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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Sleeping Dogs is my second favorite crime sandbox type game ever, I freakin' love that game. My list would go: San Andreas > Sleeping Dogs > SR4 > SR3 > Vice City > Gay Tony > SR2 > GTA3 > GTA4 > Lost & Damned I played the **** out of GTA3 back in the day, but when I revisited the game recently... ish (maybe 4 years ago), I came to the conclusion that it's not that great by today's standards. Vice City, on the other hand, still holds up. I played it some 3 years ago and still had a great time. Same with San Andreas, I love the bejesus out of that game every time I play it (most recently a year ago). GTA4 drove me mad. Not because it was a terrible game, but because it had a lot going for it, but constantly and actively threw hurdles in your path to having fun. Lost & Damned was decidedly meh, but Gay Tony was pretty good, almost making up for the GTA4 franchise as a whole. SR2 was a great game, but my experience was a bit marred by how crappy the PC port was at first. SR3 was an absolute blast. Many people would disagree, but I, for one, was extremely happy to see them move further away from gang warfare and further into silly land. SR4 only pushed the ridiculousness envelope further and pretty much left the gang warfare gameplay behind completely, which I was all for. I've always wondered about Bully, but never played it.
  2. Nah. There are probably some people in Siberia that have never played a GTA game also.
  3. I didn't mind him at first, that's why I killed Playboy (also, because Playboy was a fake *** piece of ****), but over time Dwayne's oppressively depressing demeanor really wore on me, to the point where I flat out hated him.
  4. I liked Brucie, Little Jacob, and Badman. Roman can go die in a fire for all I care, that annoying mutha****er. Same with Dwayne, good lord that guy was depressing.
  5. Yeah, I once hated on Steam too. Then I realized that it was driving down the price of games, and after I switched computers and moved a couple of times, I realized how much easier and better it had made my gaming. Since they fixed offline mode a couple years back, I have not had one bad thing to say about Steam. Then they added Linux support and made it even easier to play games and share saves across bot my OS in my dual-boot. I have no issue with people being against Steam, that's their prerogative. I'm not going to get into the DRM argument, my bottom line is that it works damn near perfect for me (YMMV), it's hella convenient, and it makes game buying oodles cheaper than in was before. I guess I've gone over to the dark side, but whatever.
  6. Of Orcs and Men - Got to the mind trip part. Decided to go Path of the Assassin with Styx and Path of the Master with Arkail. The Arkail choice was a no-brainer as I try to avoid going berserk as much as possible and Path of the Master allows me to burn off rage and convert it into useful bonuses. The choice with Styx was more difficult, but I'm more of a knife wielder than a bomb or spell thrower, so I figure the assassin path was a better choice for me.
  7. i've heard it said that you can make up for small size with enough skill i wouldn't know, my upload is HUGE It's not the size of the upload, it's the motion of the web... or so I have been told.
  8. It's basically down to 3 teams for those 2 AL wild card slots: Rangers, Rays, and Indians. I expect the Indians to get in because they're hot right now and they have a really easy remaining schedule. That would leave the Rays and Rangers to duke it out for that last spot. Both teams have been fading, so it's hard to pick a favorite.
  9. I want details on your withdrawal tomorrow. Play by play, if possible.
  10. There are 11 paragraphs in that quote block. There are 5 links in that quote block. 11-5 = 6 6/2 = 3 Half-Life 3 confirmed!
  11. We don't have a separate thread for Indie-Go-Go, so I'll just post this here: Lords of Xulima Old-school, 2D, isometric, party-based RPG with 1st person turn-based combat.
  12. Under NO circumstance would I enjoy any M. Night Shyamalan movie made in the last decade. I don't care how divided my attention is.
  13. Well, yeah. If the person expects a game to be garbage and hears, reads, or sees nothing to the contrary, then it does indeed make no sense whatsoever to go ahead and buy the game then suffer all the way through it. When trying to understand games as a product in an economics sense I find that they are much alike drugs. A junkie that needs a fix will switch to a lower quality product, same with games. Both are goods that while not indispensable their demand matches that of essential goods. Sure, but that analogy only works if there's a shortage of the higher quality product, or if the lower quality product is significantly cheaper than the higher quality product. At the moment I see no shortage of good games and I don't see them being more expensive, in fact, they sometimes tend to be less expensive.
  14. Well, yeah. If the person expects a game to be garbage and hears, reads, or sees nothing to the contrary, then it does indeed make no sense whatsoever to go ahead and buy the game then suffer all the way through it.
  15. Holy ****, a Spinebuster! Somewhere, Arn Anderson is smiling.
  16. Good lord, I certainly wouldn't want to be part of a forum where the only opinions of anything ever where all just lavish praise. That would be one disgusting giant circle jerk. As for playing a game you don't like. I agree, most of the time if I find a game crappy, I do indeed just stop and never play it again. There are times though, when a game is infuriating me, yet I keep playing it because it shows some faint promise of getting better, or the story pulls me in to the point where I want to see it through to the end. Case in point, Two Worlds 2. By all accounts, that's a truly bad game. Yet it got better through the middle part, opening up into fairly large areas to explore, and even having some halfway decent story progression and interesting side quests. By the time the game devolved into a horrifically tedious slog at the end, I had invested so much time in the game, based of the faint promise of it getting better (boy was I wrong), that I just wanted to see it through to the end. In hindsight, I should have stopped and digitally burned my copy of the game, but at the time I was holding on to a faint glimmer of hope that it would return to the somewhat enjoyable game it was in the middle part.
  17. Sawx broke out the brooms and swept the Yankees right out of Fenway. Buchholz struggled with his command a bit, but he battled through it and got stronger as the game wore on. I'm starting to think they may get to 100 wins. They'd have to go 8-3 in their remaining games, so it's unlikely, but definitely possible.
  18. Man, I knew the Seahawks defense was good, but holy **** they're good.
  19. Yeah, **** went down, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. This whole season has just been amazing. They keep cranking the intensity knob up every episode. How is that even possible at this point? Where so many good shows have gone out with a whimper, Breaking Bad is going out in a blaze of glory.
  20. Ugh, it's so miserable being a Cowboys fan. They're so awfully mediocre. They have these flashes during the games where they look good and like an actual professional football team, then they go through stretches that make you cringe as you watch them. Just ridiculously sloppy and boneheaded plays. Case in point, the end of today's game against the chiefs. Cowboys are down by 1, 15 seconds to go, on their own 4, no timeouts left. Granted, they're not going to win the game anyway, barring a major miracle, but they should at least give a good effort. So what does Romo do? He throws a check down to the -1 yard line smack dab in the middle of the field. Winds up being a 10 yard gain or so and the clock runs out. Why the **** would you throw a check down to the middle of the field in that situation? What, the running back is going to get 101 yards after catch? Might as well pencil the team in for another 8-8 season. /headbutts wall
  21. I saw that on GOG. It looks very Rastan-like. Is that a fair comparison?
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