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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl9WARUTels Flute axe? Violin sword? Hilariously oversized cross rifle? Oh Japan, never stop being Japan.
  2. The games, both of them, basically border on sensory overload during combat all the time, so you either get used to it (I did) or the game will definitely give you problems. I've sort of developed a sixth sense to the game, to the point that I can always "feel" where my character is and what she's doing, even though there are many times that I can't particularly see it very well because so much **** is happening on the screen all at the same time. I imagine that this is how Jedi will train in the future to master The Force. Platinum is just ahead of their time.
  3. Woohoo, my first chapter platinum! I'm pretty proud of myself, even if it was an easy chapter. I thought those 2 silvers I got toward the end would sink my overall score to a gold, but the 3 pure platinums I got earlier were enough to raise my overall score to platinum status. Now I need to be able to do that in the later chapters. Baby steps.
  4. I'd just like to state that I in no way condone or associate myself with this statement. /rapidly backs away from Malcador
  5. Will be a shame to miss out on all of this as I have an Nvidia card - might have one after my upgrade (970) - but I suppose it'll come down to minor stuff. You're going to have a GTX 970 and you're worried about graphics? Unless the game is horribly optimized, you won't need Mantle to be able to max the game out at 1080p or come very close to maxing it out with that beast of a card. Unless you're looking at a multi-monitor setup or are shooting for 4K, you'll be fine. That's my fear for this game and The Witcher 3 as well. Having a giant open landscape is great and all, but you have to fill it with interesting places to visit, interesting people to meet, and interesting things to do. The larger the land area the harder it becomes to fill it with meaningful stuff and the higher the likelihood of there being a lot of FedEx fluff. At one time, many years ago, I would have given BioWare the benefit of the doubt on making characters, areas, and quests interesting and compelling, because of their track record back then. These days I don't, because of their more recent track record which I don't think is good. Anyway, here's hoping my fears are unfounded and both this and TW3 live up to their potential.
  6. It's less uptight and more fun and colorful.
  7. Bally Dancer Bayonetta Fighting a Lumen Sage while his summon fights mine in the background Oh, and you get to play a brief round of rock em sock em robots as the summons, because why wouldn't you?
  8. Meh, Brianna Wu's gender or sexuality doesn't concern or interest me one bit, I don't really see how it's relevant.
  9. I started playing Costume Quest 2. Same charming game as the first one, but they did change combat mechanics a little bit, and for the better, in my opinion. On the down side, I'm finding the enemies to be more unimaginative than in the first game, though I'm early in the game, so hopefully that changes later on. The ability to always roller skate around, regardless of costume, is a welcome one, it makes getting around the areas much quicker. I'm not digging the drink from water fountains to recover health mechanic, though. I'm generally against regenerating health or insta-recovery after battle, but having to go back to water fountains to recover health adds nothing in the way of strategy and simply makes the game more tedious. I'm also up to chapter 4 in Bayonetta 2. I'm really liking the Rakshasa blades and swapped out my guns for the blades in my first weapon set. I'm thinking of buying another set to strap onto my feet (you get 1 set free when you unlock them). That will likely look pretty goofy and it will leave me without a ranged weapon, but my melee flurries will be ridiculous. I have to admit that I quite like the themed outfit you can buy to go with the blades, it makes Bayonetta look like a belly dancer. Yes, I'm a horrible person for liking sexy outfits and boobies, feel free to look upon me with scorn and shame. I went through my first legit boss fight in the game in chapter 3. I got pretty torn up my first try, made it through, but had to use a couple lollipops and got a stone rating for that chapter. On my third try I had much of the timing down for the various attacks during the different phases of the fight. I still only scored a bronze. I'm sure I could do better, but I'll save that for another time, now it's time to keep the story moving. On the positive side, I scored my first pure platinum for any verse when I replayed chapter 1 to get some more halos so that I could buy some techniques. I thought I might score my first platinum for a chapter as I managed platinum on several other verses, but I missed a verse somewhere (I thought I was thorough) and a couple gold ratings and one silver brought my overall score down to gold. Oh well, still a good score that got me a bunch of halos.
  10. That was a crazy end to the SF/STL game.
  11. It all depends on how much D-Wade has left in the tank and whether his body disintegrates or not. How many games are the Heat going to get from him this year?
  12. Finished Costume Quest. I couldn't help myself and fired up some Bayonetta 2. I intended to play it for about half and hour then move on to Costume Quest 2. 3 1/2 hours later... The game is so good, it's everything I want out of the sequel. It's fundamentally the same game, just better in almost every way. The action is slightly faster, there is more weapon variety, the areas are larger and more open, there are more hidden areas and items, more combos, and the game is significantly better looking. Good times.
  13. Unsurprisingly, the Cowboys lost again with Romo out. I had that down as a loss before the game even started, as soon as I knew Romo was out, so I'm not really disappointed. Weeden is still as awful as he's always been. Hopefully Romo is back next game because the Cowboys ain't going nowhere with The Doop at QB.
  14. I think 50 or 51 wins will be good enough for a 5 or 6 seed, and I think they can get to 50 or 51 wins as long as the KD and Westbrook injuries aren't prolonged.
  15. As long as the KD and Westbrook injuries don't wind up keeping them out much longer than thought, I don't see them falling all the way to an 8 seed. I see them as a 5 or 6 seed as long as KD and Westbrook return when most people think they will return.
  16. If giving meat a name stopped you eating it, what would become of Jesus? Oh it wouldn't stop me. I have no qualms about the taste of fried rabbit just because it had a name. However... some folks who live in my house are more sentimental than I am, I personally won't eat any animal I've had as a pet either. That means iguanas, rats, and cats are out... This, of course, requires the leap of faith that when I get Chinese takeout, that is indeed pork, beef, or chicken I'm being served.
  17. It's pretty comical how the opponents of GG have continually stuck to a strategy that's obviously been completely ineffective. Regardless of how many times it's been proven that mud slinging, character assassinations, and unsubstantiated accusations have done absolutely nothing to deter the GamerGate movement, they continue to persist with those same tactics. It's the media equivalent of trying to drive a 12 foot tall tractor trailer under an 11 foot tall overpass, smashing into it, backing up, then trying again and again and again and again.
  18. Michael Jordan playing golf may be "progressive', but I think you got the wrong link.
  19. Necco Wafers are disgusting, but those "orange and black candies" are actually fairly good.
  20. Old Skool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXCXVWjSbik
  21. IDK, he does give the sense of someone a bit impish that likes to poke people for fun while having complete deniability. Which I totally can relate and respect. Anyways, GG making funny OC I quite laughed at this one 8 of these people have talent. Edit: Also: "When GamerGate stepped on the scene, SJWs were petrified Jet back to the lab like they were being chased by homicide Our truth does you right, Tical, and it will never steer you wrong And all you hypocrite journalists in the industry Your careers won't be lasting long."
  22. Yes, please! The first was a game that garnered mostly mediocre scores, and I don't disagree with those reviews, because I recognize all the faults pointed out in said reviews, yet that didn't stop me from thoroughly enjoying myself throughout.
  23. I went shopping yesterday and Stop & Shop always has rotisserie chicken on sale on Fridays. Better yet, it was about as fresh as possibly can be as I literally watched the guy take it off the spit and package it moments before I grabbed it. Needless to say, I devoured much of that chicken yesterday. Today, I picked the rest of the bird clean, fried up some bacon, chopped up some cheese and veggies, and made an awesome chicken, bacon, and cheddar salad. I love me some salad.
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