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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The Pats are getting MASSACRED tonight. This may be the worst Patriot defeat since Charleston.
  2. Oh come now, we both know Volo doesn't have opinions. Everything he states is FACT.
  3. I think it's 10. After that, images will just show up as links.
  4. The BS1 re-release was a "Director's Cut" with additional content, mostly involving playing as Nico and covering her backstory (in the original release you never play as her). Some people feel that compromised the pacing of the game, but I didn't mind it, more puzzles are more puzzles. The BS2 re-release on the other hand is just a graphical enhancement and update of the UI. I didn't really have an issue with the added stuff in the BS1 Director's Cut, though it did lack the iconic "Paris in the fall" opening, which is a bummer. I prefer the original version mostly based on the inclusion of that opening and the fact that I actually think the graphical "upgrade" was a downgrade. Somehow, in my opinion, they lost some of the charm in the transition to higher res graphics. I never played the re-release of BS2.
  5. Both are chided, but for different reasons. BS3 is chided because they dropped traditional point & click controls because consoles (as you can imagine, the PC crowd didn't react favorably to that), it was actually a pretty good game if you got past the control change. BS4 brought back p&c controls but was just plain not very good. In my opinion: BS1 > BS2 > BS5 > BS3 > BS4
  6. From last night's game, the Jerry Jones **** eatin' grin:
  7. Have you ever played Sid Meier's Pirates! ? It's like that, but on dry land.
  8. I'm in the market for a new mouse myself, but I have very particular criteria that must be met: It must be a middle-ball trackball - I'm not a fan of thumb-ball trackballs and I will not, even under gunpoint, go back to a conventional mouse. It must have a scroll ring or scroll wheel. It must have 5 buttons. It's really hard to find a 5 button middle-ball trackball these days. I used to have this Microsoft Explorer Trackball: I freakin' loved that trackball. It was the most ergonomic mouse I've ever used. The button and scroll wheel layout was a masterpiece. Sadly, they stopped making them years ago. Even more sadly, the buttons on them were cheap as hell, hence why I don't have it any more (the buttons started breaking and eventually it was beyond repair. R.I.P. Microsoft Explorer Trackball ). These days, Microsoft Explorer Trackballs sell for around $400 because they don't make them any more and because people loved them so much. No way am I dishing out $400 for a (most likely used) trackball. I currently have a Kensington Orbit: It works well enough. The scroll ring on it is surprisingly good. Still, I really, really, really, really miss having a middle button (the scroll ring is obviously not clickable). Since I currently have a perfectly fine trackball (albeit with less buttons than I'd like), I'm not going to settle for a 3-button trackball or a thumb-ball trackball. If I'm going to get a device to replace the working device I already have, then it better damn well meet my criteria exactly. The only trackball I've been able to dig up that meets all my criteria so far is this Sanwa Supply TB38: I'd have to import it from Japan and I'm not sure about how comfortable that scroll wheel placement is. The search continues...
  9. Does the copy of Bayonetta 2 I pre-ordered count? (since I don't physically have the game yet) I've completely abandoned physical media on PC, I'm not sure I even remember what was the last PC game I bought a box copy for (my desktop rig doesn't even have a disc drive of any kind, not floppy, not DVD, not Blu-Ray), but I stick mostly with physical media for the Wii U, largely due to the small (32 GB) capacity of the Wii U's storage and the fact that I can find physical games cheaper on Amazon or Ebay (including shipping) than I can on the eShop most of the time.
  10. Rod Marinelli, while an awful head coach, is a pretty good defensive coordinator. The Cowboys D still isn't good, but they're much better than they have any right to be. That fake punt attempt by the Saints was awful. The thing about trick plays, like a fake punt, is that they rely almost completely on deception and surprise. Take away the surprise factor and you’re left with a crappy play with an exceedingly high probability of failure. No one was fooled on that play. I saw it coming, Al and Cris in the booth saw it coming, and the Cowboys most certainly saw it coming. Sean Payton must have recognized the Cowboys were in a formation guarding against the fake, I mean, I recognized the Cowboys were not in their usual punt formation and guarding against the fake. Couldn’t he have changed the play as soon as he saw the Cowboys line up in that formation and just punted for real? With the Cowboys not fooled, what were the odds of that play succeeding? 5%? 2%?
  11. The Saints' one saving grace is that they are playing in what looks to be a pretty weak division. Meanwhile, the Cowboys have quietly assembled a rather good O line over the last few years. They have occasional issues with pass blocking, but their run blocking has been exceptional, as exhibited by the Cowboys being the league's #1 rushing offense, and by a healthy margin.
  12. Oh my goodness, this Cowboys/Saints game. You guys, I love this so much!
  13. It did not look like it was going to turn out well at the start. I guess the key is to be behind in the second half, not ahead. The Iggles turning the ball over 4 times doesn't hurt either.
  14. Nice much needed win for the Niners. They had some clock management/situational awareness issues, but the bottom line is they got the W in what was not quite a must win game, but a very important one. As a bonus, they helped out my Cowboys by beating the Iggles. Now let's see if the Boys can take advantage tonight against the Saints.
  15. What difficulty level are you playing on? In my game, on Ranger difficulty, enemies tend to act a lot more intelligently. Sharpshooters hang back and seek cover and/or high ground, gunners charge up until they're in range then open fire, melee enemies charge. They still do boneheaded moves once in a while, but for the most part enemies aren't complete berserkers. Yes, the combat does get repetitive after a while, but it does so in almost every game that has a lot of combat. I think the only way to have combat not get repetitive is to make every encounter essentially a boss battle, and even then.
  16. Today I'm making pan fried pork chops with taters and sauteed mushrooms.
  17. So, I'm making my way through the Canyon of Titan.
  18. On the flip side, a concussion should have been a timed injury. Not 150 or 300 or whatever seconds, but one where you have to go onto the world map and travel for maybe 7 days or so for it to go away.
  19. Now you're playing with power! I never had a Power Glove (who did?), but I did have R.O.B.
  20. I can hear Bruce's cheers from here.
  21. Just having giant open landmasses in and of itself isn't necessarily a good thing, and this goes for The Witcher 3 as well as DA:I. Those large open areas need to be filled with interesting locations to explore, interesting things to do, and (*glares menacingly at Bethesda*) interesting characters to meet. In fact, the larger the land masses, the more challenging it becomes for the developer to fill them with enough interesting and different things to do and the more likely said developer is to fall into a rut of copy & paste filler quests. Hopefully BioWare (and CDPR, for that matter) rises to the occasion and manages to make these giant areas feel interesting and alive. #DebbieDowner
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