fleet is now Xontar Travellers. We could probably pretend humanity doesn't exist and we are in fact Xontar. Or Xontar is a person who tries to impress women by crashing a ship on every known system. No idea. But I have 22 of those ships now in the hangar and am certain I will find more.
  22. I thought you were playing Star Control: Origins, Not Jeff. I don't want to spoil
  23. I couldn't bear through the first. Dislike the gameplay. So someone else will have to comment.
  24. Hurlshot, don't play Ash of Gods. It makes Banner Saga appear happy. Jeff approves of you playing Star Control though. Jeffspeed, non-jeff
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