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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The penalty is 40%, if I recall correctly. In the early game that absolutely makes a difference. When your characters have high level skill, like 9 or 10, especially with high accuracy weapons like sniper rifles, you're going to have 100% chance to hit on a headshot, regardless of the target, especially if you're getting some buff from leadership, unless the target has cover.
  2. That depends on the weapon. Headshot is essentially an automatic critical, it just won't stack with another critical, but it's always 2X damage, regardless of the weapon. Some weapons have a higher crit multiplier (particularly some melee weapons), some weapons have a lower crit multiplier. Hence, for some weapons, not only is it a guaranteed "critical" as opposed to 35 or 40 or 50% chance of critical (or whatever), it's also a higher multiplier. For example, the anti-material rifle has a crit multiplier of 1.6X (I think), hence using a headshot will net you more damage than using a regular shot, regardless of whether you critical on said regular shot or not. So, as long as the 2 extra AP for the headshot don't spell the difference between being able to fire once or fire twice, using a headshot is the superior choice in that situation (provided your skill is high enough that you still get 100% hit even on a headshot).
  3. I was definitely tempted to get Civ:BE day 1, but a pair of factors made the decision easy for me: 1) Comes out the same day as Bayonetta 2 2) Linux (and Mac) version won't be out at the same time as the Windows version. I'll scoop it up in a few months once they release an expansion or two and I catch it on a Steam Sale. I'm definitely interested in feedback, though.
  4. I think that's going to be their excuse when they don't show up on Sunday. I unliked your post just so that I could like it a second time.
  5. I think there is a place for casual mode in gaming. Some people who once played computer games to excess now have much less free time because of a career, never-ending home repair, car problems, supporting a family, &c. They probably want to experience an enjoyable visual adventure without all the time-consuming grinding. Maybe so, but Icewind Dale? The "visual adventure" in that game is pretty bare-bones.
  6. Y'all are right. I need to get some sleep, my mind is making phantom connections.
  7. My wacky conspiracy theory thinking goes something like this, again, keep in mind this is wild conjecture based on nothing more than gut feeling and I'm operating on less than ideal amount of sleep at this moment: SJWs realize their current plan of attack in not working and get more desperate as advertisers abandon their indoctrinated sites. They decide to hit us "where it hurts" since just smearing GamerGate in the mainstream media isn't working. Felicia Day is supposedly beloved by gamers, or something like that, so they stage an ordeal with her. They pressure her (or she does it willingly) to put out the piece she put out about being fearful and whatnot. The next day she gets "doxxed" while that piece is still fresh in everyone's mind. The info released on her is information that's been publicly available with even a small bit of digging, so she essentially "loses" nothing, but this "proves" a point about GamerGaters being willing to attack anyone, even someone "beloved" by gamers. The hope is that this outrages gamers enough to shut this down since now people they care about are getting hurt. Does that make any sense or am I simply reading too much into this and my messed up conspiracy theory mind is connecting imaginary dots?
  8. This whole Felicia Day thing smells a bit fishy, a little too convenient. That's probably my conspiracy theory brain connecting imaginary points together, though, so grain of salt, and all that.
  9. She's voiced several characters in various games, and yes, Veronica was one of them. She's supposedly a "nerd culture queen", or so I've been told. I never cared much either way, I don't particularly like her or dislike her, and this changes nothing as far as that goes. It's too bad she's fearful, I'm not looking for anyone to live in fear, even people I openly dislike, much less people I don't dislike.
  10. It's rather buggy and limited at the moment, as is to be expected, but, sweet mother of draw distance, it looks pretty.
  11. Let's put it this way. If I got heated enough at my boss that I said I was going to kill them, whether it was to their face, to another coworker, or even just to myself and was overheard, and this information got to my boss, I would expect I would be fired on the spot, there would also be at least some possibility that the police would be called and I would be escorted off the premises by them. If I then went back a day later and said "hey man, I was just messing around" the chances of me getting my job back would be fairly slim.
  12. How do you know when it's meant and when it's not meant? Who's going to be the one to make the judgement call "this death threat is for real but this other death threat was just a joke"? I sure wouldn't want to be the person to make that judgement call, given that if my judgement turns out to be off I'd be accountable, at the very least on a moral level to my own conscience, if not on a legal level.
  13. I don't feel the least bit bad for the dev. You **** up you pay the price for it, the price in this case being losing access to the largest digital marketplace in the world. Don't want to pay the price? Don't do stupid **** in the first place.
  14. My advice is don't worry too much about how you build your party. Don't just do it randomly, but don't get too crazy trying to cover every base, companions will fill those holes soon enough. While you might miss out on a few things in the early going, it won't be anything earth shattering. Plus, the game gets quite easy in the end game portions, at least on Ranger difficulty, so which weapon skills you develop isn't going to be all that critical in the long run. You'll be fine as long as you don't make a completely fubar'd party.
  15. I really want that game to be good. Like you, i'm skeptical, though.
  16. I'm going to go ahead and assume this is a hoax, that way if it turns out to be true I can be pleasantly surprised, rather than get my hopes up and be crushed if it turns out to be fake.
  17. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/disneys-frozen-whitewashing-controversy It's knowyourmeme, but it's sourced.
  18. I can't look at that twitter handle and keep a straight face.
  19. That happened to me too, but there happens to be a salesman in that area that sells 3 complete outfits bearing a striking resemblance to ones worn by a certain Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, and Martin Short.
  20. There are Christian Game Review sites? Please tell me there are also Buddhist Game Review Sites. I want to get my game reviews from a bodhisattva.
  21. I just finished the game. I took me just under 100 hours. Fantastic game, one of the very best I've played this year. I'll definitely play it again, but not right now. After nearly 100 hours, I think it's time to play something else for a bit.
  22. Ubisoft Toronto founding member Jade Raymond is leaving the company.
  23. Here's the thing. Let's just, for the sake of argument, make the absolutely absurd leap of logic and assume that the donations GamerGaters are making to charity are fueled by malice (I can't believe I just typed that out). The end result is STILL positive. If freakin' Hitler had donated to a help Jews abroad fund just to rub it in the face of the soon to be holocaust victims, the money still went to the charity and still did some good somewhere.
  24. I'm at what I'm assuming is the very end of Wasteland 2 I should finish that today. Once I do that I'll fire up Darklands. I don't plan to get too serious with it since Bayonetta 2 is almost here, and once that arrives it (and the first Bayonetta that comes packaged with it) will consume most of my gaming time, but I've never played Darklands before so I'll do a throw away trial party to get to know the game a bit, maybe learn some of its quirks, so that when I do get seriously into it I can have at least some idea of what works and what doesn't.
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