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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. For the publishers that is a problem. And for the developers, as it will affect their salaries.
  2. We'll, I didn't want to say Daughters of Cacophony confirmed as spin off dating sim
  3. The Mordheim Inquisition decided to rest while the majority of warriors trained, after securing a huge haul of wyrdstone. Only small teams were sent out. While they were victorious, they failed to achieve their objectives out of bad luck (kill specific enemies, and the enemy either hiding behind the rest of their warband, or the rookie who took him out and looting the proof of kill, getting knocked out himself, with the enemy routing before we could get it back). Now everyone else is ready though, so I may go for the next story mission.
  4. The problem in theory is the perceived value of the product. While you are paying less and the publisher/developer getting the same, your expectations of what a good pre-order deal is may be altered. So in the future, when Epic isn't offering that deal anymore, your expectations will be for a better deal than the publisher/developer were prepared to offer.
  5. I complain about everything being devalued, not just games. But yes, it is too late.
  6. Brujha do OKish, then punch people when OKish isn't enough. But they do have Presence, so they are actually one of the most charming clans. Never played a Gangrel.
  7. And the whole discussion made me think of Andrew Ryan. I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a game dev not entitled to the sweat of his brow? No, says the man at Valve. He should be happy if people are willing to buy it at merely 50% off during the Steam Summer sale. No, says the man at Humble. He should be happy if it gets in a $1 Bundle. No, says the man on the torrent site. He should settle for my appreciation. (also, No says melkathi, I'll ask Shady for a key in the Giveaway thread, because people are not grabbing enough of those keys)
  8. Good. Always good to see another member of the rabble.
  9. Green Man gaming did crazy pre-order sales when they started out. I got XCOM 2: war of the chosen in a flash deal ... 35% off on pre-order?
  10. Celerity and a ranged weapon. Don't tell me you are a tory.
  11. Indeed, steam sales used to have better deals and silly low flash sales.
  12. But we are being drowned in deals, completely devaluing everything. We no longer buy something because we believe products are worth the price. We either buy them to support developers or on sale. And we know the next sale is always just a month away on any given platform. We have a wishlist and that tells us when something we want is at the low price we feel we have gotten the great deal and tricked the man. And if we buy something full price we seek a moral justification of supporting creators: that a product may simply be worth a price is rarely part of the discourse. Being cheap has become a virtue and we need to justify ourselves when we aren't. Heck, I have been told that my willingness to pay full price for things I want is an indication of poor impulse control and compulsive behaviour...
  13. Why shady? It is normal to have an advertising budget. If this budget is used to cover the losses of a big sale, then it is still simply used for advertising. In tourism we see hotels doing fake reservations, so they pay the websites their comission and get to show sales and profits for the website algorithms, and so the "guests" can write reviews as "verified guests". That is shady. Getting potential customers to give your store a chance by cutting your own throat, that's pretty basic marketing. Not asking the Devs/publishers is problematic. Should be covered in whatever agreement of course.
  14. Preparing for bloodlines 2?
  15. The store needs work. I haven't found a way to sort games to find things I could be interested in. May be that there just aren't enough games on offer yet so they haven't felt the need to make a proper store.
  16. Did the library story mission in Mordheim with my witch hunter warband. That took up all my evening. Marelooke knows what I'm talking about
  17. Standing fast against the invasion of Conan Exiles screenshots: The Mordheim Inquisition went to the library
  18. The Mordheim Inquisition clearing out heretics in witch hunter clothing
  19. The Mordheim Inquisition took to the streets once more. Victory favoured the just. We were victorious, as was Sigmar's will.
  20. The problem is exporting them. From what I understand you export your character, but companions don't have a way of getting exported into a character file for you to import them from.
  21. Not playing Dark Future. The beta had been a lot of crazy fun. A roller coaster rider of exploding cars. It was a bit easy, so raised some worries about longevity, but speeding down the highway making things go boom was fun. The launch version got tweaked. Now the game is not fun. Wrote the devs some feedback on discord. Maybe they'll take it to heart. I'll leave the game installed so it autopatches if they do anything. But I am not sure I'll bother. . Of course it is aggravated by the fact that I loved the game when I had played it a few weeks ago.
  22. Also, GreenManGaming has an anniversary sale for their store. Daily deals and that kind of stuff.
  23. Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition free on Humble
  24. Age of Barbarian is surprisingly fun, despite the cringe worthy writing, the oversexualisation, and the sometimes iffy controls. In a way it is nostalgia pure: bad writing, bad gameplay, and bad morals - how more early 90s can you get? It has two things going for it: well done atmosphere, and devs who truly care to fix anything they break.
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