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Everything posted by DocDoomII

  1. Well, I'm not in favour to threats, but iron bikinis are moronic. Normal armor looks better.
  2. Is there any mod to remove all of them?
  3. Well, I'm not an expert, but I don't suppose that in less than a week you can debug problems, fix them and then test the WHOLE game again. They probably test the specific problems they are trying to fix, and maybe some major generic things.
  4. The unlimited stash is only available everywhere because of an option in the option menu.
  5. I don't remember the Friendly Arm Inn to have, maybe, more than 2 quest NPCs.
  6. I won't ever eat nutella again after this.
  7. I didn't even know there was a controversy about memorials. I didn't even know there was someone who even read them.
  8. These kind of drama moments are so fun to watch :popcorn: Most likely it's just an error. Someone was editing text entries and deleted one by mistake.
  9. Not to mention that Steam is full of **** now thanks to greenlight and early access. You want to be on my PC, stealing my system resources to monitor my activity and act as a DRM? At lest make the effort to regulate things a bit and kick in the ass shady developers. And for the love of everything unholy, make greenlight disappear.
  10. I had no idea that GoG would take an extra half a week to deliver the patch. How would I have known?Because it always happens with GOG? If it's your first new game from them, then I sympathize. I have it on GOG and I don't feel bad, this is exactly what I expected and agreed to. I'm more surprised to see someone actually bought Pillars on Origin. I bought Witcher 2 on GOG a few years ago and didn't have to wait weeks for a patch, CDP released that on their website for everyone to download. I preordered TW3 on GOG for that reason and don't expect any patch delays either. People are "butthurt" because these days you just get shafted when you decide to support devs by buying their product. Buggy, unfinished releases, followed by weeks and months of paid beta. Meanwhile pirates are laughing their asses off and are no doubt already enjoying the patched game. There's a reason for that; GOG and the developers of The Witcher belong to the same company; CD Projekt. The Witcher patches will never be delayed on GOG, because they aren't released until they have gone through the GOG process to begin with. It's the default vendor platform for The Witcher. So.. yeah, that's why your limited experience does not match with everyone elses. The issue simply do not apply to The Witcher. No offense mate but you're talking out of your ass. The patch went up on CDP's website, GOG wasn't even involved. They also released a patch to remove DRM from the retail version - much to the dismay of their publisher and at no small financial loss for themselves. This is why CDP are bros and the only company deserving of any preorder money. But I digress. You live, learn. I still remember The Witcher 2 auto updater was ass, and most of the times couldn't find the patches, or couldn't finish installing them.
  11. I feel bad for people with Steam installed on their pc.
  12. All of my custom portraits are of women Btw, later this evening I'll be posting them. I have a small collection of portraits that I adapted for BG, BGII, IWD, IWD2, NWN and PoE Gotta see if I can recreate my gogle drive shared directory I had some time ago
  13. She is extremely annoying though. With her superiority for being a winged elf, and her emo feelings for having lost her wings.
  14. That's why I never liked it. It feels more like a theme park than a believable dungeon. I much prefer the other dungeons. Even Watcher's Keep has a consistency to each level of the keep. Yes, I agree. And that is why I'm liking the (few) dungeons I cleared in PoE up until now. All the rooms feel like they have a purpose. An altar room, a dormitory, a study, etc. Nothing absurd. And the architectural style is consistent. The only one that is a bit bizarre is the very first one, but it's very short.
  15. Irenicus' dungeon was indeed very interesting, but some of the areas looked like they were ripped out from other places and badly merged together with the "main" part. Like the Aerial pocket plane with the Djin lamp.
  16. - Fixed many issues where combat would not end properly I believe it's fixed since the problem was caused by the combat state not coming to an end. Well, it could be, but it's extremely vague.
  17. I finished act 1 (and all side quests, I think) at level 5 while being able to get 2 upgrades for my castle. Aren't bounties supposed to be available with some advanced upgrade? How the heck did you manage to spend so much time in act 1?
  18. Yes I'm sure facebook has only ~20 guys working on it and its 35 years old code can work on any combination of hardware and software without a problem.
  19. Hi Jorge In the patch notes there seems to be nothing regarding the problems with "per encounter" abilities that sometimes get stuck as "used" and can't be used again even after the fight has ended. Just wanted to remind you guys about it, just to be sure.
  20. I suddenly realized. If it works the same way, you just need to find the right files and back them up somewhere, then replace them with the lowest possible for each character. So, supposedly, if there are: aloth_lvl_2.xx aloth_lvl_3.xx aloth_lvl_4.xx aloth_lvl_5.xx you could back up lvl 3, 4 and 5 and replace them with aloth_lvl_2.xx renamed 3, 4 and 5. Might be worth it to check out, if possible. I'm at work and I can't at the moment.
  21. It's pretty much in line with the older IE games though. Every companion in those games had a .cre file for level 3, 6, 9 (iirc) and the most suited for your level would be the one present on the map when encountered. I suppose that it works the same way here too.
  22. I'll go with what I'd like to be. I'm too boring to translate myself to a game character. Female - Wood Elf - Ranger - Ixamitl Plains Stag Companion (goes well with Ixamitl Plains) MIG 16 CON 8 DEX 15 PER 13 INT 12 RES 14
  23. No no, BG I had 25 characters from the beginning. Tales of the Sword Coast only added locations and quests. No companions. It's just that some of them are so far into the game that nobody ever recruits them. Also some of them had peculiar recruitment condition, like Shar-Teel, that could lead to miss her entirely. In order to get Shar-Teel to join the party, a male party member must best her in a duel. If your party is already above the Reputation threshold for evil party members (19+), she will still join the party, but will leave as soon as you win an xp reward, even if it is still mid-battle. If you lose the duel, she will give you a second chance, but no more. If approached by an all-female party, she asks you to return later when you have a male party member.
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