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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Heroes Never Lose: Professor Puzzler's Perplexing Ploy - A Puzzle Fighter type game coming to Windows, Mac, Linux, and Wii U, with other platforms in stretch goals. It's already funded with 11 days to go. I love me some Puzzle Fighter so I'm definitely interested. Nice low entry point too at 10 Canuck Bucks.
  2. Can't say I have. I haven't had my rifle jam one time since I got it down to 0%. Maybe it's a bug with a specific rifle? Anyway, I made it to the Canyon of Titan. Now it seems I have a choice to make here about the Monks and this "militia". Personally, I get the feeling this "militia" is a group of raiders that just happen to be smooth talkers, but they do have a point about dem monks. Anyway, I'm not going to look up a wiki or search the inXile forums for how this plays out, I don't want to know in advance. I'm not sure which way I'm going to choose yet, but I'm going to do it on my own with out any guidance, and however it plays out, I'll live with the consequences, provided it doesn't produce an end game state. It's getting late so I'll sleep on it.
  3. I'm going through The Prison now. Holding off on doing this area until I was more powerful (generally around lev 14 and 15 now vs around lev 8 and 9 when I first got to Prison Valley) and better equipped was definitely a good idea. I am massacring these Red Skorpion chumps and creating rivers of Red Skorpion blood. Also, great Zeus' beard, there are a lot of mines in this area. Good thing I have both a character with fairly good perception and a character who's good at demolitions. Anyway, once I clear all these chumps out it's on to Damonta, unless I get a call from HQ railroading me somewhere else. Edit: As an aside, snipers are pretty weak early on with the damage not making up for the slow rate of fire, but boy oh boy does it pay to develop one. Critical chance scales quickly with skill, plus sniper rifles have a great combination of high damage per shot and high armor penetration. I'm at the point where my sniper's base chance to hit is nearly 110%, and that's before kneeling down for extra accuracy. I generally get nearly 100%, and sometimes 100% (when I have high ground) accuracy on a headshot and my critical chance is 42%. Criticals on sniper rifle headshots are a beautiful thing. /wipes away tear of joy
  4. I actually never got infected in Ag Center. However, there was a really tense stretch of the game where I was all out of med packs, down to 1 bottle of pills, everyone in my party was hurt, many below half health, and I was in mortal fear of rabbits.
  5. Chris "The Stretch Goal" Avellone is like a fine wine, he just keeps getting better with age.
  6. Hey man, Rangers like their veggies. They are trying to maintain a balanced diet full of important vitamins and antioxidants.
  7. What is the world comming to? There was a time you would include The Witcher 2 at the far right of that equation HoonDing is growing soft in his old age. Anyone have this guy survive?
  8. When it comes to Korean MMOs, or any MMOs, for that matter, the only one I want to play is that Black Desert one (I think it's only playable in Korea right now), and I don't so much want to play it as I want to play with the awesome character creator for hours on end. Someone needs to make a character creator game (no, not The Sims). There is no actual game proper, it's just a really awesome, feature packed character creator. I'd buy and play that. Someone should talk to Volition. Get them to take all the money they use to reskin Saints Row 3 again make Saints Row Gat Out of Hell and have them use 100% of that money to make their already pretty good character creator much better.
  9. One of the sickest, fastest, most amazing instrumental jams ever. Just 4 of the best prog musicians on the planet going 200 mph the whole time.
  10. That's a smart gamer right there. A man who knows the virtues of saving his game! Yeah. I just wish I had saved it (to a non-quicksave) after beating all the rail thieves. Oh well, I already cleaned out half of the half that was left, leaving one last battle for me to go through.
  11. Alright, I have a savegame from where I had cleaned out about half of the rail thieves, so I just gotta clean out the other half. Not too hard or too much work.
  12. Can anyone give me some help with the Rail Nomads?
  13. Numero Uno? You didn't use this opportunity to make a highly timely Numa Numa joke? True Neutral, I am disappoint.
  14. In fairness, incomplete and full of bugs is the going trend in the industry, Creative Assembly just take it to another level.
  15. 98% of the female rangers are supermodels, which is par for the course as far as custom portraits go, I guess. Nothing wrong with that, different strokes for different folks, and all that jazz. I personally like my rangers to look highly weathered.
  16. What are the chances it won't be a train wreck at release?
  17. I'm making my way through the Rail Nomad Camp at the moment. My party just reached lev 10, so I got my first stat upgrade (I'm playing this super duper slow). I should probably do the prison eventually, but I kind of figure there will be some big nasties in there, so I'm clearing some of the other areas first to beef up my party. I've gotten my team some pretty decent weaponry, so I can dish out a good bit of damage rather quickly, and I'm all types of loaded up on ammo at the moment, so I don't have to be shy about pulling the trigger. All that saving ammo and using melee weapons whenever I felt I could get away with it earlier in the game has paid off in regards to how much ammo I have to work with now.
  18. How long was Starcraft: Ghost in development as well, that must have been about seven years as well. Good thing Blizzard's released titles tend to well financially... Of all the cancelled Blizzard games, Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans was the cancellation that bummed me out the most.
  19. I thought they unofficially cancelled it a while back. Didn't they start moving people back to WoW? Or am I remembering the opposite? They rebooted development, so true in a way: last year they scrapped development to date and went back to the drawing board. So despite the headline, it's really just scrapping the work since that news, so a year or so lost instead of the seven quoted. Yes, but all in all, seven years spent on a project that will almost certainly never see the light of day, and it's not even named The Last Guardian.
  20. Is Highpool the Teddy Ruxpin capital of the world or something? I found like half a dozen of those bears in what's left of that town.
  21. So, Blizzard has now officially cancelled Titan, the MMO project that was to be the successor to WoW that they never officially announced and that had been in development for 7 years. This raises the question: If a game that was never officially announced is officially cancelled, does a fallen tree in the woods make a sound?
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