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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Out of curiosity, what level did folks finish the game at? Just as a non-spoiler general point of reference to how much I have left of the game (I'm on the cusp of hitting lev 30).
  2. Cap'n Toad, now with playable Toadette!
  3. Agreed mostly. V and VI were the pinnacle of the series, in my opinion, such phenomenal games. IX was the last great game in the series, X was still pretty good, but starting with X-2 it started to really slide downward. I didn't care for XII, and XIII was a borderline train wreck, which is too bad because they nailed the combat system, it's just too bad everything else was such a mess.
  4. Bayonetta 2 demo. You guys, it's so freakin' good. Also, I'm pretty terrible at the game, but I'm starting to improve. I went Bronze-Stone-Bronze the first time through the demo, Silver-Stone-Silver the second time, and Silver-Silver-Bronze the third time. Baby steps.
  5. So, I just found out that Nintendo released a Bayonetta 2 demo on the eShop today. My reaction: Well, so much for me playing any more Wasteland 2 today. Heck, I might not even watch NFL football. Now I'll be staring at the clock for the rest of the work day trying to will the hands to move faster.
  6. The combat system was good, but the game was essentially a single corridor. Plus, it was laden with quite possibly the most boring, personality-less, cardboard cutout of a main protagonist the series has ever had. Anyway, it seems we won't have to wait long for the next round of GabeN's assault on our wallets. Word round the campfire is that there will be a Halloween Sale starting on the 30th. Too early to get a sale on Costume Quest 2, right? I'm going to buy the game one way or another to play this Halloween, even a 10% off would somewhat satisfy my inner cheapskate. I'll also maybe scoop up Tropico 5 if it's discounted heavily enough, though part of me wants to hold off for the inevitable Complete Edition as they will undoubtedly milk several more DLCs out of it over the next year or so.
  7. Slaughtering religious zealots in a brothel in Wasteland 2. Good times.
  8. It's made by the devil himself. I'm pretty sure there's a clause in the EULA where you forfeit your soul to Dread Lord EArts.
  9. Depending on how you look at it, none, or up to 5GB. Both the PS4 and the XBone use custom AMD Jaguar APUs, and, like all AMD APUs, there is no dedicated vRAM, the CPU and GPU share the RAM. Both consoles have 8 GB of RAM and both reserve around 3GB for the system to use, leaving 5GB for games.
  10. Does anyone actually use Dell products? From what I can tell the general consensus is that they are pieces of ****. I have a couple year old Dell laptop. No complaints.
  11. I'm starting to get the feeling that Bruce might just be trolling us at this point. If so, bravo sir, bravo. Well played. I tip my hat to you.
  12. Congratulations, Bruce, you just reached a new level of hypocrisy. And that right there sums up nicely not everything, but a good part of what I hate about SJWs. "Hey guys, it's wrong to stereotype other people and put false labels on them. Hey, why are you getting mad because we stereotyped you and put false labels on you? Why are you bothered by this?"
  13. 1) Most likely not, unless EA and BioWare suddenly start supporting either Linux or WiiU. 2) We know almost nothing about it. It's pretty hard to hold an opinion on something you have nearly zero information about (that doesn't stop some people). 3) It will make a metric ****ton of money. BioWare hasn't misfired enough in the eyes of the average mainstream consumer yet for them to lose a significant amount of business and the BioWare name is still a well known and very marketable one.
  14. Apparently NBA2K15's face scanning mode is a bit glitchy and may turn your players into eldritch horrors.
  15. Deck13 owes you commission since I think you just sold Bruce on the game.
  16. The Costume Quest 2 reviews have started coming in and the consensus seems to be "more of the same with somewhat improved combat". I'm okay with that. The annual Costume Quest playthrough is coming soon, this time with double the Costume Quest!
  17. I couldn't think of anything original and went with FMJ. Now if only I have time to play on weekdays... If a Ranger dies can you make a new one to replace said dead Ranger or do you have to replace him or her with one of the Rangers around the Citadel? I'd make a Private Pyle and have him kill himself before he ever left the Citadel area.
  18. Double Fine could sacrifice a human child and kick a puppy on a live feed and I would still buy Costume Quest 2.
  19. The sad thing is that for a split second I tried to figure out which month is 18 What a weird way to write June 12th 2015 Actually, it's not, the Murican way is the weird way, and I say that as a Murican. Day Month Year makes perfect sense because it scales from the smallest increment of time to the largest, it makes a lot more sense than Month Day Year. Personally, I like the way it's notated in computer and sometimes scientific notation the best, which is YearMonthDay (4 digits for year, 2 for month, 2 for day), for example, today would be 20141006. The biggest advantage of this notation is that you can keep it going to smaller and smaller increments if you want to get super specific. For example, as I'm typing this it's 20141006125020. Year (4 digits) month (2 digits) day (2 digits) hour (2 digits using 24-hour clock) minute (2 digits) second (2 digits).
  20. No sour cream, just potato, cheddar cheese, monterey jack cheese, and bacon. I don't get super crazy mashing the potato either, I like to have a few chunks in there.
  21. Dez Bryant's ridiculous catch in overtime that put the Cowboys in field goal range:
  22. The possibility of the Royals in the World Series puts a smile on my face... As much of a smile as a guy who's team went 71-91 could have, anyway.
  23. NPCs will tell you their location is you make them happy.
  24. The good news: DeMarco Murray is currently on pace to rush for 2144 yards this season. The bad news: He's also on pace to have 13 fumbles this season. If his body doesn't shatter into a billion pieces at some point, and that's a big if, I highly doubt he'll actually rush for 2000 yards, but I could see him getting around 1800 rushing yards, which is still a monster season. Hopefully, he figures out how to hold on to the ball and doesn't actually wind up with double digit fumbles by season's end.
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