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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. At the very least I want the the next two stretchgoals. I doubt it can reach 900k, which makes me sad, because I want Hero Mode so bad. Playing through the game as Rotty Tops would be awesome. 700k is all I wanted. 700k is feasible. I'm cautiously optimistic that they'll reach that figure. Playing the game while wearing a Patty Wagon outfit would be great.
  2. At the very least I want the the next two stretchgoals. I doubt it can reach 900k, which makes me sad, because I want Hero Mode so bad. Playing through the game as Rotty Tops would be awesome.
  3. What game is this? I love an old school dungeon crawl. La-Mulana. It's basically Indiana Jones: The Metroidvania. Sadly, you just missed the Steam Sale where it was $3.
  4. Woot! Shantae: Half-Genie Hero has met its funding goal. Now onward to stretch goals.
  5. As long as pony hair brushing simulators remain inclusive of both sexes, I'll be good to go.
  6. I'll be interested to see if this winds up using Wayland/Weston rather than X.org. Probably not, at least initially, I doubt Wayland is mature enough yet. Then there's the issue of the current lack of official drivers supporting Wayland from nVidia and AMD, though Valve could likely help speed up that process, if they haven't already. X.org is a rather old display server that's quite encumbered by legacy stuff to support ancient hardware and systems. Obviously anyone running SteamOS isn't going to be doing so on a Pentium 1 with a Verite V1000 graphics card, so it would seem like a good candidate for Wayland adoption.
  7. No. Both nVidia and AMD drivers have extremely similar performance across both Windows and Linux. I know nVidia stated in the past that their drivers are 90% or more identical across OSs.
  8. No surprise here. Valve's own custom Linux distro built around Steam is something I fully expected. That's step 2 toward SteamBox (step 1 was getting Steam to work with Linux in the first place). It makes perfect sense. Part of what makes Linux hard to work with sometimes is that there are a bajillion different distros out there and they may be running on different versions of the Linux kernel, Mesa, Glibc, Xorg, etc. Usually it doesn't make much difference, but sometimes it does. By putting out their own distro, they have full control over package versions. Before they just adhered to Ubuntu 12.04 since that's the most popular distro and the latest LTS release of it, but this way they fully control what package versions their distro uses, not Canonical.
  9. If I had to rank the top 5 teams right now I would go with Seahawks Broncos Bears Patriots Saints
  10. This, was some seriously gut-wrenching **** I love that this show pulls no punches. None. Ever. Zero. It is quite hard to watch sometimes, though. On a different note, for whatever reason, I thoroughly enjoy the incredibly awkward Creepy Todd hitting on Lydia scenes. It's soooo creepy.
  11. The penultimate episode of Breaking Bad. Great television, but really, really, really sad. I'm so psyched for the finale.
  12. La-Mulana. Getting lost in that giant metroidvania maze and killed by fiendish traps, and loving it.
  13. Pretty fantastic football week for me, as a Cowboys fan. The Boys won handily and actually looked like a competent team, granted it was against the Rams. The Eagles lost on Thursday to a feisty Chiefs team, the skins lost to the Lions, and the Giants got obliterated by the Panthers. The Cowboys stand atop the division, almost by default. I predicted at the beginning of the year that the Cowboys would go 8-8 again, I just didn't know that that may well be good enough to win the division. It's kind of hard to make heads or tails of most of the teams. The only thing I feel really confident about is that the Seahawks are really good. Every other team...
  14. At first I was surprised the Dodgers weren't #1, the way they've been spending money. Then I remembered the albatross that is the A-Rod contract.
  15. Holy ****, the Giants are awful. They are getting eviscerated by the Panthers. The Panthers!
  16. Sure, but nowhere near as good as the original free Windows version (you can't get much more indie than that,) since they sadly had to casualize it for Wii audiences. Lost a lot of charm and all the mystery in the process (tell you the story in the intro that you couldn't piece together until near the end of the original game.) I really wish someone would fix the original game to work properly on versions of Windows newer than XP. Right, but it's the only version I can play right now. I was never able to finish the original (refuse to use a guide), maybe I'll actually be able to beat the nerfed version.
  17. Maxed out my Acolyte of Kelemvor companion. She's now a full fledged Doomguide
  18. Well, whatever it cost them, it's clearly worth it, as the hype machine is in full effect, to the tune of a billion+ in revenue.
  19. Serious case of gamer ADD right now. Splitting time between Might & Magic X, Card Hunter, Grim Dawn, La Mulana, and Neverwinter. I'll likely focus mostly on La Mulana, because that game is hard enough with undivided attention, I don't need to make it harder by splitting my focus.
  20. La Mulana 2 is being developed by Nigoro. Squee!
  21. I'm in favor of any title that ends in "An Urquhart Joint". Also, I like that the head of a pollaxe is at the bottom of that page, not to mention, what looks like a nuclear explosion.
  22. I always thought hacking was rather easy... /hides
  23. Rush ~ Natural Science http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7W0Nm8iHwk To this day, I think Permanent Waves is Rush's best album, just ahead of A Farewell To Kings, Moving Pictures, and Hemispheres. Here's another track off that album, Jacob's Ladder: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnkwhHOjv-4
  24. Moving around the map is never lengthy once you get super speed, which is to say, right at the beginning of the game. Some people dislike superpowers in that it makes vehicles obsolete. I like it in that it makes any part of Cyber Steelport accessible within 20 seconds or so.
  25. Enjoy. It's a great game. Which reminds me. I need to do my pure d-bag Michael Thorton playthrough eventually.
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