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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. For as great a game as Mass Effect 3 was, and I thought it was a fantastic game despite the horrible ending (even with the extended ending DLC), I've had zero desire to play it again. I played through ME1 twice, ME2 four times, have no desire whatsoever to play ME3 more than once, even to see the new content in the DLCs. I think I'm just burned out on that universe for a while.
  2. The shooting parts in Sleeping Dogs are third person and it has semi-auto-lock. You have to aim at a target manually first, but once you have it lined up it will auto-aim and follow the target, though you can "override" the auto-aim if you move your cursor enough. This can be turned off in options so you have to always manually aim. It's definitely playable with a controller but I found it more comfortable to do the shooting parts with m&kb. Shooting is a fairly small part of the game, though. Edit: I do like that weapons have realistic recoil and your shots get much less accurate with continued fire. Also, blind fire is highly inaccurate, as it should be. It always bothered my how Niko in GTA IV was was some kind of Jedi Sniper with 100% accuracy when blind firing.
  3. It's an action adventure sandbox game like GTA. There is plenty of driving (MUCH better with a controller), hand to hand fighting (better with a controller), and a little bit of shooting (better with mouse & keyboard). The cool thing is that you can plug or unplug your controlled mid-game and it instantly recognizes it so you can switch controls whenever you want (you don't need to unplug the controller to use mouse & kb), where as many games you must have the controller plugged in before booting the game up for it to be recognized.
  4. As Hurlshot mentioned, a 360 controlled is the way to go, just stay away from anything made by MadCatz. I have this one (green glow, not blue) and it's treated me well and it's slightly cheaper than an official XBOX360 controller.
  5. *Shivers* Says it all. Why? I never got the elitist attitude that playing a game on PC with a controller is "not the true PC experience" or somehow "lesser" (BTW, I'm not accusing you or anyone here of this ). PC controllers have been around for well over a decade. Some games play better with controllers, like most platformers and essentially any driving/racing game ever made. Flight sims ans space sims play better with joysticks. Shooters play better with mouse & keyboard. There are better tools than others for certain games, simple as.
  6. Fine, it plays fine with keyboard and mouse for me. Edit: On a side note, I don't know a single other person who uses arrow keys for movement, but I'm not here to dispute your figures, I'm sure there are plenty of people that prefer that over WASD. Point is, to answer your original question, the game is indeed better with a 360 controller.
  7. Sleeping Dogs plays fine with mouse & keyboard except driving, but then again driving sucks in any game with mouse & keyboard. Most of the other keybindings you can change no problem, but I never tried the movement keys. For me it was a null point since I just used a 360 controller for everything except gunfights (which are a somewhat small part of the game), the game definitely plays better with a controller. There are just some games that play better with a controller, namely driving games and platformers, Sleeping Dogs definitely fits into that category too.
  8. I hated that too. In KotOR 2 I start out as a Jedi so staying one (or going Sith) is something I came to grips with right at the beginning of the game. I won't be slinging guns though, I'll be slinging my voice at enemies and frying them with lightning. If they get in close I'll kick them in the face.
  9. I liked Divine Divinity quite a bit. A heavily flawed game, but definitely worthwhile and fun. Beyond Divinity has an interesting premise but not executed particularly well. Also, it's supper buggy (maybe that's fixed now?). I could never get into Divinity 2, it just didn't grab me.
  10. I'm starting KotOR 2 and my plan is to be a colossal manipulative d-bag to everyone (obviously dark side). I'll be a Sith Inquisitor (Consular) and plan to not use a lightsaber (because blocking blaster fire with my bare hands is WAY more badass). Any thoughts on whether this will be viable in the game?
