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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Today I spend 3 hours cutting out letters and gluing them together to form my first blackmail letter. I live next to the national theater, and they rehearse for a special showing of the Oresteia. So I send them a letter saying: Orestes, I know you plan to kill Clytemnestra and Aegisthus. If you don't want police and the Erinyes to know, leave tickets to the show by the gate to the theatre's yard. A neighbor I'll keep an eye out for any tickets. Maybe they have a sense of humour to match mine The actual letter is in Greek, but I'll provide a photo anyway
  2. Yeah, no idea how they expect to sell games this way.
  3. Ceremorphosis. The physical transformation takes about a week, apparently. Of course by the time the metamorphosis starts, the tadpole has completely consumed the hosts brain, and the body is just a shell controlled by it.
  4. I know I am biased. But seeing reactions on the net to the trailer, am I the only one that sees it simply as Larian's humour, taking the established were-sheep inside joke from the original D:OS Kickstarter (and I was a were-sheep backer) and using that to tease mind flayers with a were-illithid?
  5. A game with no endowment slider:
  6. A were-illithid ? They are taking the were-sheep joke a bit too far.
  7. I am very critical when it comes to writing. I know this, so I try to allow for my inner editor, my demanding nature, and give people a chance. But I am not ever buying another Larian game. There comes a point when we need to stop finding fault with ourselves and accept the fact that some people should not be doing certain jobs. Larian should keep to coding, to making nice graphics, to making music. They should not have any input on the writing. They are worse than what Bioware devolved into in the Dragon Age series (whiny dialogue in a fantasy dating sim located in plot-hole central). Ironically enough, Dragon Commander was the one game were their writing mostly worked. It also was their one game were the gameplay didn't.
  8. Brian Mitsoda talking about Malkavian (the fifth and final clan of the base game)
  9. Baldur's Gate 3 will be a turn based, co-op rpg with environmental puzzles, ham-fisted writing and trying too hard to be funny?
  10. I play CoH. I am more retro than you
  11. Started the stand alone expansion for spellforce 3. Very confusing. They changed keys, UI, everything.
  12. Sat down and finished Spellforce 3. The bad: After a certain point the RTS part has endless waves of enemies attacking you. It feels like a cheap trick to make maps last longer, when you need to explore to figure out the quest but rush back every 60 seconds to defend against yet another attack. Partly as a result it is easy to miss loot and the odd side quest on the huge maps. At least in German the voice acting has mistakes. Some lines are read by the wrong voice actor, so the mercenary leader for example replies with the player's voice at some point. Sometimes the wrong sound file plays and the text being spoken is not the text written, but a repeat of a previous line. The Good: The game is gorgeous. I feel guilty building bases in the maps and ruining the environment. The story is fine, and while not having any real surprises, provides a good fantasy ride with stuff to do. Though for fans of the series it is awesome once you realize what the story really is all about. A good variety of party members and loot to equip them with. Actually a neat real time RPG dressed up as an RTS.
  13. They had said in that video linked earlier that they wanted to start with Camarilla clans, so that people new to WoD would get a feeling of what is what, and be able to appreciate the other clans when they do make it into a Bloodlines game. And I think they made a point about Lasombra being recognizable as a Ventrue counterpart. So it was foreshadowed that they wouldn't make the cut, but are likely for a DLC.
  14. Really depends how sneaky they are making the game. Nos always had the problem that they require a whole second level added to everything just to move from A to B without breaking the masquerade.
  15. Did we talk about the Mutant Year Zero expansion?
  16. It had felt a bit weird to me that the Giovanni got such a major role in the game.
  17. Yeah, I used to know a guy who could not quit. He'd invite everyone for dinner and the only one not showing up at the restaurant would be himself because he'd be playing 48 hours straight and have both forgotten he had invited people to dinner and not noticed that two days had past. He later went from games to drugs, when everyone else in gaming grew up. Because the friend who games a lot seems fine when you are 20, but when you are past 30 and that person doesn't finish their university degree, and doesn't get a job because they keep gaming, that same person doesn't fit in anymore. And then the personality susceptible to addictive influences is in danger of drifting towards something harder. Saw him a few weeks ago on the street, hanging out with other junkies
  18. I signed up
  19. How far does the game render? Also, how small is the map? After a certain distance the height will be irrelevant, if the width is not enough for it to be visible (kinda like the length of the Great Wall not making it visible from space, regardless of how much some people insist )
  20. I got Eric because it is my favourite. And the Spellcasting games because I never beat them. Superheroes looked like a fun premise. But I decided to actually sit down and beat these before I go for the rest.
  21. Jalopy is free on Humble
  22. Spellcasting 101 Spellcasting 201 Spellcasting 301 Eric the Unready Superhero League of Hoboken
  23. Why did no-one tell me that Legend Entertainment text adventures are on GOG? Why didn't GOG tell me? Why didn't they tell me they are 50% off???? I can buy Eric the Unready on GOG and on Sale on top of that? Seriously, this forum isn't giving me all the video game news I need. I blame Keyrock. He's our adventure person...
  24. All I ever got by accident was a young woman's plane tickets. And an old lady's lingerie order...
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