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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. OK, tomorrow Dark Future (that car combat game I posted screenshots a while ago) is releasing. The devs had offered testers discount coupons on Steam. But Steam didn't fork out the coupons for some reason, so it will go on sale right away so people can get the promised discount. Dark Future - tomorrow 25% off.
  2. I only regret when I buy games other people like, Not when other people buy games I like.
  3. I find games have been shying away from too much true player agency. If they allow both Camarilla and Sabbat characters, and not just the level of choices from the original Bloodlines, they would need to create twice the content really, as neither the npcs nor locations could properly overlap. An indy dev may do that and have a project that takes years to even get into Early Access. A triple A title which wants to amaze us with snazzy effects? I doubt it. The multiple origins in Dragon Age: Origins are probably the most different content we'll ever see in a "big" RPG. Old Republic is the one RPG that did anything like that and it is an MMO. If they had only brought that out as a series of stand alone, single player RPGs with one game per character. It could have been wonderful.
  4. Ah, yes. Let someone else take the blame for once.
  5. I am on Halcyon. Pooka is my red-side Mercs-Dark MM ( lvl 10 somewhere between Port Oakes and Cape Au Diablo) Aconitine is my reborn old Thugs-Poison MM, but instead of good ole CoV I relaunched her as a going rogue character so she is blue-side (lvl 5 Nova Praetoria, with the decision to start the Crusader or Warden resistance story arc). (back in 2007 she turned more grey, during the second Rikti Invasion. No alien steals her turf after all) I need to start scrapper again. I miss beating up Vhazilok in King's Row.
  6. Age of Wonders 3 is free on Humble right now
  7. And you know there will be posters complaining about second generation forumites' eliticism.
  8. What will be awesome when all you people's kids take over this forum one day. And we have little-hurlshot and tiny-hurlshot and tiny-trueneutral and tinyshadysands talking about random vidgy game news.
  9. Also the terrible food. You'd have to be truly desperate to invade the home of kidney pie.
  10. You guys are so lucky Rogue Factor is slow going bringing out Necromunda.
  11. I would expect tories to be easier axed than Ventrues. Lore wise Gangrel could be axed, since they secluded themselves. Still waiting for a game that will let me play Ravnos. It would be funny if they axed some prominent clan for something really obscure and rare like a True Brujha
  12. I have been clean since the tenth of March this year!
  13. Played some City of Heroes / City of Villains on the public server. It's over a decade old, but I had fun.
  14. Is it the time when the Living One will return on wings of fire? Hmm... that is not right... Reborn! That's it! Is it the time when the Living One will be reborn on wings of fire?
  15. You may have to install some dodgy mods to enjoy all that though
  16. OK, give us a review when you had some time with it. I am wondering if it is something I'd enjoy.
  17. Went back to Stories: The Path Of Destinies and did the True Hero ending. Still have a lot of bad ends I haven't seen, but I guess I'll do one quick playthrough every few months to unlock them all eventually.
  18. Today I visited the Alpha Protocol section of the Obsidian Forum.
  19. backing their first album on kickstarter right now, so listening to The Cybertronic Spree
  20. Athens has a few hills right in the city centre, so I can escape into nature without ever leaving the city or going farther than 30 minutes from my apartment. Since I explored a bit and ignored my local friends, my quality of life increased tenfold
  21. Spend some time lounging in the sun, reading, watching birds and ants and butterflies, and listening to random tourists trampling past.
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