  11. It usually simply refers to a re-release of a game that sold well with all the DLC or expansions. I'm fully aware of what a "Game of the Year Edition" is, my point is that it should be called "Complete Edition", "Ultimate Edition", "Diamond Edition", "Pink Fuzzy Sparkly Unicorn Edition", or whatever if it's not truly a "Game of the Year". I realize different publications may vote different titles as GotY, but I don't think anyone voted Dead Island GotY. A Skyrim Game of the Year Edition would make sense, as would Dark Souls Game of the Year Edition, or The Witcher 2 Game of the Year Edition, those are all games that were at the top of most lists in 2011 GotY. Dead Island Game of the Year Edition is REALLY reaching and frankly a fraudulent title is what my point is. Anyway, sorry to stray off topic. I'm still playing Neverwinter Nights 2, I'm in Haven right now, plus I just started KotOR 2 (I was going to wait until I finished NWN2 but I couldn't help myself.
  12. I still get a kick out of some "Game of the Year Editions". I'll use Dead Island as an example since LadyCrimson just brought it up. For a game to have a "Game of the Year Edition" doesn't it first have to be Game of the Year? I would think that would be a reasonable prerequisite. I know there are like a billion sites and publications out there, but what publication voted Dead Island GotY. Don't get me wrong, I like the game. For a game with some horrific hiccups and snafus (I'm being kind) it's strangely addicting and quite fun. Still, it wouldn't even make my top 25 for GotY 2011, and I can't think of a single site or publication that even so much as had it on their list of contenders.
  13. This is my kind of insanity. I tells ya, we have to get the dolphins before they get us.
  14. People have a right to their own opinion, it's okay to dislike games that many people love and to love games many people hate, it's all subjective. I personally love The Witcher 2. I consider it the best RPG of the last 10 years and it's my #3 RPG of all time. I've played through it 4 times and will play through it at the very least once or twice more in the future. I love how political the game is. I love the branching storylines and many different endings. I like unexpected consequences for your actions. I like how the game doesn't try to shield you or censor any of the filth, brutality, and debauchery of what is a dirty, grimy, highly prejudiced world. I like how people have their own agendas and how manipulative they are of others around them, including you. I like how the world is "living"; people are at their shops during the day, at a tavern in the evening, stumbling home drunk later on, then sleeping in their houses at night.
  15. Sucks that he was out of the industry (hopefully not completely out of a job) for such a long time. It's good that he's back in the game now, and with a great company.
  16. There aren't that many QTEs in The Witcher 2. There's the boxing mini-game and a few QTEs during some boss fights. I thought the boxing mini-game was laughably easy, even on the hardest difficulty, and was wishing the QTEs would give you less time to respond. Still you can just skip the boxing mini-game altogether.
  17. Well, at least if he's no longer working for Obsidian he's going from one great RPG studio to another.
  18. Still playing Neverwinter Nights 2, I'm doing the Trial of Seasons at the moment. I just got the last prerequisite needed for my character to become a Stormlord, though I'm not sure if I'll start getting levels in it right away. Currently I'm Cleric 11, Fighter 4.
  19. The Witcher 2 is $12 during this sale. That's highway robbery.
  20. I'm fine with higher levels of gore, but I voted blood+decals since it seems like a solution that would put minimal strain on time and resources. I'd frankly much rather that Obsidian concentrate their efforts on other parts of the game than making cool looking dismembered limbs.
  21. I have yet to play it, so I can't comment on it myself. I will say that I've heard nothing but good things. I'm pretty tempted to scoop it up right now, actually.
  22. I used to think that way too, that's why I used to play warrior types almost exclusively, because I enjoyed being right at the front, in the middle of the action. I'm not sure what changed in me as a person, but I've come to really relish playing support characters. I get great joy from casting buffs and debuffs and watching just how MASSIVE a difference they make on the battlefield, and by aiding wounded allies and snatching them from the jaws of death (I'll be playing using Expert Mode, so it will be snatching them from death, not just unconsciousness). Of course, in the end I'm a micro-manager in these types of games so I'll be controlling everyone most of the time anyway.
  23. [inner monologue]Don't get jealous. Don't get jealous. Don't get jealous.[/inner monologue] Dammit, I'm jealous! With all these Sierra alums coming out of the woodwork and having successful Kickstarter campaign it's like I'm going to get to relive my childhood. Add to that Tex Murphy, Broken Sword, Double Fine Adventure... and they said adventure gaming was dead.
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