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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Mostly Red Stripe Lager. I'll have some Sobieski Vodka when eating śledzie.
  2. Vodka and frozen wasteland or bland boiled food and a wet and cold place, tough decision. Russia doesn't get the benefit of vodka in my mind. Russians and Scandinavians may claim otherwise, but all sane people know that vodka was invented in Poland.
  3. If it winds up not being overheating that's the problem, then the next most likely cause would be the PSU going through its death throes. If available, the easiest way to check is to switch it out for a known good PSU and see if that remedies the problem.
  4. The setting is... serviceable. I too was hoping for something more, but it's okay. Like the rest here, I'm very impressed with the system. I'm getting ready to run an adventure from the back of the core book on my own, as both GM and player, just to get a feeling for how the system plays out in action. I have an idea in my head, but reading about the rules and implementing them in action are entirely different things, so I feel a test run is in order.
  5. Oh Lord. DICE is yet again making an AMERICA **** YEAH game. Here's an experiment. Turn on the trailer, mute the sound, play the following in the background: A near-perfect synch. I nearly died laughing. Holy ****, if you start the first video muted then the second one like 3 or 4 seconds later it's amazing!
  6. Never change, oby, (like you did your avatar) these conspiracy/propaganda threads are fantastic.
  7. So I can attempt to have the Cathars topple the Catholic church?
  8. GabeN only gives discounts to the cool people. If you haven't gotten one that means you're an outcast.
  9. It's certainly not a deal breaker for me but it is curious that they seemed to have dehanced the graphics a bit for the "ultimate" edition of the game. Either way, I wasn't going to buy it any time soon. I will eventually, I just have no time or desire to play through it again right now.
  10. Well, the Sawx defense took a turn losing a game. Sadly, Lackey will be credited with a loss, when he pitched very well and it was the defense commiting not one but two errors on one play that lost the game for the team. Oh well, onward to St. Louis.
  11. I kind of think the Sawx were going to win yesterday anyway, without the Cards having a terrible fielding night, because Lester was dealing and Wainwright was clearly off, even before Lozma's first error. However, the Cards didn't do themselves any favors by literally dropping the ball several times. Wacha has been on fire this postseason, but Lackey has been really strong too. It should be a really good game tonight.
  12. Sawx won 8-1. Lester was terrific, Wainwright had a bad night, Kozma had a trrible night fielding. Buchholz acknowledged shoulder soreness after game 1. Right now the word is that it's 50/50 whether he or Doubront starts game 4. Buchholz is a very good pitcher, but his body is made out of paper mache.
  13. Good call, I may fire up some X3:TC this weekend myself. In the meantime, I'm all about Euro Truck Simulator 2 when I'm at home on my lappy. I'm high enough level now that I now have access to some pretty decent trucks. I've got a MAN 6x2 with the raised sleeper and 480 hp, 2300 torque. It does chew up gas fairly quickly, but it's a beast pulling heavy loads up inclines and it drives so silky smooth at high speed. I also have a 480 hp Renault Magnum 4x2 that my hired driver runs. I'm starting to expand my business into multiple drivers, though I don't see myself ever getting larger than a couple of garages and less than 10 total drivers. I'm just not looking to do that much micromanaging. While on the go I'm rocking Final Fantasy V on my Android. That won't be changing any time soon. FF5 is a 50+ hour game, and when you're playing less than an hour a day in 10-15 minute chunks, that will go a long way. I doubt I'll get bored of it any time soon either, on account of the game being so awesome. I miss Square, the real Square, a lot. Damn you, Enix, for devouring its soul and spitting it out.
  14. **** yes! Napoli comes through again in the 1st with a 3 run double. He's a very streaky hitter, he goes through ice cold streaks and super red hot streaks. He picked a really good time to go on a hot streak.
  15. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Occulus Rift Footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipbtMJagv5o#t=482 I'm really enjoying ETS2 without Occulus Rift, or a wheel and pedal setup for that matter, but this looks just plain awesome.
  16. Man dressed up as The Joker gets arrested for DUI, produces AWESOME mugshot
  17. MOAR screenies: /bends down //picks jaw up off floor Warning! Warning! Warning! Excitement level CRITICAL! Hype overload imminent!
  18. Bravo, Cultist, this is some damn fine work here.
  19. I have to say that the sprites on the Android version of Final Fantasy V looks super duper crisp. I'm not sure if it's more whatever graphical massaging they did for this and the iOS version, or just the scaling down to a 4" screen that makes everything look so sharp. Anyway, good times so far. Games like this that aren't twitch games and are menu-driven translate really well to smartphones.
  20. Gamer jailed for biting another man's **** "like a sandwich" So, is Dover, Kent like the Florida of the UK or is this just an isolated incident? Edit: I probably should have put this in "Weird News Stories".
  21. That's what people get for attempting to pirate a game.
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