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Everything posted by DocDoomII

  1. ARE YOU MAD?! If some dude with a sword is insulting your mother he has to be your primary target! Never mind the Dragon Ball style Genki Dama the wizard is throwing at you! /sarcasm
  2. That's a good idea actually. I only have good ideas
  3. Would be enough to add an option in the difficulty panel "Normal XP" or "Reduced XP".
  4. This discussion feels like a lot of people are way too used to scaling monsters. Wasn't this the same with IE games? If you quested a lot and leveled up a lot, things got easier.
  5. For real? That is the way it's supposed to work. Better enchantments from the some group are supposed to replace the lesser ones. Interesting. Anyone that can try and confirm?
  6. Personally I don't like immunity for the sake of immunities (like Diablo 2). But certain things should at least follow a bit of logic. Things made of fire shouldn't get fire damage. Things without blood shouldn't bleed. Things without eyes shouldn't get blinded.
  7. I don't think they are rushed or anything. Those you have linked are just a bit more "realistic" looking.
  8. It should look a bit blurry and widened.
  9. Ok, but, auto attack only is not a "viable build". And "sneak away from anything the breathes" is not a "viable build" either.
  10. It's probably one of the most expensive things. Voiceacting, that is.
  11. I didn't say it was uncommon, I said it was potentially serious. Lots of people have untreated mental illnesses. It's nothing to be ashamed of, but if it starts to be a problem that is affecting your ability to live and enjoy your life then it might be time to seek treatment. Hey, from my POV, messy, unorganized, non-completist people are the ones that need to be cured.
  12. I think using the classes and grouping them by possible closest "aesthetic" feels better. You can put heavy armor on a wizard, but a good artist would still make it looking like a wizard.
  13. It's nothing uncommon. It like playing pokemon and wanting to collect all the pokemons.
  14. I know that everyone can wear anything, but it seemed the most practical way to ask the question. Should have I asked Dressed in Plate Dressed in Mail Dressed in Leather Dressed in Cloth Butt Naked ?? Gee, Ok. Changed the wording.
  15. A Dev suggested a Poll to see what we think the game is lacking in fact of portraits. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/75849-which-classes-and-races-new-portraits-would-you-like-to-see-next/ Cast your votes!
  16. Dark Souls has encumbrance? I don't remember it
  17. Remember, you can select more than 1 option for each question. And leave a comment, so the thread gets bumped up
  18. As per this post: I can't say one way or the other about this specifically, but I will say all of your concerns have been vigorously noted, and it is very helpful to hear here and in other threads what you all are finding lacking in the portrait selection. In fact, if someone were to set up a poll for responders to submit what they are seeking most, that would be even more helpful~ Surce: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/75742-the-portrait-selection-is-beyond-awful-i-am-sure-someone-else-has-posted-this-already/?p=1637653 Sorry about the classes, but you can only create a limited number of choices, so I had to merge them per "similarity". Same for the races. Can't add all subraces, sadly.
  19. I can't say one way or the other about this specifically, but I will say all of your concerns have been vigorously noted, and it is very helpful to hear here and in other threads what you all are finding lacking in the portrait selection. In fact, if someone were to set up a poll for responders to submit what they are seeking most, that would be even more helpful~ Poll incoming in 3... 2... 1... and here it is http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/75849-which-classes-and-races-new-portraits-would-you-like-to-see-next/
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