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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Dang. That's a start it up and go out for dinner or take a long bike ride type installation.
  2. If that fails, there's always SOMA... Whenever that comes out. In a perfect world, someone would kick Frictional Games 50 million dollars to make a game, I'd love to see what they could do with a AAA budget.
  3. New screenies, including the mythical Snow Geralt.
  4. My version of Geralt only needs one sorceress in his life, a raven haired one who used to be a hunchback. I've been friend zoning Triss in my canon playthrough and generally (though not completely) avoiding one night stands.
  5. I fully approve of completely random adorable cat drawings, be they integrated into line graphs or otherwise.
  6. I'm curious whether SJWs are partially responsible for the zombie plague in video games. I wonder if some developers make the conscious decision to use zombies as the enemies you kill for worry of getting torn apart by the SJW horde when using human targets because the particular humans they chose to use as targets somehow are considered as social commentary.
  7. That to me just sounds like some kind of excuse and justification for developers not having to be concerned with things like gender representation in games As far as I'm concerned developers shouldn't have to be concerned about gender (or sexual orientation for that matter) representation in video games unless the video game specifically tackles that issue. Unless the game specifically sets out to provide social commentary, the developer shouldn't have to go through a checklist and check off boxes to make sure everyone is represented in a good light and that they heaven forbid may have included something that could possibly be interpreted as insulting. Sometimes, you just want to make a game about robot ninjas kidnapping the president's daughter and don't want to worry about whether this reflects poorly on the female gender.
  8. It's too early for me to compile a best of 2014 list because Bayonetta 2 isn't out yet and I haven't finished Wasteland 2 or played Divinity: Original Sin at all yet.
  9. Never mind the game, how about Chris Conte's MAGNIFICENT beard. The game looks promising too.
  10. NooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!!! On a serious note, take all the time you need. Just do me a favor, don't release it at the same time as The Witcher 3.
  11. I'll be waiting with bated breath. To expand my thoughts on Borderlands 2. The biggest thing that irks me in is how bullet spongy the bosses and even some of the regular enemies are. Beyond that, the shooter mechanics are solid and I've found the weapons decent but unexciting. On the positive side, the game seems to have a pretty good sense of humor.
  12. In addition to Wasteland 2, I started playing Borderlands 2. I'll be honest, I'm not getting what all the hoopla was about. It seems pretty mediocre to me. Maybe it gets better later?
  13. After you finish with the spreadsheet, be a peach and whip up a power point presentation outlining your findings.
  14. It might not have had cards, but TW2 certainly had no shortage of boobs.
  15. They've hopefully already made a profit. Much of the game was funded via Kickstarter. The game cost more than what they got from Kickstarter minus fees and cost of goodies, but they made money off Early Access which was used to cover most, if not all, of the rest of the game's budget. Hopefully most of that 1.5 million quoted (and whatever else they made since) has been profit. I'm making my way through Damonta now. I desperately need to get to a merchant who can afford to buy a lot of stuff from me. All my characters are quite weighed down, to the point that I have to leave stuff behind sometimes (which drives me nuts). I'm glad I had Ralphy learn energy weapons. He sucked in battle before most of the time, because energy weapons are garbage in many situations, but he's very useful in Damonta, for obvious reasons.
  16. What!? Who let in the women folk? Is there no place left that's safe? That's it, I'm canceling my pre-order.
  17. If it's a gate/door, you can also brute force it if you broke the lock.
  18. I don't find animals an annoyance in battle, but it shatters my heart whenever any of them gets killed.
  19. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call myself a fanboy, but I'm definitely a very big fan of CDPR. On the other hand, I have no idea who Chris Priestly is, so my reaction is Should I be flipping a table over?
  20. Hmm, what to play for my Harmony playthrough? I suppose I could jam some Grateful Dead.
  21. I originally wound up leaving Rose at Ag Center after clearing that place out for RPing reasons, but then changed my mind and put her back on my team. I've grow rather fond of the old crow. She gets so many skill points per level that I've had her develop lockpick, smart ass, and kiss ass, in addition to the computer, surgeon, and handgun skills she already had. She's not great in a fight (unless you have her learn a better weapon), but she's a great jack of all trades outside of combat. I already had a medic with some surgery skill when I picked her up, but I definitely don't mind having overlapping skills in that department. In fact, I may have a 3rd character pick up a level or two in surgery for contingency reasons.
  22. Dang, it was 7-4 Billy Beanes in the 7th when I went to sleep. I wasn't watching the game but I checked the score before I shut the computer down. I figured it was pretty much a done deal at that point. Guess not.
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