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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Games should entertain you. So I am all for quitting if you don't have fun.
  2. May have to replay the game to remember some things.
  3. Talking about strong women, two days ago was the one year anniversary of Anna Campbell's death. A young woman with the Bristol Hunt Sabs who in 2017 went to Syria to help fight against the IS. She died in 2018 to Turkish bombs
  4. I don't remember the final boss fight in Amalur
  5. I never understood Thorton's dislike for SIE. In the end she is one of the few people you can truly count on in Alpha Protocol.
  6. The question is, can you change password, it being your email? Hotels had an issue with AirBnB. Someone made accounts for most hotels in Athens, couldn't verify the emails of course. But, as the hotel email addresses now have accounts tied to them, when AirBnB tried to recruit hotels to offer their rooms on the platform, they couldn't make accounts. Would have been easy enough if they could just change passwords, but to do that they need to prove they are the person who made the account and provide that person's info. So nobody has access to those accounts. And customer support doesn't fix it because they only fix things for superhosts
  7. I can't believe how long it took me to realise what you lot are talking about
  8. I think I got more disillusioned since I went into the tourism industry, which in general for service providers is a long series of accepting crap. If you book through one of the large websites for example, and get a non refundable rate for an extra discount, and pay the website, the site will not actually give your money to the hotel. The hotel only gets the cash on your day of arrival. So the site gives itself interest free loans from all hotels worldwide. Putting up and accepting that kind of thing daily, makes it harder to truly care when other companies pull stunts.
  9. My main issue is with pre-order customers. They didn't crowdfund, they prepurchased with the expectation to get it at launch. As was pointed out by marelooke as well.
  10. @marelooke The car analogy doesn't work though. Because they aren't giving you something different. They are telling you that your car will be delivered a year late. To which your claim is that you need the car to get to work now. Then you get your money back and buy a car somewhere else. It sucks. But you can get your money. Consumer protection will have a hard time forcing them to release early on other platforms and invalidating the contract with Epic.
  11. And with crowdfunding delivery dates are in constant limbo. I expect at best you could get a refund, but as that is already offered, there is no legal action to take. You can't sue someone to get something they have freely offered. "If you offer me a full refund I'll sue you for a full refund!" is not the basis for legal action. For legal actions you must prove damage. If you weren't damaged financially by a transaction as you are offered a refund, what damages are you arguing? And people are not currently complaining about the delay or comparative access to the game. They are arguing about not getting Steam or GOG keys,which within two hours of the announcement were then offered (with the delay). I can't argue I am not getting something, at least not in a legal frame, when a clear frame of when I'll get exactly that has been given. If that time frame is not to my liking I can demand a refund. And that has freely been offered. But as outrageous choices go, this is one of the most harmless ones I have seen. We are all old enough to have witnessed EA's planned DRM for Spore (go online daily, if you fail to go online two days in a row permanently lose access to the game), SecuROM, and so much more. I think the EPIC store exclusive thing is bad. I think it is a crap move to tell people that if they want their platform of choice they have to wait a year. I think for pre-orders that is especially problematic, because while crowdfunding is in theory less of a purchase but funding, pre-orders are purchases with an implied promise of release day access. I do feel people should adapt their outrage as the situation changes, and be honest about what they are outraged about.
  12. I don't see an issue with legality. They promised Steam and GOG keys. They have made the change to the announcement that they will provide Steam and GOG keys with a delay. They have offered full refunds to anyone who is not OK with it. So I am not seeing what deal they aren't honoring as far as the letter of the law goes.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised. It is an ambitious project and very much looks like one people would miscalculate the costs of.
  14. Yeah, They added it within the first two hours of the announcement, but it apparently wasn't in the initial text. I just can't get all that up in arms about it, because it is less problematic than Harebvrained's announcement for Shadorwun Returns back when they were going to go Steam exclusive and would drop the promised GOG keys, because after nearly finishing the game, and having wasted most of backer's cash on scrapping everything and changing engine, and dropping the in-game mod support, they finally read the licensing agreement with Microsoft and found out they had to have DRM. Then we were supposed to blame evil Microsoft and rally around the poor devs who made promises to backers without reading the contracts they were signing. Harebrained had not offered refunds. How could they, they had already wasted all the money. Snapshot on the other hand is making an stupid move, but it does come out of deliberation. It may enrage part of gamer culture for a while, but that may blow over, and if it turns out the way they hope it may make the studio healthier. And the addendum to the FAQ came out a LOT faster. Doesn't mean it doesn't suck, but people have put up with this kind of **** moves before. And correct me if I'm wrong, but on this forum I am in the vast minority holding a grudge over the SR thing; most people forgot or didn't care.
  15. They have clearly stated on the Phoenix Point website that backers will get the Epic Store key and then, after a year also a choice of either Steam or GOG. https://phoenixpoint.info/epicfaq?_ga=2.50455979.366310557.1552422198-21793489.1539077113
  16. I think currently I am having more fun uninstalling games than actually playing them.
  17. Asura are also the species with the better written starting area.
  18. I'd need my game serial code to recover my Arenanet account. I am not getting the boxes down from the loft.
  19. Yeah, I have 22 characters in Champions Online. 5 at level cap. 1 close to max.
  20. The pirate dlc is nice as well, even if the titans in teeth of naros have a more original feel. (Autocorrect changed Naros to Maria...)
  21. The other thing with choices that bothers me is that the games end and the choices are set. Time freezes and your character becomes irrelevant afterwards. Let's say you choose to help group a instead of group b when time constraints did not allow you to do both before whatever story event. The game ends and group be never received any help so... wait. After the story event, with the pressure taken off the character they could have gone and helped out. Yes, the help would be too late for the ideal outcome, but still it could have come. Spellforce 3: if I marry off npc a to npc b, merging the two noble houses under power hungry npc b, after the story ends, what stops my character from taking their army - which would still dwarf the army of npc b - and put pressure on him, if npc a told me he wasn't behaving? Imagine Mission were to get married and asked Revan to give her away at her wedding. After the game ends, Mission's husband turns out to be abusive. He'd get a knock at the door and find himself face to face with some very angry force users.
  22. Silly thing is, it probably is the last decision before the final battle. If it weren't for it, it is a reasonable guess that I would have finished the game this evening.
  23. Why do they have to put choices in my games? I keep taking breaks from Spellforce 3 because I can't make up my mind when faced with choices. Tell both noble houses to go to hell and ally with neither? Marry off the sister of one of my party members to the power hungry lord of one house, give him enough power to intimidate the other house into joining us? Or poison the guy's drink for the other lord to join?
  24. Mutant Year Zero is not too long. It becomes more of a puzzle than tactics, as you try to figure out the optimal way of playing each map. Had fun with it.
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