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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. 4.3 million before fees and failed charges is not too shabby. I'm glad I was able to be part of this momentous movement. Also, get well soon Josh Sawyer.
  2. I'm waiting for a sale on the Zodiac Tournament DLC, hopefully it happens during the Spring Sale. I'm basically looking for any excuse to jump back into Sleeping Dogs.
  3. I agree that Arcanum definitely has major balancing issues and playing a technologist is decidedly more difficult than melee or magic, especially early on. It is, however, definitely doable.
  4. Just started Mirror's Edge. When you get that nice clean run going and the bullets are whizzing by your head it's a helluva rush.
  5. I'd like to hug you right now. /eHugs Hassat //downloads mods
  6. Think positive. Think positive. Plus, there's the funding the got from PayPal which is in the amount of ??? and, I would imagine, would count toward the stretch goals.
  7. The campaign is down to the last few hours. There will be a livestream tonight at 5 EST. The total as of right now is over 109k, which is over triple the original goal. I think the 120k stretch goal for animated cutscenes is still in play. Either way, this game is going to be awesome.
  8. Happy Holidays everyone! Stay warm, stay safe, and be kind to each other. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.
  9. There is a mod floating around out there that adds some Neeshka flirt dialog options and a short scene at Crossroads Keep with her if you romance her. The modding community comes through, as usual.
  10. My thoughts exactly. The premise of the game actually sounds good and I hope it succeeds and is a great game. How much faith do I have that the game will actually be great... or at least good... or even ever released at all? None whatsoever. I certainly won't be pledging a single penny. If they actually make and release this game and it's a good game then I may well buy it.
  11. Damn, I knew I shouldn't have passed up that Kool-Aid.
  12. All I got in my neck of the woods was a bunch of rain then a dusting of snow which immediately melted. Pretty anti-climactic. So when's the next doomsday?
  13. It's kind of a moot point. I doubt you could tell any difference whatsoever in this type of game for any framerate over 30 fps, much less 60, regardless of how convincing your testimonials are. (other than placebo effect "yeah, I can totally tell" difference)
  14. Well, there's finally an answer to what "???" stands for: GOG End of the World Sale
  15. I would expect 1600x900 to become more popular soon (or at least stay the same) and 1366x768 to become less popular as many of 13" and 15" laptops that were 1366x768 are moving to 1600x900 with newer models.
  16. Awesome update and I dig the beard. I'm wondering if there will be weapons with multiple damage types? For example, a halberd could be used both as a slashing and as a piercing weapon. What about a cleaving weapon like an axe? It has an edge, like a sword, but has a good bit of weight behind it that is concentrated into a fairly small area, producing a fair bit of impact. Would that maybe be a weapon that does half slashing and half crushing damage? Lastly, happy holidays to all the good folks at Obsidian!
  17. Chanter - Bards are always interesting Priest - Since they won't be healers Ciphers - Because I'm curious about how psionics will work in this game Paladin - Since they won't be tied to a god The rest of the classes seem fairly straightforward.
  18. I'm about 4 1/2 hours into The Book of Unwritten Tales now and have really enjoyed the experience so far. The game is constantly poking fun at fantasy stories, mythologies, movies, and video games. It doesn't do anything new, it's a standard point n click, but it's just so gosh darn charming that I can't help but smile the whole time I'm playing. Dated, but pretty, visuals. Pleasant soundtrack. Good voice acting. I'm definitely happy I scooped it up when it was on sale.
  19. You better keep your mouth shut or they'll demote you to jRPG Grinder.
  20. Step 1: Hail Step 2: Apocalypse Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit
  21. @Soulviulnir - I had to throw in that little barb because the Poles, Russians, and Scandinavians are forever arguing about who invented Vodka. I'm definitely a fan of Beksinski's work also.
  22. I come from a pencil & paper background and I very much like a non-hand holding approach where the game lets me make my own mistakes and figure out the strategy on my own. Even if it means having my party ruthlessly obliterated in the process, potentially multiple times. I am fully prepared, and even eager, to accept the consequences of dialogue decisions, companion death, etc. I didn't always play games this way, I used to reload again and again until I did it "perfect", but now I just roll with the punches. As long as the game is fair and I'm getting my ass whooped because I made tactical mistakes, and not because of broken or unfair mechanics, I'm okay with that. I also recognize that many people do not play the way I do and that they will enjoy a game more with a bit of guidance and more leniency. This is why I'm excited that I will be able to turn those aids off while others can leave them on. My approach to gaming isn't better or worse, it's just my approach. One thing I absolutely HATE is games brute forcing you down a particular path in a fight. This usually happens with lengthy, multi-stage fights. I'll have "outsmarted" the game or used great tactics and should have beaten the enemy right then and there, but the game insists that the fight lasts into another stage so it forces that next stage on me even if it doesn't make sense or breaks the game's own rules. That sort of thing drives me insane.
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