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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Not excited that in any talk about the game the developers never mention the original. All descriptions (I know, written by marketing) are done in a way that makes it sound as if this remake was an original idea. Also was not a fan of Dungeons (1, never tried 2 or 3), but not filled with confidence when the new Startopia is done by a developer who only seems to be rehashing old Bullfrog (Startopia was Murky Foot, meaning former Bullfrog devs) work, and now published by Kalypso who are only surpassed by Paradox in their DLC flood.
  2. Nice try. But we know now, so none of us believe you, liar.
  3. Trust don't live here anymore.
  4. Wait, you... have been... LYING TO US? This WHOLE TIME? I thought we could trust you... I thought we were friends...
  5. Your princess will most likely not be in this one, but have fun storming it non the less.
  6. A recruitment poster that speaks to my best qualities!
  7. If Morrison is becoming the definitive Dragon Age experience, they are probably letting you romance the boss fights.
  8. Mutant Year Zero free on Epic Store for those brave enough to use it
  9. I don't visit the forum for a day and it goes down the drain.
  10. And a public service message: Don't be like Cindy - do your homework
  11. 13 hours in two days. Game must be doing something right.
  12. When I noticed I could make my own commander even in the campaign, I promptly ran out of inspiration. So I tried to make Dr. Vahlen
  13. I didn't have the issue with Champions (DCUO were made for controller). But for champions I think I messed with them a bit to get them how I want them.
  14. Oh, compare it to the graphics of City of Heroes and it looks amazing CoH hasn't aged well. Though for looks I'd still pick Champions Online as a super hero mmo. Hands down the best character creator in any game. DCUO I enjoyed the travel powers. But as I am not a huge comic book fan it left me cold otherwise.
  15. That still exists?
  16. The Rikti launched an attack on Cap Au Diable and Spider From Mars helped in the defense. Though honestly, with so many players mostly I was trying to get a shot off before the mobs died. I got a badge for killing 100 Rikti though, so I must have done something right.
  17. Is he still around?
  18. The backer demo is already on Steam, so that is highly unlikely.
  19. Phoenix Point may have moved to December, but Stygian got a September release date. So all is well
  20. What is there is awesome. But there is just so much that wasn't in the backer builds, and the time they had till September just seemed too little. I believe they could have announced this delay earlier but may have avoided it so it wouldn't be at the same time as the Epic controversy.
  21. Well, having played the backer builds, I wasn't convinced they could release in September. At least we know they are working on the project though and delays aren't them doing something else and forgetting about it - which isn't that rare with crowd funded projects.
  22. Phoenix Point's release got pushed to December. 3. September will be the release of Backer Build 5 now. No surprise really.
  23. I thought that was a coconut. I have no idea what they are, but I will guess they are the preferred murder weapon for extra points / achievement / accolade.
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