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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I don't expect to see the survey until at least a few days after they close the PayPal donations.
  2. Thanks for the correction, it's been many years.
  3. World of Xeen and Darkside of Xeen were my favorite games in the series, I think those were IV and V. They were 2 separate games that sort of formed one giant game. I really enjoyed M&M VII because of the aforementioned bombing enemies from the sky, which was indeed insanely fun, and the weird sci-fi elements. I do agree that it was tedious and the writing was boring, though.
  4. I second the recommendation of King's Bounty as a good game similar to HoMM.
  5. I like this idea, so long as the extra animation work necessary to implement different status animations for each different race and monster wouldn't consume too much of Obsidian's time and resources.
  6. It's a pretty good game. Pretty boring selection of races, though. I'm pretty sure 99% of players chose sexually sexual gray elves over blue elves (man those guys were dumb looking,) multiracial generic humans and aryan nordic master race humans. Gameplay was its strongest aspect, the story and lore were uninteresting (thanks Oblivion guy!) Visually it was like a modern WoW (you know, better than DX7,) whether that's good or bad is up to you. Shallow fun, more like a straight action game than an action RPG for the most part. I personally went with sexually sexual aryan nordic master race, dual braid style for extra sexual sexuality. I concur the thoughts about the game; dull story and lore, good gameplay.
  7. It's weird, but despite the fact that I'm a fan of the series I'm not the least bit enthusiastic about GTA V. I guess my reasons are: a) GTA IV left a bad taste in my mouth. For a game that has so many good things going for it, it frustrated and angered me to no end, to the point that I can't bring myself to finish it because it's just such a pain to play. b) Will they finally have a halfway decent combat system that doesn't make me want to put my fist through my monitor? (this is one of the causes of reason "a") c) Rockstar missed an opportunity to take the series to a new and interesting location. Sleeping Dogs showed how much of an impact location can have on a game, with Hong Kong being a fantastic setting. While GTA San Andreas is my favorite entry in the series, Los Santos was EASILY the most boring of the 3 cities in the game, and on top of that it's getting reused just like Liberty City got reused in GTA IV. d) The 2 trailers shown so far left me completely uninspired. I'm not sure why, but I suspect it's the 3 protagonists. They all seem so dull and uninteresting. I do hope the game proves me wrong and winds up being great, though.
  8. I thoroughly enjoy missions where SIE is my handler. Only Heck even comes close to providing the same level of entertainment value over communications.
  9. Despite the fact that they got a well known fantasy author to create the world, I found the lore and the world of KoA to be utterly dull and boring. That didn't stop the game from being fun, though. I definitely enjoyed the game... all of it except the ward dispelling mini-game. The ward dispelling mini-game in KoA may well be the worst thing ever programmed. Luckily, it can be pretty much ignored.
  10. While Dark Souls was made in Japan so I guess by definition it is a jRPG, I've never thought of it as such. It feels so much more like a western RPG.
  11. Don't you DARE burn the Tex Murphy games or I will find you. You hear me? I WILL FIND YOU! I loved Tex Murphy's weird mix or professional actors, Chris Jones' surprisingly decent delivery as Tex himself, and all the over the top cheesetastic "acting" done by programmers and staff. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
  12. There is no preparing for it. Nothing can make you ready for horror of that magnitude. It would be like preparing to get run over by a train. Still doesn't hold a candle to Phantasmagora in terms of horrific acting. I get chills just thinking about it.
  13. For me there are some classics I love like Final Fantasy VI (still the best jRPG ever made IMHO), Chrono Trigger, Phantasy Star (all of them, but particularly IV), and Seiken Densetsu III (aka Secret of Mana 2). More recently though, I fell in love with Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor and SMT: Devil Survivor 2. Both are brilliant games combining elements on sRPGs, old school style menu driven jRPGs, Dragon Quest style monster collecting and training, and fusing of monsters. They're truly fun games that both gave me over a hundred hours of good times each.
  14. I just think Bethesda took a chance with Morrowind and abandoned the standard prototypical setting for something really different. With Oblivion they took the safe route and went with a paint by numbers setting and since Oblivion made them a bajillion dollars they stuck with a paint by numbers setting for Skyrim except they added dragons, because dragons sell.
  15. I'm well into Alpha Protocol now. I did a couple missions in Moscow then went off to Rome and have done every mission except the final one there. Before I finish up in Rome I'll be off to Taipei to mess with Brayko's nose candy. I'll do that whole hub all at once, then back to Moscow, then back to Rome. Other than the one mission in the ruins in Rome where I had to defend the spot until Mina finished working her magic (it took me 3 tries to get past that part), everything else has been a breeze. It's also been really fun. The game is still just as enjoyable as I remember. Once I finish this up maybe I'll have the stomach to go back to GTA 4 and finish that up. While I'll still be downgrading in terms of combat mechanics, at least it won't be as shocking a step down as trying to go directly from Sleeping Dogs to GTA 4. Either that or I may try to finally finish NWN 2. I can never seem to finish that game. I play it for a while, love it, then like it, then... then I just kind of run out of desire to finish it. It just drags so much in the middle parts. I can use wanting to go on to MotB as motivation though.
  16. It was also the expansion filled with wacky characters, unusual quests, conspiracy theories, shopkeepers that got awfully jealous when you patronized their competitor, and the opportunity to control the traps in a dungeon luring foolish adventurers to their doom.
  17. Morrowind was the peak of the Elder Scrolls series, as far as full games go, I thought the Shivering Isles expansion for Oblivion was, and still is, the best thing Bethesda has ever done. While combat in Morrowiind was horrendous, it's not like it's gotten noticeably better, it still sucked in Oblivion, and it still sucks in Skyrim. Morrowind's strength was the fantastic setting and the great faction dynamics. Oblivion was a truly forgettable game with a bland setting, bland story, bland everything except for the Brotherhood quests and the aforementioned Shivering Isles expansion. Skyrim, in my opinion, is certainly an improvement over Oblivion because at least the setting isn't quite as bland as Cyrodiil and Fus Ro Dah is kinda fun for a few minutes. No way it beats Morrowind though. The only thing Daggerfall had going for it, in my opinion, was the sheer staggering size of it all, plus it was fairly revolutionary back in the day. Still it was a borefest with you basically doing the same quest except to a different far reaching corner of the map over and over again, but with cheesy randomly generated terrain instead of a persistent world. So in conclusion: (Shivering Isles) > Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion > Daggerfall I never played Arena.
  18. I think she looks less butch and more tough and full of steely determination.
  19. Wow, that is really fantastic! Thank you for sharing that great piece of art.
  20. You can go guns blazin' through missions if you'd like. It's totally up to you how to achieve your objectives.
  21. I decided that I'll get at least some Assault Rifle for long range and use CQC for everything else. Hopefully Fury & Toughness will get me through when **** hits the fan. I want to try to get through the game this time without the God Skill (Chain Shot).
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