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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I didn't even last 12 hours, I think I went about 5 hours before I quit the game. My reasons weren't exactly the same as yours, but the bottom line is that I found the game a lot more frustrating and cumbersome than I did fun.
  2. It does not just have ANY rat people. It has THE rat person. Oh my goodness gracious, Sleepy Rat the Adventurer. I know the game has outdoor areas (as opposed to the first game's pure dungeon setting), but is it still purely just a straight dungeon crawl? I don't think I can do a straight dungeon crawl any more, I need some towns and townsfolk to talk to, even if it's super basic stuff like in M&MX: Legacy.
  3. Yeah, the idea is to make my 2nd playthrough punishingly difficult. On the bright side, I'll save a boatload on ammo... On the other hand I'll likely spend everything I save (and then some) on first aid kits and surgical equipment.
  4. So I'm thinking about this for my second playthrough (I haven't quite finished my first yet): Supreme Jerk Difficulty (up from 1st playthrough Ranger difficulty) No Angela Deth All melee focused characters (the ones I make, companions may be ranged focused) I think that would be pretty brutally difficult, especially early on before I pick up some ranged weapon companions. Anyway, I have time still to mull it over.
  5. Grimrock 2 has rat people? That almost convinces me buy the game.
  6. So, is there some kind of story and/or goal to this game or is it just Survival Mode: The Game? Anyway, doesn't look like my cup of tea, but it doesn't bother me that it exists. At least it doesn't try to thinly veil its murderous rampage gameplay with some kind of "I come from the old country to make better life and escape all the killing" bull****.
  7. Yeah, the first time I stumbled into the Abandoned Railyard I had the same experience, I think I was around lev 12 or 13 or so. After initiating that fight and the massacre that ensued, I was like I went back there much later at around lev 20 and did the battle then. My favorite battle so far has been Edit: Another piece of combat strategy advice is pick and choose your targets. It's usually better to kill an already wounded target than wound another one, except when both targets are close enough together and your shotgunner is coming up soon in the queue that you feel you can kill them both at the same time with the shotgun. If melee enemies are far enough away from you that you feel confident they won't be able to charge you and still attack on their next turn, you may want to leave them be and shoot ranged enemies first. Also, I almost always try to kill lobbers first. While I do try to space my party out so that they're not all cluster****ed together, usually, because of available cover and/or space restrictions, I'll have 2 or 3 characters close enough together to get hit with a single grenade. If you can kill a lobber before they have a chance to toss any grenades at you that will save you a bunch of damage. And lastly, if you're in an area where you know you're close to a doctor (particularly one that will heal you for free), you may want to forgo shooting enemies, saving you ammo, and let your melee characters finish the battle, if you're confident you can survive.
  8. I've had the Jackhammer for a while, it's great but it doesn't get particularly large amounts of use since few enemies ever make it close enough to be within range, especially since the anti-material rifles, with mods, have a range well beyond 50m, which translates to about as far as my characters can see in game terms. That's the best part about the anti-material rifles, I can hit targets from crazy distances. Assault rifle ranges aren't that much shorter (about 10m, I think), but it's still nice to be able to initiate the battle from that much further away. Also, anti-material rifles have a staggering 10 armor penetration. I don't have the top tier AR yet, I'm still using a AK-97, but I'm guessing top tier ARs have armor penetration around 7.
  9. The first battle or two in California, whether a random encounter or at a location, is a bit of a shock since you're likely facing a group significantly better equipped than you, but you get geared up quickly, either by looting corpses or buying gear (likely a bit of both). Hollywood had some rally good stuff to buy and find around the area, once you get access to it. I currently have 2 snipers, both with .50 anti-material rifles, which is just kinda unfair.
  10. I'm there right now. There's definitely some good shoppin' to be had there.
  11. Here's another picture of the same person that should make this much easier: Still nobody, eh? Okay, here's one more:
  12. The Master Cycle Part of the upcoming Mario Kart 8 DLC.
  13. Cute how the lady barely gives a **** about her (presumably) husband being left behind. I thought it was her dad. Also, they launched off in **** shaped rockets. Misogyny!
  14. That time ain't gonna work for me. Count me out. No biggie, have fun folks.
  15. From here on forward, to troll people like you. That's as good a reason as any.
  16. Looks like the best Castlevania game ever might be heading to PC.
  17. I haven't watched the pilot yet. I'll give the show the standard 3 or 4 episodes I usually do to a show I'm highly interested in to suck me in.
  18. Must be pretty good if they still gave it a 7.5 despite the horrible horrible misogyny of depicting a strong, confident, capable, albeit hyper sexualized, female protagonist. Do you think the introduces himself: "Hi, I'm Arthur Gries and I hate my ****" With any luck, assuming a 3rd entry in the series is ever made, Platinum could get pressured into having her wear one of these: Word 'round the campfire is that the places where these are typically worn are all types of progressive and treat women with the utmost respect.
  19. Must be pretty good if they still gave it a 7.5 despite the horrible horrible misogyny of depicting a strong, confident, capable, albeit hyper sexualized, female protagonist.
  20. I would be down for Numenera. 22:00 CET translates to 16:00 where I live, which wouldn't work for me on a weekday, I get home around 17:30, thus 23:30 CET at the earliest on a weekday for me. Weekend I'm generally good to go whenever. If my available times don't work, I understand. I'll think about a character concept when I get home and have my book to flip through . Sorry I missed this thread until now.
  21. Well played, Nonek, as usual.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fYYWMtj1Ag&list=UUwLw7wMt6ra3yIdSd8EK8FQ So, is anyone else excited for this upcoming TV series? This is the first show since Breaking Bad went off the air that has me legitimately excited. For those that don't know, Constantine is adapted from a long running, highly popular DC comic. The character of John Constantine is highly beloved, ironically because he's kind of an a-hole. As with any TV adaptation, I'm sure compromises will be made. One is already known for sure, John Constantine won't smoke in the TV show (I guess you can't do that in prime time on network TV these days), which is a bummer since it is part of his character, but what are you gonna do? Anyway, I hope I'm not setting myself up for disappointment. The show kicks off on the 24th on NBC Please don't suck. Please don't suck. Please don't suck.
  23. Am I the only one who thinks the entire Bayonetta thing is just 100% pure stupid. From frakked up proportions to pistol high-heels to pretty much everything. It's the kind of stupid that I'd normally laugh at, except it's too stupid to do even that. I, for one, enjoy the pure stupid in this case. It's part of what I love about Platinum Games, they go full on balls to the wall over the top with everything they do. That sort of extreme dedication to ridiculousness will certainly rub some people the wrong way, but it makes my inner 12 year old child smile with a big toothy grin in this case. Anyway, review scores are coming in and they're really good so far: IGN - 9.5/10 D'toid - 10/10 It's running at 91% on Metacritic with 31 reviews in. I'm so freakin' excited for the 24th, or whenever my copy gets to my door. I'm going to be playing both Bayonetta games until my thumbs bleed. (As an added bonus, all indications are that the packed in Bayo 1 that comes with this is the best version of that game)
  24. It's not just Unity, though Unity may be a particularly egregious offender. Shadows tend to be one of the biggest resource hogs in games in general. I remember I couldn't get NWN2 to run with shadows on until like a couple years ago when I finally had a card with enough brute force to overcome the insane performance drop. Back when I had a more modest GPU, shadows and AA were the first things I always turned off if I was having performance issues.
  25. Here's another picture of the same person that should make this much easier:
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